Week 7

Monday November 14, 2016

Today started super early, not only because I had to go to Toastmasters, but because it’s my 31st birthday. I woke up early to get ready for my Toastmaster class because I had to speak, and on top of it all I was the first to speak. I chose the title of my speech to be “The Venture Capital Panel Event Day.” I chose that subject because it was the freshest thing on my mind. Two days ago we had our VCP event and it was great.

At first my classmates and I were kind of nervous, but after a while we got a hold of ourselves; well, at least I did. Before I had to say my business pitch to a panel of four executive volunteers at the event, I had to say it in front of my classmates and servant leaders, so give or take I pitched about 100 times. VCP was a great experience, and with it I gained confidence for the next event.

I also went to computer lab and worked on a few Economics of One Unit (EOU) problems and did a little business research for my business plan, which is freelance photography. Considering that it was my birthday I wished I could have had a day off; however I enjoyed the challenges that PEP provides every day.

Angel H. (a.k.a. Sweet Minnie Mouse)


Tuesday November 15, 2016

Today seemed as if everyone was in a hurry. We started class as soon as we got there, instead of taking a few minutes as we usually do. This made everyone a bit nervous. That usually means a test, but today is a Tuesday and we don’t really test on Tuesdays unless of course it is a pop quiz. It is a tradition that after we pray in we go around the room and say hello to everyone. Not only does this help us draw closer to our brothers, but it also helps us to learn each other’s names because, of course, we have a “names test” to take sometime between now and graduation.

As soon as we finished meeting and greeting, which took about five minutes, all of a sudden our worries came true. “Everything under your seats please it is now test time.” Everyone assumed those words were coming sooner or later – even so, they still sent chills down our spines. The pop quiz was over Living in the Village. It is a book that teaches us how to get our personal finances in order. Since it was a pop quiz, about half the class passed, which is not bad, but on a normal test day we would have 95% pass. Talk about keeping us on our toes!

Even so the class must go on. After the pop quiz two of our Servant-Leaders gave a presentation on out next business plan assignment: the mission statement. Clifton W. and Jerry G. explained how a mission statement is composed and what is the purpose of it. They did a tremendous job. The have guts for getting in front of 75 people and speaking so fluently the way they did. They always make sure that we understand all the information before moving on or ending the presentation.

Soon after we heard another presentation form another Servant–Leader, Jessie F. He had the privilege of teaching Living in the Village. It was his first time teaching, but he did a tremendous job with it.  Today he went over chapters three and four. As he was explaining each chapter’s topic, we filled in our workbooks. We all enjoyed learning how to get our finances in place when we are finally released – yet another tool that PEP provides for us to stay out of prison.

As we were about to finish the lesson, Jessie made a rookie mistake: he asked Brian T. a question. Everyone knows that Brian T. enjoys “chasing rabbits.”  After the 45-minute answer to the question, it was count time. This means we are to remain in the PEP room until everyone on the unit is accounted for. It usually takes about an hour or so. By the way, it was just a friendly joke about Brian T. Everyone loves him and really enjoys his lectures. We really appreciate that he takes the time to teach what he knows in order to help us stay out of prison. Since it was count time, we took advantage to go over some Economics of One Unit word problems. We have a test on them this Thursday. Some of these can be real tricky, but Brian T. is patient and tries to make sure that we all understand how to gather our information correctly.

Anthony H. (a.k.a. Energizer Bunny)


Wednesday November 17, 2016

WOW! What a busy day. Our normal class start time of noon was change to 8 a.m. for today. As soon as class started, BAM! It was test time. Today we tested on Economics of One Unit (EOUs).  This was not like any other test that we have taken in the past. Today we really had to know our stuff if we wanted a chance at passing. It was difficult. We all worked hard for two weeks to learn as much as we could before today. It was a challenge. I want to praise everyone for putting forth such a great effort.

After the EOU test we continued with our daily routine. We went over the next chapter in our Entrepreneurship book.  We are already on Chapter 6. It is hard to believe that we have come this far! I know we still have a long way to go, but I’m confident we will get there. We stay pretty busy with three books to read, the Entrepreneurship book to study, and getting our business plans and pitches straightened out.

I’m so thankful to be a part of this program. I am constantly amazed at the transformation I have seen take place. I never would have thought that anything like this would ever be possible if I hadn’t had the opportunity to witness it first-hand. Who are we? We are PEP! Where do we live? Between the wings!

James H. (a.k.a. Sweet Third Tri-Mester)


Thursday November 18, 2016

Today was a lazy Thursday unlike any other, mainly because Brian T. was going on vacation. Usually on Thursday mornings we would wake up and cram the study packet one last time, trying to get as much study time in as we can before class. As soon as we would arrive Servant-Leader and emcee Saccon A. would pray us in. Directly afterwards, he would say his favorite words: “Everything under your seat please. It is now test time.” And then we are in the hot seat, and it will show whether we studied or not.

The test is usually on the Entrepreneurship chapter that we just went over. This week, however, we tested on Economics of One Unit or also known as EOUs. The class was divided almost evenly between those who passed and those who didn’t. You could tell by the expression on my brothers’ faces that it was a tough test. It is a good thing that Brian T. was going on vacation, because it put him in a spectacular mood. He showed a lot of grace during “issues and tissues.” That is where we contest our test answers and try to get credit for the questions we missed. He was more concerned that we understood the process of it all. As long as we showed our work we would get half a point.

On December 2 we will have our Etiquette event, but between now and then we have to prepare. Enter our next assignment: read the book written by Mrs. Collen herself. Excellence in Etiquette: Be on Your Best Business Behavior is a book explaining all the rules and guidelines while at a business lunch or dinner. For our first week we have to read chapters 1-7 and also expect a pop quiz. It is good training because I had no clue about half the stuff that was explained in the first seven chapters. Another thing that we have to look forward to is the Jeopardy-type game that we will play against the volunteer executives. For the record, we are undefeated.

Isidro J. (a.k.a. Pikachu)



One of my favorite classes is Toastmasters. At first I did not like it because it involved speaking in front of a large group, but by the grace of God I was able to summon the strength to overcome my nervousness. If I had not presented the speeches I had to here, I might had not have the confidence to present my elevator pitch to the executive volunteers.

Every time we come to our Toastmasters class we are able to experience something different. There are numerous stations that you can be assigned to: Toastmaster, General Evaluator, Grammarian, Timer, “Ah” Counter and many more. I enjoy speaking now that I have the confidence and am more familiar with the audience. Today I was assigned to be an evaluator. My responsibility was to evaluate my assigned speaker’s speech; Blake C spoke about fitness and nutrition. I gave him some feedback. It is good to receive feedback in order for us to improve and work on our weaknesses. Besides I enjoyed his speech very much – fitness facts always get my undivided attention. Hearing my brothers’ speeches made me realize that we have more in common than I realized. I look back to when I had just started Toastmasters; I disliked talking on the microphone, but once I presented my first speech, I was relieved. It was not that hard after all. Once class ends the Vice President lets us know what our next week’s assignment are, and guess what mine is? Speaking! I am looking forward to it. Every day in PEP I feel like I can accomplish another challenge.

Cristopher J. (a.k.a. Eva Longoria)