Estes Winter 2025 Weekly Journals

Week 10

Monday                                                                                            January 20, 2025

Today was a day of early morning test anxiety and mid-afternoon pride and hope, followed by late day insight and reflection. This morning, we were tested on the Economics of One Unit (EOUs), as well as Chapter 8 in the Entrepreneurship textbook. Morning test anxiety is not meant as a negative statement; rather, it’s mentioned because being anxious can show our desire to succeed. For a lot of us, that is a new concept when it comes to academics, and while we realize you shouldn’t be anxious about anything, we are still works in progress.

Speaking of progress, we did Toastmasters for the second half of class, and all our brothers showed great progress in their ability to speak in front of people. We had speeches that were informative and some that were inspiring. You can truly see growth in our overall class. In between the morning class and afternoon, we got to see the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump on this day of celebration of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Our president gave a truly inspiring speech, reflecting on the significance of this day both traditionally and in the current season we are facing in society.

With the ongoing struggle to bridge our many divides, we should rejoice with a clear conscience, knowing that we are growing closer and stronger. That dream of unity no longer seems like an insurmountable task to achieve. All we have to do is look around at our PEP brothers: no matter your color, faith or where you came from, we are all united daily as brothers, standing daily as one in prayer, as equals. It’s believed Dr. King would be honored to support PEP because together we prove there is still plenty of life left in his dream!

Steven M. (aka “Mrs. Doubtfire”)


Tuesday                                                                                            January 21, 2025

It was a cold morning to start, with the flurries finally ceasing from the cold night before. Snow slowly disappeared as the sun crept out, and the excited murmur amongst our class grew in volume with some brothers excited to hear our daily “Good morning!” from each other, and others excited to hear the test results from the day before. We were instructed to respectfully find our seats and begin our daily ritual of going to the “Back of the Room” with J-Pod being chosen to dance toward the front. After enjoying loud laughter and clapping to encourage our PEP brothers, we finalized our morning ritual with our pray-in.

Today’s chain of events began with us turning our seats to the side to begin our final test for Living in the Village. This was an exam on the book as a whole covering each chapter’s key points. Upon completion, we collectively realized that we would be going strong today in order to meet a number of objectives as we were instructed to put the “Chip in the Dip.” In unison, we all followed along with “You put the chip in the dip. When I dip, you dip, we ALL dip!” as our Character Development Specialist David F. started our BetterMan lesson. After his proper introduction to Session 6, we assembled into our groups and conversed over today’s topic. We expressed our opinions in each small group. Then, we elected speakers and listened to those elected share their opinions and thoughts in front of the class.

Afterwards, we began to showcase our pitch skills to our In-Prison Manager Adam W. by reciting our business pitches for the entire class to hear. We received instructive critiques from Adam W. and our fellow classmates. Upon completion, we followed this exercise with taking individual pictures of each of the members of our teams, consisting of the CEO, COO, CMO and CFO, posing with a copy of the Entrepreneurship textbook. It was a proud moment for us to take these photos, as both our mentors applauded us on just how well we’ve done and how far we’ve come along our paths in reciting our pitches.

At that point, we collectively voted for the name that would “headline” our class for Winter ’25. Much like our spirit to overcome our many obstacles both in life and living in prison, we not only acquired but earned our name and status on the wall as “Relentless Class of ’25.”

With our closing pray-out delivered, we finished our day feeling not only accomplished but true to our name and hungry for more.

 Manual M. (aka “Luscious Lashes”)


Wednesday                                                                                     January 22, 2025

The day started off really good, but we did not have a regular class in the morning due to our weekly Servant-Leader meeting. The mood has been fantastic lately because we are closing in on graduation. There is a sense of accomplishment in the air, and we continue to push ourselves daily.

Our second half of the day we held Clubhouse, which is a blessing – it’s when wonderful executives come in to share their insights and wisdom with us. We touched on and summarized last week’s topics of talents, passion and profession. A good number of the brothers spoke about what those ideals mean and how they apply them to their own lives. We then moved forward with today’s topic, which was “the essence of purpose.” How do we find our purpose (meaning) in our lives? Some of the answers were astounding and genuine. The three executive panel members asked us questions and responded to us with sincerity and true understanding. One memorable line was, “We now know that if you know the why, then the how does not matter.” In other words, when we find a reason to live, nothing can or will stop us from getting there.

We closed out our class day by praying out before being released back to our pods. Our classmates came to understand a little more about each other and the impact we have not only on our families, but also our brothers in PEP that are sitting right next to us. Relentless ’25 is a strong class, and we are learning more every day. We can’t wait for tomorrow as we continue to expand our minds and reach inside to help our brothers, both now and in the future. God bless!

Steven O. (aka “Billy Goat”)


Thursday                                                                                         January 23, 2025

Today was an eventful day to say the least: right off the bat, we started with our daily ritual of dancing. The DJ called everyone six feet and taller to the back of the room to perform that energetic dance routine in front of our peers. Some more than others can actually bust a move! PEP has a way of impressing, even on those as hard as a stone. After our dancing, we were led into discussing the Word of the Day – however, today we had multiple words: “knowledge,” “hard work” and “attitude.” We had to determine which one of those words was most important, and that is where we came to a general consensus: attitude controls behavior like one’s hard work or willingness to learn to garner the knowledge required to be successful. Overall, good leaders reflect positive attitudes and in general, capacity and competence do not matter as much as one’s confidence.

Another key moment in the day was when our class talked about re-entry plans, causing PEP brothers to ponder their employment search, transportation needs, and even what they expect from future or current relationships. A lot of wisdom was stowed upon the class, and we will all be better men for it. Later in the day, we had an executive named Rob M. come in and talk about franchising or buying an existing business already in place. This is our last lecture covering a chapter from our entrepreneurship textbook, so the lecture was bittersweet. He offered some golden nuggets of information, including the need to focus on existing cash flow.

After chow, we had an exam on the first two chapters of the book True North by Bill George and Peter Sims. Then, we heard speeches ranging from scaffolding to baseball, including the fan favorite about goats. No, not Tom Brady, actual “billy” goats! PEP, as you can see, is one continuous wild ride. It’s informative, develops character like no other, gives us a sense of place and turns us into better people every single day!

Will M. (aka “Little Red Riding Hood”)


Friday                                                                                               January 24, 2025

PEP today was energetic and full of positivity as we were ready to demonstrate excellence on our tests. Before we started, we prayed in. We could feel the greatness of success in the air as we proceeded to execute our testing with honor and pride. As we finished, we waited patiently for further instructions from the leaders who guided us back to our pods. During this time, we worked out till we were informed the remainder of the day would be in our dorms. We were helping each other study, practice our business pitches and share spiritually uplifting conversations. It was Joshua F.’s birthday, so we celebrated as brothers ready to grow into another year with wisdom.

Even on our slower days, we are committed in our striving to conquer what’s next for us: taking advice and using the tools PEP has given us for the knowledge to learn mentally, grow physically and hold a positive attitude to spiritually connect with our brothers. We are relentless on our path to victory. PEP is more than just a program – beyond education, PEP is an emotional experience that helps us understand ourselves, find purpose and learn ways to advance skills we never realized we had. PEP is a priceless gift we earn through authentic dedication, and as the night came to an end, we were restless in our hunger for success by feeding encouragement, serving motivation and letting our stories inspire, all of which served to enlighten our minds and souls. PEP is a mesmerizing outlet, and we are now plugged into an endless network of hope. Through innovation, we are creating pillars of light for our families, communities and felons alike. Today was accomplished in peace, and we are ready for each day’s journey into a new adventure of righteousness!

Chase N. (aka “Britney Spears”)



“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

– Psalm 23:1-6 (NIV)

In this life, there will be moments when we need something or someone mightier than we are. It is at these times that we should read the Bible, because it will reveal many answers to those questions we ask ourselves during our trials. True understanding can come instantly, but perhaps it will come to light in the next season in life. What’s certain is that no matter where we may find ourselves, we can always close our eyes and get on our knees.

God is always rooting for each and every one of us. He gives us the strength to get through any trial we go through. No matter how difficult the burden you carry is, Jehovah carries it all for us. Not only does he carry our burdens, he walks us directly out of a bad situation into greener pastures, bringing us closer to our goals.

Protection is cast over us by his grace. Through all the negativity surrounding us, he gives us the strength and valor we need. We need not fear anything, for he is with us in all that we do and everything we go through. Whenever we are thirsty for his word, he will fill us with understanding. He removes us from the negative places and transports us to a place that is better for us. He has created a temple inside of our hearts, where he lives forever, and he will always be our protection against that which is unholy.

 Eddie O. (aka “Nacho Libre”)

Week 9

Monday                                                                                            January 13, 2025 

This morning, we entered our PEP classroom to smiles, high fives and handshakes from our fellow classmates. The atmosphere was electric as we moved to the music heading to our assigned seats, ready for another day of learning, testing and preparing for our team pitch event. As usual, we opened up with a prayer, thanking God of our understanding and for this awesome opportunity. We find ourselves grateful as we embrace the tough love for our peers and long hours of studying to pass tests, with our sole focus of walking the stage graduation day with our PEP brothers.

Our morning emcees, Isiah R. and Javier C., got our brains going as they shared the Word of the Day: responsibility, meaning the ability to respond. Our goal here in PEP is to enhance our thinking and vocabulary daily. Our class briefly discussed different ways we should use our ability to grow, both physically and mentally, to better our lives.

Next, Bruce T. came in and reviewed our Living in the Village workbook. It was a bittersweet time, as this was Bruce T.’s last time teaching our Winter ’25 class. We all look forward to working with Bruce T. in e-School after our release. His lessons included how to repair credit and how to apply financial analysis for a financially healthy future. After our weekly test on the Living in the Village curriculum, we split into our teams to film our pitches for executives’ feedback. Prepping for our Financial Workshop #2 event, under the supportive supervision of our class’s Servant-Leaders, the rest of the day was filled with “Lights – Camera – Action!”

Reginald L. (aka “Fire Marshall Bill”)


Tuesday                                                                                            January 14, 2025

PEP has many different aspects to it. We started off the day with our usual introductions, including a high energy ritual that uplifts our spirits and gives us a great start to the day. Once we get acclimated to the environment, we begin with the daily prayer and brief outline of the day. Today, during our first half of class, our instructor David F. gave us a lesson from our BetterMan manual. This is one of the biggest parts of our class, which focuses on character development. Today’s lesson was about what it means to be “a man.” As we navigate this life, we have many influences and role models that we look up to and look for guidance from regarding how to be a man. But oftentimes, we are misguided and misinformed on what it actually means to be a real man. So in BetterMan, David F. gives us a clear definition and some wise advice on what it takes to become the best version of ourselves.

After that, we broke into groups and had peer discussions. We all took turns giving insight into our situations and what we’ve learned from situations, as well as what we learned from David F.’s lesson. Once we finished that, we broke for lunch.

When we came back for the second half, we got into our lesson on the Economics of One Unit (EOUs), which is one of the most important models in any business. This revenue model shows the profitability of one unit that’s sold in our business. Ultimately, it is an income statement that is vital to the success of your company.

So throughout our day today, we worked on the two most important aspects of our PEP class: character development and the business school portion. The class integrates both of these, stressing the importance of integrating both in any business we are involved in.

  Richard M. (aka “Hot Pocket”)


Wednesday                                                                                     January 15, 2025

Today was one of the best days for class! We have this new afternoon class called Clubhouse, where we actually have three retired investors come in to talk to us for a couple of hours about mentorship and what it takes to be successful upon our release. Today they also talked about emotional intelligence, what you love to do, what the world needs, what you can get paid to do and the Japanese word “ikigai,” which means center zone and what you are comfortable with.

Earlier this morning we went over Chapter 8 in our entrepreneurship textbook, and then we began going into Chapter 3 covering business and financial analysis. A gentleman by the name of Jim H., who was also one of the investors, sat in on the panel of our Clubhouse class and went over the lesson. Jim H. is a retired CPA and went into great detail about ratio analysis, deviation analysis, sensitivity analysis, techniques for measuring performance and describing the use of short surveys in business. He also went over the importance of having a measurement focus, describing the importance of a solid financial foundation in an entrepreneurial business. Jim H. is extremely funny and was very patient as he took the time to answer everyone’s questions. Today was definitely one of the tougher lessons. One of our peers even raised his hand more than 10 times to figure out what Jim H. was talking about.

The Prison Entrepreneurship Program can definitely be challenging sometimes. However, learning and studying with each other helps us to work out each other’s problems as we learn to take advantage of every situation we find ourselves in.

David M. (aka “Nose”)


Thursday                                                                                         January 16, 2025

This morning, we entered class as we talked to each other and shook hands, saying good morning to one another, turning in our homework and dancing before praying in. After our pray-in, we went over the Word for the Day: success. Then we watched the videos of our Workshop #1 pitches and received feedback on which pitches will make it (or not). Once that was done, we went over Chapter 13 in our entrepreneurship overview. We learned the need for developing an exit or “harvest” plan and ideal timing for that plan.

These are multiple steps for selling a business, including valuation of private firms; discounted future net cash flow; discounting the cash flow; discounted cash flow price; and earning valuation – these were just a few things we learned in this chapter. We talked for 20-30 minutes about the chapter and the main point covered in Chapter 13.

We left to eat and came back to the dorm, only to wait to go to commissary before class started that afternoon. Back in PEP, the teacher went over Chapter 10 of our entrepreneurship book covering human resources. Some things we learned about included Supreme Court rulings, discrimination information required in a job application and interview, and things they cannot ask a person interviewing for a job including questions about someone’s personal life, age and race. We also talked about testing and drug testing – it was a lot of information to take in today.

Lee M. (aka “John Coffee”)


Friday                                                                                               January 17, 2025

Today was an awesome day. From the moment we woke up, we started our day in the pod (dorm) studying for a big upcoming week. We did not meet in the classroom today. We have a three-day weekend, and we are very grateful to have the extra day to study and prepare for these next few weeks.

We have a ritual here in PEP. Every morning, we all greet each other exchanging good mornings and handshakes. Our pod is full of encouraging, like-minded brothers. It is an environment conducive to our success. Today, we all studied the Economics of One Unit (EOUs), making sure all of our brothers understand it so we can all pass our upcoming tests. We had the pod separated into a few different study groups, with all of our PEP brothers working together and helping one another strive to be better. Several of our Servant-Leaders have been very helpful, assisting anyone who had questions or had trouble understanding the EOUs worksheet.

We took a short break to go to chow, and upon returning to the pod our pitch coordinators announced a pitch panel, where each of our pitch participants gets to showcase his ability to perform in front of his fellow PEP brothers. In this pitch panel, we broke up into two groups consisting of teams and solo performers. We critiqued and gave positive feedback while also expressing ways they can improve – this helps us all to become more positive and effective speakers.

As the Bible says, “Iron sharpens iron.” Here at PEP, we lift our fellow brothers up and push one another to our fullest potential so that we can become the men our families deserve and become pillars in our community upon reentry into society.

Michael M. (aka “Frankenstein”)



“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”

– Martin Luther King Jr.

This quote emphasizes the holistic nature of education. It goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge and skills, urging individuals to cultivate both intellectual capacity and moral integrity. The first part of the quote stresses the importance of critical thinking. Education should not only provide facts but also foster the ability to analyze, evaluate and question information. In today’s world, where misinformation is rampant, the ability to think critically is essential. It empowers individuals to make informed decisions, solve problems and engage meaningfully with the world around them.

The second part of the quote, “intelligence plus character,” underscores the idea that education should not only develop intellectual abilities but also shape one’s character. True education nurtures virtues such as empathy, integrity and responsibility. It is not enough to be knowledgeable; one must also apply that knowledge ethically and with a sense of social responsibility. Dr. King believed that education should prepare individuals to contribute positively to society, fighting against injustice and inequality. Ultimately, King’s vision of education is one that molds both mind and character, equipping individuals to think critically and act with compassion. This balance of intellect and integrity is the foundation for creating a just and equitable world.

When people laugh when you tell them your dreams … if you’ve ever been so low that you felt like you wanted to scream … if you’ve ever been doubted in your quest to achieve … if the unbelievers’ voices were so loud that you almost started to believe that they were right – this is the moment to remind yourself that they are never right. Because you were born to be a beacon of light, you were born to overcome any fear or any fight. If someone says there is no way to make it, never ask to be great – you take it.

Jacolby M. (aka “Tommy”)

Week 8

Monday                                                                                            January 6, 2025 

Today in PEP we came to accomplish more than one mission, but our main mission was to record Workshop #1 videos because “we place an emphasis on execution – the ability to get things done.” We started the day off by dancing and praying in. We welcomed and acknowledged Chaplain Bruce T. as he danced and made his way to the front of the room. Bruce T. came to go over Chapters 12 and 13 from Living in the Village. We appreciate and honor Bruce T. for taking time out of his day to teach us what we need to know when it comes to real life situations. Something that stood out to us while going over the chapters was how Bruce T. explained the difference between stocks and bonds, which was some interesting information.

After the lesson, we tested on Chapters 9, 10 and 11. We went over these chapters last week, so we knew what to expect. Learning and trying something new is part of PEP, while waiting to get recorded for workshop number one, we were rehearsing our pitch to execute the video the first try. As we’re waiting for our turn to record, servant-leader Anthony H. walks in to get his job done which was grade “Living in the Village” tests. Some of the servant-leaders do inspire us to actually change & look at life from a different perspective, not just the servant-leaders but the whole PEP program. Getting profiled or getting looked at some type of way only because we choose to live a specific lifestyle that lead to our incarceration, was nothing new. Our past doesn’t define us & that’s why we really appreciate PEP for wanting to help & give us a second chance to better ourselves. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes & we know PEP will be an attracting brotherhood program in the future. There is a process to everything that has to do with success & PEP will progress in all its missions seeing positive results.

Luis J. (aka “Irene,”)


Tuesday                                                                                            January 7, 2025

So today was test day! The day we where we all get to showcase the skills and knowledge that we all learned from the business executives who volunteer their time. Every Thursday they come in to the Estes Unit and mentor us all by sharing their wisdom and experience. After one of our PEP brothers prayed us in, we took a seat and started the college level exams that we’ve been studying for. Then, after taking the tests, we jumped into the next segment of the day, which just happens to be ToastMasters! Everyone’s favorite part of the class where we all learn to develop professional speaking skills from an internationally renowned communication course club. It helps us learn to efficiently communicate in front of large crowds. We do this by crafting speeches around certain objectives each week. We give these speeches in front of a room of peers that time and critique us, helping us all improve our skills. Today’s project was #6 which was using vocal variety with objectives to use volume, rate and pitch as well as pauses to not only add meaning and interest but also to enhance the overall message of our speeches. A few hours into this, some special visitors came all the way down from Canada to learn more about how PEP helps men like us learn valuable entrepreneurial skills and the character-building courses that help us transition back into the free world. Not only as productive members of society but also as entrepreneurs and leader, real men that are deserving of a second chance. Ready to create a better life and communities. But most importantly our families. We still have a long way to go but each day we are becoming those men our families need and deserve to have. Today was a great day here at PEP. We have all grown so much since day one and we’re so excited to see the men we become when all this is said and done.

  Robert K. (aka “Alfalfa”)



Wednesday                                                                                     January 8, 2025

What more can one say? Everyday is an eventful day in PEP and today was no different. So, this is a walkthrough of what happened and hopefully this play by play will give this interesting day justice. So, when we clocked in for the day we did the usual; pray in, back of the room dancing, etc. After exchanging pleasantries, we jumped right into BetterMan. BetterMan is a character development course taught by David F., one of our many mentors/PEP members, that critiques and challenges us to change and identify areas of our manhood that can be improved. These include fatherhood, working, women, etc. As a matter of fact, fatherhood was the topic of conversation. He spoke on availability and being able to be a teacher within the role of a father figure. From there we did the usual breaking into groups and within these groups we began answering critical questions that had to do with our own personal father figures and us ourselves as fathers. After this a handful of groups were selected, including my group, and one person out of each group was to step in front of the class and give a two-minute overview of what was talked about in their group. Afterwards, we took a lunch break for a couple hours before returning for second half class for the official first Clubhouse meeting. At this meeting, we had the pleasure of meeting three free world entrepreneurs who gave us insight on the corporate world and advice on how to navigate it. They also challenged us to prepare a mission statement and a list of values for our life. With all this being said, happy Is the one who got to write the journal entry of today’s events in PEP because there were no dull moments.

Elijahwon K. (aka “Heady Murphy”)


Thursday                                                                                         January 9, 2025

Due to winter storm Blaire, we did not have class today. Although we didn’t go into class, we all still did our toastmasters assignment as a pod. We started this around 11 am and did not finish until about 2 pm. Having twenty of us that needed to do this meant that it was going to take a while but we finished it none the less. The level of support and encouragement everyone showed each other was amazing. Each of us had to stand in front of all of our brothers and give a five to seven-minute speech. It was our choice on what the speech was about. Cheering and clapping as each one of us began and finished our speeches, we eventually were done with toastmasters for the day. A few hours later after last chow, we had our weekly pod meeting. During the pod meeting, we broke into our groups, there are six groups in our pod, and we began to discuss the topic of the week. The topic of the week was effective listening, we read the material that was provided and then each gave our input on what we thought on the subject. After we were done with that we did a 360 on a fellow brother. A 360 is basically an evaluation on how we are doing. We each go through and tell our brother what driving value we think best describes his character and where we think he can grow. Once we finished that we all set our weekly goals for ourselves and then concluded the group discussion. We went back into the pod meeting where a few announcements were made and the meeting was then adjourned. The majority of the pod ended up all watching the Notre Dame and Penn State game to end the night.

Joseph K. (aka “Darla from Finding Nemo”)


Friday                                                                                               January 10, 2025

Today was a pretty uneventful day. With everyone being snowed in we didn’t have class in the PEP room. Some of us took advantage of the break and slept in. Some of us took advantage of the break and caught up on some missed workout sessions. Some of us took advantage of the down time and watched some of the movies that they have been wanting to watch on the tablet. That didn’t stop us from taking care of business in the dorm though. Early in the morning all of us current class members were up practicing our pitches to our faithful Servant-Leaders. They helped us refine our presentations so that we would be confident when we filmed our pitches on Monday. If we weren’t practicing our pitches then we were studying for Living in the Village or having study groups for our Entrepreneurship tests coming up and our servant-leaders were there every step of the way answering questions or just there for moral support. It really helps us out knowing that people have already gone through what we have gone through and are willing to help us succeed because of what they found during their time here. A few of the guys got together and played pathfinder to pass the time. Its so refreshing to see the brotherhood we have here. Anywhere else you would not be able to find the camaraderie we find here in this setting. Whether its working on something related to PEP or just something going on each other’s lives, here in PEP we work together to make a better life for us all.

 Cederian L. (aka “Buckwheat”)



“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” -Nelson Mandela

Someone who holds a special place in my heart shared this with me and it completely changed my point of view on life, as well as those around me. After hearing this, I reflected on the impact that my decisions may have made on other people lives. Speaking with integrity, some of the impacts I have made were bad, and some were good. Now let me ask you, do you tend to leave those around you better than when you found them or do you send them a few steps backwards? Thinking farther beneath the surface of my actions, I realized that planting the wrong seed could harvest years of negativity. I then thought of all the possible outcomes my impact could have transformed into which in all honesty disgusted me. It was at that moment of realization of bondage between decisions and results I decided I never wanted to leave anyone even the slightest bit worse off than when I found them, but that much better. In order to do so, had to tear down almost all of my character and reconstruct. I also had to appraise my values to decipher the not so valuable things that were impacting my decisions. Once I started my uncomfortable changing process, filled with doubt and discouragement, I then started sharing my story even though I lacked the confidence. To my surprise, not only did people enjoy hearing me out, they became motivated to do better as well. This made me strive to continue this journey and execute my new life long mission. I am no longer that negative influence I once was, nor am I the same man I was yesterday. Today I embrace that same uncomfortable change and I actually encourage it. Today I am a positive, influential role model dedicated to making a positive impact on everyone’s lives. Now let me rephrase my question. From here on out, will you courageously choose to embed the correct knowledge and positively motivate those around you, or, will you continue influencing the negative cycle that is oh so easy to follow and sometimes seemingly impossible to break?

Chrishton L. (aka “Dancing Sugar Bear”)


Week 7

Monday                                                                                           December 30, 2024 

Today we had another excellent lesson on proper money management by Chaplain Bruce T. (aka “Mr. Rogers”) – life can be a beautiful day in the neighborhood, if we choose it. Here at PEP, we choose to move forward into the exciting unknown. We make moves and don’t know exactly how they will turn out. We may fall, but we have brothers who will pick us back up. This is how life can be. We were all stressed out from the notorious “3-3-3” homework assignment. But so far, nobody seems to have quit or given up; we are overcomers. While some may complain, it will be up to leaders to organize and move forward from here.

We need heroes, and today Bruce T. instructed us on the crucial concept of an emergency fund. He explained why it is so important to prepare for the worst (or at least have back up plan, just in case). We also learned about IRAs and 401(k)s, as well as how important it is to do our research to find the best rates. Remember folks, everything we’re choosing to do here is LEGAL – because as we are learning, the law is set up to help us achieve our long-term goals. We also learned that it is never too late to start saving and investing, although the sooner the better.

We then were tested on Chapters 7 and 8 of Living in the Village. Those chapters were about debt management and income tax. We were given tables to see how to compute the percentages, as well as how money grows over time. Finally, we finished with Toastmasters. It’s an exciting vocation, being able to talk about anything, but it’s also how we craft our speeches to gain necessary public speaking skills. It is an excellent, international club that has been training public speakers for decades.

All in all, we’re thankful for this opportunity to serve and provide. Thanks to everyone at PEP!                         

Rene C. (aka “Hoola-Hoop”)


Tuesday                                                                                            December 31, 2024

Today in class we started off with “praise reports,” which are reports you give to a fellow PEP brother to commend and encourage him for doing something positive. “Fun” is one of our 10 Driving Values that we live by in PEP. Here, “Fun” is defined this way: “Work is an important part of life, and it should be fun and rewarding. We seek to create a work environment that encourages laughter, imagination, fellowship and creativity. We regularly celebrate positive results and recognize those involved in the success.”

Today we also got into our BetterMan groups and talked about our trouble spots that we struggle with the most. A couple of things we all had in common included old addictive habits and how the “no dad bond” is a real problem in people’s lives today. BetterMan is a good way for us to all come together and truly open up about our past. It allows our brothers to understand what you have been through – and what they have been through – together in a safe environment. BetterMan actually gives us that chance to build a true brotherhood. Some of us have never really had that brotherhood until now, or anyone we could really count on.

We also took a test today that was very challenging, but as a whole we’re pretty sure we aced it. Life sometimes throws you a curve ball, but never back away from the plate. Just remember: God has your back.

Deondre J. (aka “Jasmine Sullivan”)


Wednesday                                                                                     January 1, 2024

Today we woke up feeling good due to the fact that not only is it New Year’s Day, but the old year is past, meaning closer release dates, new birthdays and a fresh start. Since it’s the holiday, we did not go to class, so we were limited to being in the dorm. This morning, we didn’t get our doors unlocked for the dayroom until 8:00 a.m. because the unit was short on staff. The energy in the dorm was very high, and most seats were taken as some of our brothers were finishing the “3-3-3” homework assignment which is due tomorrow. Others were moving on to other tasks like studying for the next chapters in the Entrepreneurship textbook, Living in the Village or practicing business pitches for the financial workshop and our next event. Everyone around the dorm has bought into PEP completely, and we are all on the same page, which is to get our life back on track. We are growing, not only mentally and physically but spiritually as well, because without faith in God we wouldn’t be anything.

The energy and the positivity were infectious. Other units, or even other dorms outside of PEP on this unit, are negative and on the complete opposite end of the spectrum from the PEP dorm we all currently reside in. Most of us can’t wait to meet with our PEP brothers that we have met here and create productive relationships, both here and on the other side of the fence, by continuing on this journey to success that we have attained through this program. Happy holidays!

Jarvis J. (aka “Pikachu”)


Thursday                                                                                         January 2, 2024

Our PEP brotherhood really is a loving and devoted community. After our PEP “Heart Check,” assignment (otherwise known as the 3-3-3), we have proven our determination and integrity. There was a big sigh of relief in our current class – and we know that every class will have to go through this same assignment to prove themselves too.

Afterwards, we began working on our current Toastmasters assignment, where we pick a topic to expound upon as we develop professional communication skills, follow objectives and become comfortable speaking to large crowds (maybe even at big event settings). Our business plan events are really awesome and very intense, and we put our all into our business pitches to win top CEO of our Business Plan Competition. Even though there’s not a million dollars on the line, there’s still a million ways and opportunities at hand with meeting and connecting with the executives and CEOs of other businesses.

It’s an amazing experience to be able to be involved with PEP, and it’s also a blessing with the character development process and the resources that are at hand once we become PEP alumni. PEP equips us with the right tools to devote to our inner selves and the business aspects of life. Also, there’s so much we can learn from our PEP brothers – you just have to adjust and discipline yourself to visualize greater horizons in life as a man and entrepreneur.

Today was pretty cool, and from now on we’re setting ourselves up for success!  

Ontario J. (aka “Baby Bubbles”)


Friday                                                                                               January 3, 2024

Friday morning on our way to PEP, as we walked through the door, we were greeted by an inmate saying, “Good morning!” Going into the PEP room is like going into another world. Everybody was interacting with each other, smiling, laughing and shaking hands, and there was a whole lot of positive energy. We got our name tags so we can acknowledge each other in the process. After that, they asked us to go to the “Back of the Room” as they put on some music, and we began to dance toward the front of the room down the middle aisle. It’s something like “Soul Train”!

We found our assigned seats and remained standing until we sat down together. Then a couple of emcees came out, making sure everybody was okay and of the same accord, and then they let us know what to expect for the day. The first thing we were expecting was an instructor to lecture on Chapters 6 and 7 from the Entrepreneurship textbook. We waited for the Business Plan staff to ask a few brothers to stand and introduce themselves with their “fun names.” They then gave their opinions about today’s topic of discussion.

In the process, today’s Entrepreneur teacher came through the door, and we welcomed him with a standing ovation. He went to the back of the room, as we had done, and he danced up the middle aisle to the music and introduced himself. Today’s teacher was Jimmy (aka “Elmer Fudd”). He discussed Chapters 6 and 7. The first chapter he covered was about “Analyzing Cash Flow and Other Financial Information.” Chapter 7 was about “Financing and Accounting,” and he took the time to expound on these topics, teaching us to the best of his ability and making sure we understood the information correctly.

Did we get it? We believe so, and then they called chow. It was reassuring to see the time and energy our instructors are willing to put into our presentations and success. What a beautiful thing! PEP is also about equipping us with the right tools that we will need in order to become more responsible, reliable and positive in society.

 Lee J. (aka “Al Sharpton”)



“Ask not what your country can do for you –

ask what you can do for your country.”

 – John F. Kennedy

Former President John F. Kennedy said many things in the early 1960s that still resonate with Americans more than 60 years later. Of course, the one mentioned above will resonate with all Americans for as long as our nation exists. Today, in this fast-paced, get-ahead world in which we live in, we are overwhelmed with selfishness in our society. In today’s world, people have become consumed with themselves. This quote reminds me of three things. The first is that we as a country must work together for the good of all. The second is that the health of our society is dependent on each other’s selfless contribution to the whole. We will either prosper based on our concentrated efforts, or we will fail. The third thing that comes to mind is unity. After all, we call ourselves Americans, a nation that should be united in everything of value – a United States of America. Win, lose or draw, we’re all on the same team. There can be no division or sub-division within our ranks.

Regardless of what president you voted for, we must remember we are one nation. We must fall in behind our leadership to move this country forward. If we as a people cannot do that, then we are just petulant children lost on some divisive, divided playground that no one wants to be a part of.

Rick J. (aka “Butterfinger”)


Week 6

Monday                                                                                            December 23, 2024 

The first thing that happened today is that we had to turn in homework that consisted of our company logos before we prayed in – we always start our day with a prayer. If you don’t turn in your homework, it’s like 1st period tardy bell, and you don’t want to be tardy turning in your homework, because otherwise you will receive even more homework. So let’s just say, we all try to turn it in.

From there, we went over our Living in the Village workbook. It’s a financial blueprint or guide to help us become more financially literate. We went over Chapters 7 and 8 to prepare us for next week’s tests, but as soon as we finished today’s two chapters, we had to test over Chapters 5 and 6 from last week.

After we were given a lecture over our financial summary worksheet, we joined our business groups to work on our operational strategies for our business plans. We also went over the layout of creating a resume so we will be prepared to seek employment after release, as well as a financial statement form to help us organize and develop a detailed business analysis, fixed cost and operating expense report. After that, we got in our groups to go over our pitches.

Then we watched a video of Adam W. with his family and friends giving back to the community that he once ran the streets in. Now he’s working for God and blessing families with food and clothing with his Outside Ministries. Then, we took pictures for our kids’ birthday cards before praying out for the day.              

Christopher H. (aka “Ceelo Green”)


Tuesday                                                                                            December 24, 2024

Today was a very effective day. We got back on track and were able to take our entrepreneurship test. We also finished Family Day with Laura S. As soon as we finished everything inside the classroom, we went back to the dorm to work on our homework assignments we were given. We pitched our business plans to each other, turning to the Servant-Leaders for help on what we should work on.

We sat around the tables in study groups to work on our study guides. We also had a lot of help with our financial summary worksheet. Even though it was Christmas Eve, we didn’t really feel too depressed because of the position we are in. We discussed individual goals with each other and were able to prepare for our script workshops. It was reassuring to see that our time and energy was not being wasted but instead was being put to good use.

Our team leaders, business plan staff and other leaders within the community have been extremely helpful on a daily basis because they understand what we are going through, since they have been in our shoes before. We understand that as a new class, we are actually a group of men who have bonded, and now we consider ourselves a brotherhood. We see how PEP has started equipping us with the tools we need in order to be successful, responsible, reliable and positive pillars to our community and our families. Today was a gracious day, and we can’t wait to see what’s next after Christmas.

  Gregory H. (aka “Nicky Parker”)


Wednesday                                                                                     December 25, 2024

Today is Christmas day, and the PEP dorm is full of holiday cheer. Fellow PEP brothers were up early sitting in the dayroom drinking coffee and conversing with one another. Some brothers were laughing and others were watching TV, but the majority were working on the “3-3-3” homework assignment we received on December 23rd.

At around 10:30 a.m., the guard called out and told us to get ready for chow. We all got ready to go to the chow hall, and about 15 minutes later everyone in J-dorm walked down to the chow hall where we all picked up our lunch trays with an extra dessert tray. This is what TDCJ does for all the inmates for Christmas. Everyone brought their food back to the dorm and sat down in the dayroom and ate Christmas lunch together. There was so much laughter and love and blessings shared by all on this great Christmas Day. Everyone in this dorm is close like family, and it is very uplifting and awesome to feel all the positive energy in here on Christmas.

The phone has been busy all day with our brothers calling their families and some calling friends as well. Servant-Leaders are giving back their time to ensure that we are on the right track with our work, and also to make sure we are in good spirits. Later on tonight, all of us in J-Dorm are going to have a Christmas dinner that we as brothers/family come together and pitch in some of our commissary food. This is how we uplift and support each other and come together as a family.

Here in J-Dorm, we are a PEP family.

Sean H. (aka “Beetlejuice”)


Thursday                                                                                         December 26, 2024

PEP mornings are always filled with excitement. Before we head to class, we discuss homework, an upcoming test or just what’s going to happen in class. Today though was different. It’s the day after Christmas, so we have no class. Nonetheless, we all have homework, pitches to memorize and a “3-3-3” homework assignment to complete which consists of writing out the PEP handbook three times – it sounds overwhelming, but we look at it as an obstacle. Are we going to just turn around? No – that’s not what PEP is made for.

The Servant-Leaders are giving all of us the tools and encouragement to not just overcome this, but to see the purpose in it, including helping us manage our time, organizing our work and preparing us for the obstacles that come when we are released. We may not be in class today, but all of us are working hard. You can look around the dayroom and see my PEP brothers diligently working: pens and paper are on fire from all the writing; inspiration and dedication are filling the room, driving everyone to keep going; the meaning of what PEP stands for in one room: a brotherhood, pushing the next man forward to achieve his greatness.

We all can feel ourselves growing each day, whether in class or in the dorm, and we see and acknowledge the growth in ourselves and others. If we might still need a little improvement in an area we can’t see in ourselves, we hold group meetings in the dorm to help each brother build from the inside out. Our days are constantly filled with learning and improving, and we are looking forward to what lies ahead.

Hector I. (aka “Go Diego Go”)


Friday                                                                                               December 27, 2024

Joining the brothers in the PEP classroom on the Estes Unit has been an absolute blessing. It was one of the best decisions we have made. The brotherhood and support here is unmatched, and in the last two months since class started, we have already seen a big change in ourselves. Today was another day to be grateful for – it was the first day back from our Christmas break. Luckily, it was only a half day because everybody’s hand was still hurting from writing those notorious 3-3-3s. It felt good to have a few days off, but being that we only have about two months left before graduation, it was time to get back to business.

We really enjoyed Wade M. and Melissa F. today and appreciate them for taking time out of their day to come and cover Entrepreneurship Chapters 9 and 12 with us. Wade M. said this was his first time teaching a class, but we couldn’t tell because he did great! He went over Chapter 9 and taught us different forms of businesses, contracts, leases, copyrights and trademarks. Also, Michelle G. came in and explained how to use a critical path chart. Then we went over how a location can be used as a competitive advantage and discussed the importance of production management in startup ventures. She had a great sense of humor and made it easy for us to comprehend everything.

After going over the lesson, we all bowed our heads and prayed out, because we had a busy weekend ahead of us and a lot of work to do.

Anthony J. (aka “Plankton from SpongeBob”)



“I think, therefore I am.”

– Descartes

Descartes was a mathematician and philosopher who was born in France in the 1700s. To me, this quote is the personification and the embodiment of what it means for a person to begin the process of “Enlightenment.” It starts off with the basic concept of self-awareness. Once you are able to grasp this notion and determine that you are a cognizant being, you can begin the process in earnest.

This notion starts off with the premise of self-improvement. I do not know exactly what the people of that era thought about mental health, but it seems to me that this quote is the precursor to today’s stance on speaking positive reinforcement into one’s life or the lives of others. If you are a mental health professional, you could possibly look at this quote as a problem-solving state of mind for individuals who take a holistic approach to problem solving. In any situation, the problem is considered to be a constant, if you will. What is not set is the way in which an individual chooses to respond to the problem. As you test each “theory” (the best way to handle the problem being faced), there are many opportunities to succeed or fail.

It’s funny how such a seemingly simple quote made centuries ago can shed light on how we can approach today’s problems. One thing’s for sure: you have to decide the path to take – in other words, you have to decide that you want to take deliberate action. If I make a bad decision, it is still better than not making any decision at all.

Jose J. (aka “Cesar”)

Week 5

Monday                                                                                           December 16, 2024 

Oh, what a day it was today – PEP class was amazing. First, we took our tests, and we all felt good that we knew the material we were tested on. Second, we had a group meeting on pitching, pricing and what we are selling. We also discussed what we are looking to do in the future. This was followed by a presentation on our introductory pitch and what is expected of us as a group.

We received our vision & objective assignments, where we break down everything we are doing for our business plan, and our mission statement outline so that we can get ready for next month’s event (and just for the information). The class was in an upbeat mood – everyone seemed excited to be back from our Thanksgiving break, ready and willing to learn what was coming up next.

We got the chance to hear a wonderful testimony from one of our own PEP brothers from the class of 2015. Don D. is a very interesting guy and is very passionate about his journey with the PEP brotherhood. He shared with us his personal and business experience. First, he gave us a quick and funny story of his wedding day that made the class roar with laughter. You would have thought you were at a comedy show! He shared how we can get connected to many different resources if we just stay connected with the PEP family. We could feel the love and support that PEP brings to our future with the brotherhood.                           

Derwin G. (aka “Chewbacca”)


Tuesday                                                                                            December 17, 2024

The atmosphere once entering the PEP classroom was motivational with our DJ playing music over the speaker. Everyone greeted each other, including the PEP staff. Students who had homework turned it in, and after everyone had arrived, we did a dance procession meant to loosen us up and remove any nervousness and tension. People are picked based on any number of things, including seating arrangement, age, hair (or lack thereof), etc. The selected group must go to the front of the room, while the rest of the students clap and cheer on the dancers. After the students go back to their seats, someone volunteers to do a prayer which is called a “pray-in.” After today’s pray-in, class then proceeded as the emcee went over a discussion on the Word of the Day, which was “Renaissance man.” This term means to be both knowledgeable and proficient in more than one field. As men, we should know how to fix a transmission, and we should always be open to learning new things.

After this discussion was over, everyone recorded their team’s introductory video for the Business Plan Competition (BPC) together as a team. The CEO and the rest of the team members introduced themselves, sharing things like where they are from, the position they hold in the business and how many years’ experience each member may bring to the table. This was done to prepare us for our competition coming up next month, where we will prepare our business pitches to executives who volunteer with our program.

Class was then over once everybody was done; overall, today was a good day in PEP.

Ervin G. (aka “Chicken Chunk”)


Wednesday                                                                                     December 18, 2024

As we walked into class, we were greeted as usual by our fellow Servant-Leaders and PEP brothers with love and a handshake. We got the morning started off with a message on the screen with these words: “All current class to the back of the room!” Our DJ played a song, and we all danced through the middle of the seating arrangements. We do this to set the tone and to make sure everybody is hyped and ready for the day, a true PEP tradition.

Once we got to our assigned seats, we remained standing to pray in and give praises and thanks to God. Today wasn’t just an ordinary day though – they informed us of a surprise Christmas nacho and movie party! Our fellow PEP brother Mike E. gave us a lecture on one of our 10 Driving Values: Innovation. He explained and gave us some examples of innovation in the business world and then on a personal level, which really hit home. Then they sent us back to our dorms so they could set up for the party. When we got back, we were embraced by fellow PEP staff and Servant-Leaders. We prayed in, and they showed us videos of PEP brothers who just recently got out and wanted to let us know that PEP is real upon release. They also wished us happy holidays and did shout outs to people in here. Seeing them and hearing all the confirmation on the program only made us want to succeed and believe in PEP even more with all they have to offer, including all their resources available upon release.

After this, the fun began. Our PEP brothers set up the line to serve nachos, chili, cheese and jalapenos, along with lemonade to drink. We ate and then they put on a movie for us to watch. This blessing was given to us on behalf of the PEP brothers who are out and giving back to the program.

Brandon H. (aka “Pretty Banana”)


Thursday                                                                                         December 19, 2024

Most of us truly didn’t know what to expect coming to PEP. We all knew it was going to be a change, but we never thought that the change could involve us having a fun time making this change in our lives, including daily activities that change on a day-to-day basis. The mood in the classroom can change from being fun and full of laughter to calm and serious, to where you can hear a needle drop. Today as soon as we walked through the door, we were confronted with new music playing. The DJ had everyone’s head bouncing to the sounds. Most of us love to dance to the great music coming out of the speakers. It helps bring back memories of us with our families and pulling our loved ones to the dance floor at home. So, shout out to the DJ and shout out to always having good music playing.

After our daily “dance off,” we had to get down to the business of the day. We always start the day off with the Word of the Day. Today’s word was “assimilate,” which means to absorb or be absorbed either physically or mentally. Your ability to eliminate distractions is a sign of seriousness, while the inability of such shows that you’re still joking around with your life goals. We must block out everything that tends to divert our attention from our goals.

We can think of times when we’ve thought about our families and how this time apart from each other can be trying; but now, we have begun to take on a whole new set of challenges. We are all so thankful for what PEP has set up in terms of helping us not only mentally but in all aspects of our lives as well. It is not often that you’re placed in this type of environment where you are able to relax, study and work on huge changes in our lives.

After completing the Word of the Day, it was time to get down to business. An instructor came in today to teach us a very important lesson dealing with business. Today’s lesson went well as we studied business missions and strategies. We learned how a mission statement declares and summarizes how the business will fulfill its duties and goals to accomplish success and ensure customer satisfaction.

Emanuel H. (aka “Radio”)


Friday                                                                                               December 20, 2024

The PEP room was energetic as always as we turned in our homework about vision, objectives and market strategies. We all headed to this week’s assigned seats, had a beautiful prayer from one of our PEP brothers and shared a hearty “amen” to start our day. The emcee usually starts us off with a little information about our day and usually has a “word of the day” for us to talk about from the dictionary to strengthen our brains. But today, we had Family Day with Laura S., our Family Liaison. Laura S. came in to help us set up for our graduation in February. She explained to us what we need for our visitation lists, and we talked about what kind of questions we would like her to ask a family member that we have chosen for her to call and speak to. She also will share with this family member our progress in PEP class and let them know how we are doing. Laura S. also explained that our family members can see our progress and activities that we do in class on the family site (

It was a long and exciting day, like always in PEP. As we got ready to pray out, we gathered together and thanked God for another beautiful day together to share and grow in his glory and grace. God bless you all from the Prison Entrepreneurship Program and have a very Merry Christmas from all of us here on the Sanders Estes Unit.

Chon H. (aka “Dish Network”)



Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results;

Bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results.”

– James Allen

Our thoughts are formed in habits influenced by beliefs, attitudes, biases and experiences. These often lead to distorted cycles of thought, feeling and behavior. By opening our minds to awareness, we begin creating a new way of thinking and recognizing warning signs, or “red flags,” that correspond with our old thinking habits. Our thinking leads us to how we feel emotionally. Although feelings are natural and instinctive, we are still in control of them. When led by distorted thoughts, we find ourselves in a mess of distorted feelings, and much like our thoughts, our feelings also carry red flags warning us to pay attention to what is manifesting.

By realizing our feelings are influenced by thoughts, accepting them as normal and talking about them, we can begin to understand how feelings provide useful information to challenge thinking patterns, also known as “mind traps.” By choosing to ignore this knowledge and remain in the same pattern of thoughts, feelings and behaviors, I keep myself locked in an internal prison desperate for someone to break me out. However, I choose now to pay attention – especially during stressful encounters – to pause, consider my thoughts and better my circumstances by holding fast to accountability, integrity and responsibility; or as I often say, “I like breathing good A.I.R.”

Cody H. (aka “Forrest Gump”)

Week 4

Monday                                                                                           November 25, 2024   

There is never a dull moment in our PEP class – first, we went to breakfast and ate a beef patty with jelly. We came back and waited for Adam W. to call us out for class. Once we were there in the classroom, we prayed in and went over Living in the Village with Chaplain Bruce T. Then we were tested over Chapter Three. As soon as everyone had finished taking their tests, Gerald D. announced who the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of the current class will be before we were dismissed to eat a lunch of noodles and meatballs.  

After lunch, we returned to our dorms for a little break and drank a quick cup of coffee. By the time our cups were finished, it was time to go back to class. As soon as we got back into class, we held a “Draft Day” where we were put into our new business teams that we’re going to be in until graduation; we also got to meet our CEOs. We were assigned our position in the group and learned our team’s business name.  

After we got all of that established, our class did an exercise where we each wrote our name on a balloon and threw it over the divider in the classroom. Then we were told to go find it without talking or helping other classmates. Then we were told to do the same thing, but this time we could help other classmates find their balloons, which was much easier when we worked together as a team as we should in PEP. Then we did the “marshmallow exercise” to see which team could build a tower that could hold a marshmallow up the highest. As you can see, we try to have fun as brothers in PEP.  

Cody G. (aka “Ralphie”) 


Tuesday                                                                                            November 26, 2024 

Today, we were greeted by our PEP brothers as we walked into the classroom. We continued to greet and chat a little with other classmates as we were making our way to get our nametags and find our seats. We all remained standing and touched fists with the fellow brother next to us and did our daily pray-in to start our day. We divided the room with a big rollout wall divider to help expedite the process of everyone finishing up their Toastmasters for Project #1. We had about 25 classmates who had to finish, so dividing the room made it to where two people could both deliver their speeches at the same time.  

Once everyone finished, David F. came to the front of the classroom and announced to us that we were going to have the luxury of enjoying some “free world coffee” which was Folgers, as well as watch a movie. The movie was called The Covenant. We were all excited about this, and we all gave multiple rounds of applause. It makes us feel good knowing that we are being treated fairly and that we are loved and accepted despite past mistakes that we all have made. We strive each and every day to do better than we did the day before and to change our ways so that we can be better for both ourselves and our families.  

David F. had the honor to pray us out and told the class that if we wanted to go back to the dorm and have the rest of the day off, we could. If instead we wanted to enjoy the coffee and watch the movie, we could go to chow (lunch) and come back to the classroom. This is an awesome and influential class, and we are all anxious to see what else is in store for us through this program. 

  Richard G. (aka “Boy George”) 


Wednesday                                                                                     November 27, 2024 

Today our class in PEP studied the subject of “looking back” in our handbooks for a curriculum called BetterMan. We watched a short film about what has led us to our manhood that we are living currently. It could be our past trauma, or hurtful memories. The painful life we grew up in that helped shape who we are now. We broke into groups to discuss with our PEP brothers our past and things we went through growing up, seeing things or being raised around things that made us believe it was okay to be the way we are now. Everybody participated and understood one another. We learned that it’s okay to open up and vent to our PEP brotherhood – it helps us to take that weight off that has been weighing us down. We believe BetterMan is helping us become better men for our loved ones and better individuals for ourselves so that one day, society can look at us and see that we are now better men.  

We came to realize that we all want to become better men rather than dwell on the past, since we cannot change what has already happened. But we can change the way we think and continue to move forward to brighter days. Living in the past and what has happened to us won’t do us any good. So here is something that the PEP brotherhood community can agree with: “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.” 

Steven G. (aka “Peter Griffin”) 


Thursday                                                                                         November 28, 2024 

Today was a hard day for anybody to experience while incarcerated. All of us behind bars experience the separation from our families, and that separation is felt the most during the holidays. But here in PEP, we have found a brotherhood unparalleled anywhere else behind these walls. Of course, we didn’t have class today where we could focus on something other than being locked up, but that didn’t stop us from experiencing camaraderie in the dorms where we all lay our heads. Now since today was Thanksgiving, most of us didn’t wake up at the usual time but got up a little later, but when we did wake up, you could feel the energy of the holidays being beaten into submission.  

For lunch, the Sanders Estes Unit fed us not one but two heaping trays of good holiday cheer. On the first tray we had green beans, a cheddar biscuit, charro beans, stuffing covered in gravy, turkey and ham. On the second tray we had potato salad, coleslaw, sweet potato pie, carrot cake, cranberry sauce and sugar cookies. It was an extraordinary lunch. Since we were able to bring back both trays to our housing, a lot of us ate together and saved select portions to be cooked along with other commissary items later.  

Football dominated the afternoon, but we were all in good cheer. The earlier depression that was looming was cast aside for the brotherhood we find here in PEP. Thank you for letting us experience this day in a way that cannot be experienced anywhere else while incarcerated. 

Dirk G. (aka “Farmer friend”) 


Friday                                                                                               November 29, 2024 

Zac H. here, writing the journal for black Friday. We did not have class today, but we did our best to let you know what our holiday break looks like. It could be worse – all in all, it was good fun; we’ve created an environment where we can laugh at ourselves and others first thing in the morning. So as far as our Thanksgiving break, we had a pretty awesome lunch yesterday. Turkey, ham, coleslaw, potato salad, beans, green beans, plus a whole dessert tray. We were definitely thankful for that!  

Right about the time the majority of us were tapping out from the food, they called rec, which never happens in the middle of the day. That was an awesome surprise. We came together in the evening to watch football. Since we won’t be tested on our entrepreneurship book this week, we have a chance to get ahead, and getting ahead gives us a little breathing room, which is much appreciated. Most of us are studying for a Living in the Village test on Monday and going over market research for our business plans. Even our chill days are pretty productive.  

If there is one thing we have learned thus far, it’s that we cannot wait until the last minute to study or complete assignments. We have to stay on top of things (and preferably ahead of the ball). The holiday break has been nice though, and we are all thankful for that. This would have been very different if we still hadn’t been in the program but were doing time elsewhere. Over and out. 

 Zachary H. (aka “Justin Timberfake”) 



“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”  

– Philippians 4:13 (NLT) 

Any person and every person is going to feel weakened or weak, or something might seem almost impossible. These are just considered a way to test a person and the faith they might have. Life is hard and at times may seem lonely. Through Christ, anything can be accomplished and/or achieved, and the weakness you feel can also be turned into glorious strength. When something becomes overwhelming, just remember that the Lord will never leave you alone – he will always make the journey with you. Remember the Bible verse above anytime you may feel like there is a struggle, for the Lord loves everyone and is willing to lead us in a glorious life that will be so wonderful and overpower any negative powers. Never give up; keep pushing for what you believe, no matter what obstacle may come. Have faith and never doubt your worth because in the Lord’s eyes, you are perfect. This means that when things seem tough, never belittle yourself just because it takes time to overcome or to surpass, because it will never be impossible.  

In conclusion, you are loved and important, no matter who you are; and if you have not found the Lord, he is waiting for you. I love you all! Never give up hope or faith. Strive toward success, ask the Lord to help you and come into your life. Never give up, never think or say you can’t. Nothing is impossible. 

 Michael H. (aka “Tomator”) 

Week 3

Monday                                                                                           November 18, 2024 

Today was an interesting day. For the first half of the class, we introduced ourselves to our newly arrived PEP brothers. They were pretty much in shock with how we were so open and relaxed, as we all were on our first day. We danced and laughed and had a good ol’ time. Then it came time to assign “fun names” – the class gets so excited for fun names and the Wheel of Doom.

After the fun subsided, we did our Living in the Village course, during which we took our test. These courses and tests are how we show our dedication to change and how we are living our PEP’s 10 Driving Values. The second half of class today was very entertaining, as we all gave our business pitches in front of the entire class. To be completely honest, our group is very supportive of one another. We all seem pretty nervous to speak in front of the group, but we clap for each other when needed, and that’s both a major help and a confidence booster for us all. It shows camaraderie, which is not common in prison – but this is not prison: this is PEP! We actually care about the direction of each other’s lives and hold each other to a higher standard, protecting one another and the integrity of the program.

When class was over, we came back to study for our entrepreneurship course, which is taught by outside executives who volunteer for the program. Overall, today was filled with excitement, fun and much-needed fellowship, which is a beautiful thing and something we are proud to be a part of.                       

Orrian E. (aka “Jerome from Martin”)


Tuesday                                                                                            November 19, 2024

Today we were tested over Chapters 3 and 4 from our entrepreneurship textbooks. Today wasn’t like most days because normally we pray in and dance, but today it was all business. Surprisingly, the vibe in the classroom was still the same. Like always, there’s always a positive vibe in the PEP environment. We had the normal assistance from our Servant-Leaders, buzzing around the room – they even helped us navigate the computer system so that we got to the correct screen to take our tests. We all thought that that was a true definition of Servant-Leader Mentality (one of our 10 Driving Values).

Afterwards, we started off with our public speaking curriculum by beginning with Toastmasters Project #1. We were all somewhat nervous. However, after hearing and watching all of our PEP brothers, we were able to deliver our speeches with confidence and ease. We also got a chance to get to know each other a little bit better as each of us had the chance to open up a little bit. We are always glad to have the Servant-Leaders there to guide and support us too.

We also touched on some of the upcoming events. Our In-Prison Manager Adam W. talked a little about the “Big Idea Pitch” event that we have coming up this Friday. We are all really excited about that. We also talked about what to expect and what to really focus on. There’s never a dull moment in our PEP class, as it is always full of love and life.

 Aaron E. (aka “Donkey from Shrek”)


Wednesday                                                                                     November 20, 2024

Today was an amazing day at PEP! We all woke up and went to breakfast, which was pretty good.: French toast and oatmeal together were a good way to start off the day. We also got together and had some study groups while we waited for Adam W. to come get us from our pods. When he arrived, we filed out and headed to class, grabbed our name badges and prayed-in to start class off on the right foot.

Today’s Word of the Day was “perseverance.” We had a discussion on the word, its definition and what it means to us personally. One good example was sometimes there are moments when it gets tough or frustrating, and you might want to give up, but help from your PEP brothers can help you get through those tough moments. PEP teaches you how to persevere and be strong under pressure.

We then transitioned to practicing our pitches in front of the whole class, which is awesome practice for us. It really will help when it comes to our Big Idea Pitch event, when we will be put to the test in front of the executives. We also had to vote on who we think has the best pitch in class. There will be 16-17 chosen to become CEOs of their own companies, and the rest of us will be assigned to one of those business plans for the rest of class. Everyone is super supportive of each other, and the bonds are growing stronger every day in class and on the pods together.

We then prayed out and went back to the pods, where we held a pitch panel and practiced a little more. We are working hard to perform the best we can. Today was a great day, and we continue to look forward to what comes next. Thank you for reading this, and God bless all.    

Jordan E.  (aka “Chicken Chunk”)


Thursday                                                                                         November 21, 2024

There was no class today, as the Estes Unit was undergoing maintenance. Even so, we still found a way to keep up with PEP rituals, such as practicing our business pitches for future events. Throughout the dorm, all our PEP brothers are staying busy, whether practicing pitches or studying their entrepreneurship course curriculum books for future tests we will be taking. The dorms always have a friendly atmosphere and are laced with selfless, structured Servant-Leaders who are there to help the current class graduate. The dorms are structured with a “no man left behind” mindset. We often study in groups to make sure all individuals comprehend what’s being taught.

After dinner, we came together as a whole to talk about upcoming events and how to conduct ourselves in a professional setting. Later, we joined our accountability groups to discuss our strengths and weaknesses and what we commit to do in order to improve. The dorms are more of a workplace setting where individuals collaborate with one another to ensure success. We still often have fun by playing games such as chess, dominoes, cornhole, Scrabble and other tournament-style games with flash cards.

Here at PEP, the brotherhood is one of a kind – it’s rare to find love in a place such as prison like what you see in here. Some people had all but lost hope; PEP restores hope, reconnects us with our families and helps us create a new, better story that helps us understand life’s true values by living out the 10 Driving Values: “Fresh Start” Outlook, Servant-Leader Mentality, Love, Innovation, Accountability, Integrity, Execution, Fun, Excellence, and Wise-Stewardship.

Michael F. (aka “Wendy Williams”)


Friday                                                                                               November 22, 2024

Today started out pretty great! We were dancing before we started to present our business pitches. We also watched a well-developed video that the media team created for the current PEP class. Some of us also went up to pitch to a few executives before going to the gym to do the real thing. The executives gave feedback not only to the gentlemen who pitched but also to the class.

From there, we moved into the gym for the Big Idea Pitch event. What can we say? We did a phenomenal job delivering our pitches. Some of my classmates were nervous, but that did not stop them from giving it their all. The executives showed love to our class, and we were able to spend time with them one-on-one as we gathered information that was both valuable and insightful.

Toward the end of the class, five gentlemen and three executives went in front of the class and said kind words to end the day. The event was a success, and all of us in this class can honestly say that it was an amazing day. All of the executives were very polite and kind to say the least. At the end of the event, we headed back to the PEP classroom, prayed out and went back to our dorms. Our pod came together as one and we congratulated one another. We were very pleased with our pitches.

Thank you PEP for this life-changing experience. This is only the beginning of a new start for those who crave not only success but change for the better.

Angel F.  (aka “Richard Simmons”)



“Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore, I say unto you, what things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”

– Jesus of Nazareth

These are the words of the greatest man of faith that ever walked this planet. With these words, Jesus of Nazareth gave me the foundation to the way I choose to live the rest of my life. Not only did Jesus speak of this great faith, but he demonstrated it in his own life. He commanded the winds and water to be still, and they obeyed. He cursed a fig tree for being barren and not producing fruit, and it withered away. He raised the dead by commanding and using his word alone, and he taught us that by faith the size of a tiny mustard seed, we can move mountains. So, I dare you to start living a life of faith. I dare you to believe in the things you want to see come to pass.

These words have transformed my life. I am a witness and testify to the truth of these words. I myself am a changed man by faith, my family is restored by faith, obstacles are removed from my path by faith, the works of my hands are multiplied a hundred-fold by faith, my wealth and health are increased by faith, doors are being opened by faith and lives that cross my path are being transformed by faith. Choose this day how you will live; as for me, I choose to live by faith.

 Sergio G. (aka “Huggie Bear”)


Week 2

Monday                                                                                           November 11, 2024 

Hello, today is another great day here in PEP. We were all assigned our journals yesterday so here was how our day went. We are really learning a lot and how to be professional is one of the subjects. The example is on par with how the whole program really is. We showed up for class this morning and music was playing. We were all smiling and seeing familiar faces, we all were there along with our Peer Educators. There is a positive energy surrounding the class, just being around the energy boost our morale. Sometimes we need that energy in here to keep us in a good aura per say. PEP is testing us in various ways and it is a lot of work, let us tell you. We have multiple tests to study for along with business plan speeches to give. Not to mention we have Toastmasters which is a public speaking course that we do each week. This being the first time for some of us it can be nerve racking to say the least. It is a lot of pressure but as the saying goes, “pressure makes diamonds.” This is also were the positive energy from the class is so helpful. When we need a little boost of enthusiasm, we can always count on that from our PEP brothers. You can look at all the men who have made the decision before us and see that they have made an amazing positive change in their lives. It is awesome to be here and we continue to look forward to becoming PEP servant-leaders in the future!       

John C. (aka “Six Flags Guy”)


Tuesday                                                                                            November 12, 2024

We walked into the PEP room with confidence, knowing we were about to take a test. We all have practiced countless hours on to be sure. We all knew it was going to be intense for us all, given the fact that we hadn’t been in a setting like this at all in years. The team leaders were very helpful to us as we logged in. Some what putting us at ease knowing they were there to help incase we had any questions. It felt like time sped up for us as the mic informed us we had ten minutes left to finish. It was an hour and a half but it sure flew. As we all began to finish it was sort of a relief for us all. You could kind of feel the atmosphere open up and a weight being lifted up off us all. We began to put the laptops up and headed for lunch. We were all in a state of shock when we entered for second half and all the tablets were still out. Uh-oh…more test? We were happy and relieved when they told us we were doing our coat of arms with our green screen pictures. Out came the scissors and crayons and we went from Harvard back to Elementary school just like that. Boy was elementary school was fun! We were tasked with cutting out a super hero of our choice, color it and cut out things of magazines that we could find that we wanted or related to when we got to the free world. We were short on supplies and magazines but we made it work with what we had. In the end, we all had a good time talking and mingling. We also talked about our pitches and if we are ready for the big event! At the end of the day we took care of business and had fun in the end. An amazing way to end the day.

 Rene C. (aka “Hoola-Hoop”)


Wednesday                                                                                     November 13, 2024

PEP is sincerely a brotherhood, and the absolute best possible productive use of incarcerated time away from loved ones! It’s only our second week actually attending class, and already even the weakest connections to classmates with only a few words said in passing still feel like fraternal ones. There aren’t too many places other than faith-based dorms and religious programming where you experience such sincerity and the embodiment of one of our “10 Driving Values,” which is servant-leadership. This is demonstrated in every aspect of the daily schedules, from the classroom to the dorm. It is hard to explain it any better than simply saying that it’s biblical type behavior, and how refreshing it is to see people in authority treating other human beings with love, respect, and leading by example. Especially in a place like prison! The class is awesome as well as the leadership and administration in there, but we think it’s equally if not more dramatic to give some examples of how these standards and behaviors are carried back to the dorms. Back in the dorm, Wednesday is what we call “pitch panel.” It is unlike anything we’ve ever seen or experienced. It’s like a real world “shark tank” situation. Our dorm is about twenty-five to thirty feet high, with a second story on one side with the rest wide open in a loft style. When it’s pitch panel or any dorm meeting we first pray in, of course. Next, the current class lines up to the landing, while everyone else forms up in an audience. One by one we go to the middle and present our pitch to our brothers. When we’re done, we get feedback in the form of praises and sometimes constructive criticism, but always with the emphasis on constructive. God is at work in this place, building our character and maturing our spirit. All we have to do is do the work of “taking out the trash,” and filling ourselves with both righteous knowledge and entrepreneurial education, and between PEP and God, the sky will truly be the limit to the heights we will fly in both our careers and lives upon release…and obviously never to come or look back unless to come give back!

John C. (aka “Little Caesar”)


Thursday                                                                                         November 14, 2024

Today is Thursday, November the fourteenth 2024 and it was an incredible day, and a blessed one at that. We started it with a prayer, gave thanks to God for another day, for our brotherhood here in PEP and for everything he is about to show us. Then we talked about where we envision ourselves in the future. All of us see ourselves owning a business, even probably multiple business. That’s why we’re here. To invest our time to get all the resources and knowledge that we can get to help us in the near future. To see how to properly use all those resources and knowledge and get the most out of everything that we learn here. We also have a family form to fill out to give to Laura S., that’s our PEP mom per say, to help us mend broken relationships between our family and loved one’s. We haven’t had the opportunity to meet her yet, but from everything that we have heard it should be an awesome experience. We have all fallen short in one way or another and it’s only right we fix it before we go home and show our new selves to our loved ones. We all strive to be better men to help our families and our community. We also pitch the second half of the day and brought our walls down that the penitentiary system has instilled in us. It was great to get along and be able to support one another. God bless this program we are all grateful for the opportunity.

Rene D. (aka “Banana Montana”)


Friday                                                                                               November 15, 2024

We started off by a pray-in when we get to class. Then we go to the back of the room and they play music for us to dance. After, we are asked to be seated by Phillip A. and Isiah R. as they explain the word of the day. It was value and they gave their example of the meaning and then ask us to give ours. One example was when we were out in the world we didn’t value our freedom. Being without our children really has been hard so we will no longer risk our freedom. After that, David F. started teaching us on BetterMan and this is going to be a wonderful class. It’s about bettering ourselves for the world and changing the ways of old. In the BetterMan class we broke off into groups and got to talk about our life and what we were like. Then after BetterMan Jeremy J. and Shawn B. were our guests, they came in to talk to us about reentry when we got out. About going to the transitional home, and what are the rules of the homes and also answered our question on everything we need to know about after we are released. The last three hours we did a pitch panel on our business idea’s. We all liked that we got the chance to do it so we can be ready to pitch for the business PEP staff. We have a great group of men in this class of Winter ’25 they have all great ideas on their business plan. We all cannot wait to get to pitch in front of business executives on next Friday. This program really is a good thing for us to grow in our life as men. We as a class already feel that it’s moving me in the direction of success by sticking to the 10 driving values it sets for us. The end of class, we prayed out, every class we pray in and out and we all love that we do that. We look forward to writing in our journal again and letting you know about our class. Have a blessed day.

 David D. (aka “Irish Fairy”)



“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” -Babe Ruth

This quote came from the famous baseball player Babe Ruth. I think the main meaning behind this quote is to inspire people to take a chance on trying things which may seem scary or uncomfortable. It’s a baseball quote metaphor meaning step up to the plate and take a swung because you never know if you will hit a home run. Not just playing baseball but in life too. For example, if I never took a chance on signing up for this program I could be setting myself up for failure, ironically because of my fear of failure. Now that I did sign myself up for this program I am stepping up to the plate, the opportunities could be endless. The good thing about this is I could apply this mindset to other areas in my life whenever an opportunity arises, that may intimidate me, or seem a little risky. When I got to this unit, I was in general population doing my time until one of the staff members called me out and told me I was on the roster for PEP. When I was told about the requirements and responsibility and opportunity, even the benefits that came with this class, I didn’t know if I could stand the pressure or accept what I was called upon to do. But know that I know that the only limitation that we have in life are the ones we place upon ourselves.

Charles D. (aka “Chocolate Shake”)


Week 1

Monday                                                                                            November 4, 2024 

This was the second day of class for the Prison Entrepreneurship Program (PEP) at the Estes Unit, and was it an absolute blast! (An emphatic “yes!” would be the reply.) Though initially the apprehension was high in the room as participants were finding their seats, the ambiance soon took a turn toward an attitude of participation and performance.

As we prayed in, the tension seemed to leave the room. The Servant-Leaders, all graduates of the program, did an amazing job at setting the tone for us by sharing stories of personal challenges, and how they were able to either overcome or persevere. There were also presentations by other Servant-Leaders on the first steps toward creating a pitch and a business plan, which is an initial business idea exercise with four quadrants requiring our input in areas of opportunity, solution, customers and differentiators. Additionally, there was another presentation on the weekly class journal and expressive writing. It is an interesting and intimate exercise that allows participants to contribute their points of view, including their inclinations or persuasions, that may guide them through the turmoils and triumphs of life, or they may simply serve as a lens into their experiences, values and/or outlook on life.

Then we had an activity that is perhaps a novelty exclusive to PEP: assigning “fun names” to participants. The activity had the whole group in a fervently ecstatic uproar. Faces lit up and laughs were heard all around as the group suggested different names for individuals standing at the front of the room. Each person in the room gets assigned a “fun name.” We were not able to get to everyone today, so we know that during the next class, there will be more laughs for sure.

We certainly are eager to step into class and have a few more laughs on this journey of enhancing our business acumen and aptitude.

Sylvester B. (aka “Apu from The Simpsons”)


Tuesday                                                                                            November 5, 2024

Our PEP class is great in so many ways. We are just starting out, and everyone is helpful and respectful. We got together and read the first couple of chapters in our workbook, and what we noticed is how we all came together to study as one. We even helped each other with our “big idea pitches,” which is really interesting. PEP helps us build a brotherhood where we can come together and help each other build up our character. As a brotherhood, we are discovering what it is like to be able to ask for help and not be judged.

The information we are studying covers a number of topics, including character development and the fundamentals of starting our own businesses. The atmosphere in the classroom is awesome and uplifting. It is amazing to see how helpful everyone is as well. Even the TDCJ staff, along with the PEP staff, have really shown concern for us and how we are doing. With all these helpful Servant-Leaders, we see that we can do anything we put our minds to.

It was a great day in the classroom and dormitories. The PEP community is great to be a part of, and it is making this experience different from any unit we have come from. This is a great opportunity, and we are all excited for tomorrow! Thank you and God bless! 

 Scott B.  (aka “Golf Ball”)


Wednesday                                                                                     November 6, 2024

Today’s PEP class was different from orientation – it was down to business. As soon as we walked through the door, you could feel the excitement and good vibes coming from all alumni and current class members. We grabbed our nametags and found our seats by looking at the seating chart. The seating chart changes every day, so you have a chance to interact and get to know everyone in the current class.

We began class with one of our peers praying us in. After the prayer, two of the Peer Educators went to the back of the classroom and danced until they got to the front of the room. When they introduced themselves, they each said their “fun name.” Everyone in class gets a “fun name” to help break the ice. One of the Peer Educators told us how we should fill out our intake paperwork.

When we finished, the other Peer Educator talked about how we will take and be graded on tests. The assessment rubric broke down how we will be graded. The Peer Educator was very informative and answered each question we had. He explained to us the way tests are scored in detail. We learned how many questions we will be given, along with the time limit and the fact that we will take tests on laptops.

We then welcomed one of the Unit’s Chaplains to the front of the room. He will be teaching us from our Living in the Village book. He explained how many chapters we will be reading each week and how many tests we are going to have. When he was done, we welcomed our In-Prison Manager, Adam W., to the front. He gave his testimony, and it was inspiring. He spoke with confidence and was open about his story. That’s the kind of speaker we strive to be. We ended class with one of our brothers praying us out.

Jesus C. (aka “Aflac Duck”)


Thursday                                                                                         November 7, 2024

Class began as it has every day since our class started: with good energy, great attitudes and a supportive brotherhood. Our brothers Javier C. and Isiah R. gave us a task on our Word of the Day, which was “action.” Javier C. shared some pearls of wisdom as he explained how action is demonstrated through consistency, while Isiah R. shared how structure, organization, process and behavior play a crucial role in how you act and the actions you take. Action is our ability to seize opportunities, and our ability is based on how well we organize our private lives, how we behave within the process of learning and how we structure our thoughts. Our actions always reflect our habits, good or bad. PEP is introducing us to the tools and opportunities we need to establish great habits.

We were introduced to one of our teachers, Scott S., who gave us a look into his journey through his testimony, which most of us could identify with. He too went through PEP and told us that through the hunger to change, he was able to use the tools the program provided and became successful. We all agreed that success starts in your thoughts, then in your habits, next in your relationships and finally in your work.

Scott S. introduced us to “entrepreneurship 101” by laying the foundation as he covered Chapters 1 and 2 of our entrepreneurship textbook. We were engaged the whole time, and Scott S. definitely embodies PEP’s Driving Value of “Fun” while also making sure we understood the material being taught. Thanks to the Servant-Leaders, Peer Educators and our In-Prison Management team, this new group of men are quickly gaining confidence, respect, sense of humor and trust in both each other and the program.

Jervon C. (aka “Wacktric Mahomes”)


Friday                                                                                               November 8, 2024

Social norms in prison dictate that when you enter a room, you are most often greeted with hard stares, aggressive postures and mistrust. However, PEP is the polar opposite. The moment we enter the room, we are greeted with music, positive energy and handshakes from our classmates and leaders. Next, to raise the energy further, we all gather in the back of the room and dance our way to the front. This is often ridiculous and always funny.

Following today’s prayer, we were given some advice on our business pitches by one of our helpful Servant-Leaders before we were given today’s Word of the Day: “character development.” We had time for self-reflection and group discussions about what character traits we were working to improve. Class members took turns standing, introducing themselves by their “fun name” and doing hilarious impressions. Then we each spoke about what specific trait we were working on, whichs included complacency, kindness, goodness, courage, ego, confidence, patience, being more receptive and overcoming trauma.

Following this group discussion, we transitioned to a new phase and took the Myers-Briggs Assessment. This is a highly regarded psychology test that helps identify specific personality traits and what career field we would most enjoy and succeed in. Next, about nine class members were called on to dance their way to the front of the room. It was then revealed that they had failed to turn in an assignment on time. After being hilariously interrogated and roasted, it was decided by the class that they should face the “Wheel of Doom,” where the wheel is spun and the doomed individual must act out whatever the wheel lands on. We finished on a high-energy, funny, fun and positive note. PEP is not your average prison program! We look forward to more.

 David C. (aka “Bhad Bharbie”)



“Life is not fair sometimes – you gotta have a lot of dog in you. You gotta bite back sometimes.”

– Steve Harvey

When I caught this charge, I thought my life was over. I didn’t know what to think really. I lost hope for a while. I wanted to give up, but I wasn’t raised like that. I thought it was the end of my life, but God had a different plan for my life, and the plan He has for my life is more than mine ever was.

My first year down here, I got my mind right. I did a lot of soul searching and reconnecting with my Lord and Savior. It’s been a journey through the streets of life. Life has had a funny way of teaching me a thing or two. It has taught me when you think you’ve hit rock bottom and have nothing left, you pick yourself up, even when you’re hungry and people stop believing in you, and even when everyone counted you out and doubted you.

I have to prove my critics wrong for the betterment of myself. So I told myself, “If you give up, that will bring you nothing; if you manage to wake up tomorrow, see what tomorrow brings you. God woke you up today because He wants you to execute the plan. Take on any challenge that comes your way. Take the test and get that win.”

That’s why I choose to never quit, but instead I will make the most of this life – so I keep waking up and pushing forward!

Jonathan C.  (aka “Eddie Kane from The Five Heartbeats”)