by bgreen | Jun 16, 2023 | ESSM23Graduation
Dear Graduation Guests, I have received any number of questions about the dress code for Friday’s graduation ceremony, so here are a few guidelines: Please wear:the nicest pair of pants you own (no holes)a nice top (more than a t-shirt/no cleavage or belly...
by bgreen | Jun 16, 2023 | essm23updates
Dear PEP Families, Here are this week’s updates: Read the latest weekly class journal here: (Click week # to read a particular post.)To review your loved one’s FINAL GPA, please click...
by bgreen | May 24, 2023 | essm23updates
Dear PEP Families, Here are this week’s updates: The Estes Unit has gone on its semi-annual lockdown – class will resume in a couple of weeksYou can read the latest weekly class journal here: (Click week # to...
by bgreen | May 12, 2023 | essm23updates
Dear PEP Families, Here are this week’s updates: Read the latest weekly class journal here: (Click week # to read a particular post.)To review your loved one’s current GPA after today’s test, please click...
by bgreen | May 5, 2023 | essm23updates
Dear PEP Families, Here are this week’s updates: Read the latest weekly class journal here: (Click week # to read a particular post.)If your name is listed here on the invitation list...