Week 16


Week in Review


Monday October 23, 2017

A storm was raging last night and the Unit lost power, but today the sun is shining brightly. We had one of the best breakfasts that we have had in a while: scrambled eggs, sausage patties, cereal and apple jelly. Wow!

Our Toastmasters class was at 9 a.m., which is always fun because some of us play important roles like the Grammarian or Toastmaster. The PEP brothers who gave their speeches today have improved a lot since the start of our Toastmasters class. The class is a very important part of the Prison Entrepreneurship Program.

Well, we can at least see the light at the end of the tunnel. Many of us have absorbed so much information that we now have “brain burn”! We have given up television time, sleep time and personal time to finish this program. Now we have three tests left in the class and a few short weeks before delivering our final business plan pitches. It has been a hard road, but everyone has bucked up and endured the hardships – after all, we are PEP, and we are the Legends of the Fall ‘17. We live life right, “between the wings,” and we are brothers for life.   

Clyde S. (a.k.a. “Mr. Miyagi”)


Tuesday October 24, 2017

The servant-leaders of Fall ’17 started off our Tuesday morning serving the men of Spring ’18 on their quest for authentic manhood. It always puts smiles on our faces to see the impact the program is having on the new class.

By Tuesday afternoon the Health & Wellness class started with us men pushing the limits on our physical training exercises. Men who have never have run a mile, ran a mile, with the rest of our brothers encouraging them through it every step of the way. The affects that PEP has on us men, to unite us through our trials and tribulations, is a tremendous blessing.

We finished off the night with laughter and talk still brewing around the dorms about how we had fun serving Spring ’18. We were also congratulating each other for pushing the limits on our PT tests while discussing our future goals. Rest assured, we all slept well that night, much thanks to God and PEP for giving us the opportunity to grow into real men.

Raul R. (a.k.a. “Selena”)


Wednesday October 25, 2017

This morning we all looked like a bunch of psychopaths talking to ourselves trying to learn our pitches. After lunch we took our first Crime and Punishment test, which moved us one step closer to graduation.

After the test we had a few pray-outs; you can always feel the love in the air as we say farewell to those PEP brothers who make parole. All of us are both happy and sad to see another brother go home to his family. We’re sad because we will miss each man, and yet we’re happy because he is about to start a new chapter in his life. One day we will all have a turn to be prayed out.

To finish off the day, the Legends of the Fall had to make and break some records, so we set a new one today, for the most people to ever do “Jane Fondas” at one time. It looked like an infomercial for thigh masters gone bad. But we laughed and had fun, along with Al’s sticker-sticking dance-off. Today was definitely a good day!

Christopher V. (a.k.a. “Kindergarten Cop”)


Thursday October 26, 2017

Today some of us started the day being servant-leaders to the new class Spring ‘18. Others went to computer lab to finish up the finance section for the business plans we are creating for our mock businesses. We are so close to being finished with all the lessons, and now the road is starting to look a little clearer.

We have all come together as brothers, and the transformation that we have been seeking is starting to show more each day. We are proud of each and every one of our brothers for all the hard work and dedication that he has brought to this program, but most of all, for all of us taking the initiative to make changes in our lives. We could not have picked a better group of men to go on this journey called life with.

Well Legends, we have only 43 days until graduation. It’s been an amazing ride for us all as we prepare for the Business Plan Competition (BPC) event. It’s a wonderful sight to see all our brothers getting their pitches together. We are the Legends of the Fall, so let’s keep pushing forward!


Ronny V. (a.k.a. “Ron Cakes”)


Friday October 27, 2017

Today and this week has been another blessing. Every moment and every situation is another chance to practice utilizing our 10 Driving Values. Pitch day, BPC and graduation just seem like they snuck up on us. Throughout these past few months, we have seen a lot of people in the class grow.

Fridays have finally become an extra day off, now that we finished our Living in the Village class. Some of us used the time to catch up on some sleep, while other focused more on their pitches. Everything is coming to a close for us.

To the Legends of the Fall, keep your head up brothers. We have come so far and it has been an amazing experience. Don’t sacrifice the most for the moment. The next month can become super stressful, which is why we have to remain diligent. Let’s live up to our name: Legends!

Miguel G. (a.k.a. “Elmer Fudge”)



 “If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to sleep in a room with a mosquito.”


I was in the 7th grade and there was this kid in my class that didn’t talk to anyone. His name was William. We called him Willy. As much as teachers and other kids tried to befriend him, he just shut out the entire world. He was strictly a loner. Around the Thanksgiving holidays, an announcement was made that all students should bring in a donation for the annual Christmas collection. We were told that “Christmas is a time of giving,” and that there are a few students in the school who might not a have a happy holiday season. By contributing to this Christmas collection, we would help buy food, clothing and toys for these needy people. The following day, all of the students in my class including myself forgot to bring in a donation except for one person, Willy. Willy walked up to the front of the class and dug deep into his pocket and pulled out some change and dropped in the jar as he mumbled, “I don’t need my lunch today.” And for a moment, he smiled. The following weekend my neighbor, who was the assistant principal in my school, asked me if I had donated to the Christmas collection, and I said no one in my class did but one person, Willy. My neighbor smiled and said, “Yes, he may be an impact on this world after all.” When I asked why, she told me, “His family was one of the families in our school that most needed help through the holidays.” I’ll never forget that, because not only was his family on the list of families for that Christmas collection, but my family was too. He had nothing but gave anyways. And that virtue will be remembered forever.

Everyone has an influence no matter who you are. We will experience moments in our lives that may impact others and change their hearts, or they may have an impact on us that may change our hearts.

Alexius T. (a.k.a. Cherry Dr. Pepper)