The Bell Unit’s Medical Lockdown is over!

However, TDCJ’s system-wide ban on visitation is still in place until further notice.

Dear PEP Families,

We are praying for you and your loved ones

That everyone stays safe and finds peace in the silence

As together, we remain apart.

While nothing is the same – and may never be again –

2020 has sharpened our vision

To focus on what is most important: relationships!

Because when all is said and done

How we spend our time will mean infinitely more

Than how we spend a paycheck.

May we never brush aside people in pursuit of

Almighty wealth, but rather wisely invest our best selves

In fellow image-bearers of the Almighty.

So let’s choose not simply to stay apart during Covid-19

But STAND apart during this global Sabbath

In faith – blessed be the ties that bind.

“The Lord bless and keep you; the Lord make his face

To shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up

His countenance upon you and give you peace.” (NUM 6:24-26)

Many blessings,

Laura. Pearl, Tara & Theresa