April 2nd Updates

Dear PEP Families, Welcome to the first email to PEP’s Spring ’17 family members!  There is a lot to cover, so let’s get started! If you’d like to read about class from the guys’ perspective, please read Weekly Journals here: http://family.pep.org/cleveland/journals/...

Week 4

Monday, January 30, 2017 Kings of Spring ’17, where we are brothers, in the midst of our journey. We have been busy studying, putting together our brochures, working on our computer lessons, Toastmasters, putting our business pitches together, and now we are starting...

Week 3

Monday, January 23, 2017 Today was a highly anticipated day for most of the Kings of Spring ‘17, as we have studied our brains to a pulp. We have spent day and night quizzing ourselves and one another as we prepare to ace the three tests we were to be presented with....