Monday, June 6, 2016

After getting ready and heading downstairs around 9 a.m., with my cup of tea, I looked around the dayroom to see what was going on. Both televisions were on but with the sound off. A couple of guys were watching the news while a couple of more were watching sports on the other TV. Another five or six were sitting around a couple of dayroom tables waiting for computer class to start and studying for tests to come later in the week. While waiting to be called out for computer class, I continued to work on my speech I had to give in Toastmasters after computer class.
When in computer class, everyone worked on selected assignments to be completed. In the background there were interviews being conducted on camera for what I can only assume was a motivational video for the upcoming Phase One participants.

Many of us walked into the PEP room after a short break from finishing computer class – it was time for Toastmasters. We had nine speakers today and everyone did a great job, with many very good stories presented. It is obvious many brothers have come a long way from the first time they spoke in front of an audience.
After class some of us went back to studying while others took personal time and the rest sat or stood to watch movies and/or sports.
As the day ended, we congratulated ourselves on another successful day completed and prepared ourselves for both the known and the unknown – bring it on!

Alan M. (a.k.a. Sweet Vanilla Milkshake)

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I’ve been up since 3:30 a.m. and I am eager to hear the guard or Brian T. yell “PEP Phase Two.” I’m going through all my study notes, knowing I’ll get at least a 90 on my test. I can’t wait!
After class was over, we were dismissed for the day – I got a 65 on my test. I didn’t do as well as I thought I would, but I won’t let that discourage me. I’ll get a 90 on the next test!

Mark M. (a.k.a. Sweet Slow Poke Rodriguez)

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

“This Is A Revolution!” What if someone told you that six months from now you’d have changed the most important motivating factors in your life? What if they told you that you’d be meeting millionaires who have access to billions of dollars and just want to get to know you? What if you had the chance to show your family that you are rising above your failures and overcome you past?
“Revolution” is when we take a stand against popular beliefs and the powers that be for what we believe in … so this Revolution is our “New Life Revolution”!
Today I woke up and about five people were sitting around mumbling to themselves. They had study cards for Entrepreneurship class so it’s okay, I guess.
After the test today we prayed out Eddie R. (a.k.a. Sweet Nahla from the Lion King). Brian T. went over Chapter Eight in our entrepreneurship textbook and held an ‘issues and tissues’ session (where we can defend our answers) re: Chapter Seven test scores … as usual, there were more tissues than issues.
Friday is PEP’s next event, called Etiquette Day, so everyone is excited to eat something nice with the executive volunteers. It’s my birthday that day as well so they put me on the “Sweet and Saucy Six” dance team for the event. I’m looking forward to dancing and enjoying the day.

I want to end by saying to all the families reading this that we love you and there are some definite changes happening in these men’s lives. God has blessed our steps with people willing to invest in our futures, and I pray that you all will try to have faith in us, because we don’t just do this for ourselves. We do it so we are better men, fathers, sons and husbands for you all.
The deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; the deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure!

Steven M. (a.k.a. Sweet NASA Space Alien)

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Since we took our test yesterday the only thing on our agenda today is to go to class and meet Mrs. Colleen R. Today is Etiquette Day!
We met her and let me tell you a little about her. She is about 5-feet tall and weighs about 92 pounds and is a stick of dynamite! She is the author of several books on proper etiquette and protocol. We had the honor to read one of her books entitled Be on Your Best Business Behavior. Today she went over all the do’s and don’ts in the workplace, how to dress, tie a tie and even the rules for eating a meal properly. Do you think you know how to properly eat a formal meal? I’m willing to bet most people don’t. Now my brothers and I have been taught the proper way.

Tomorrow we get to sit down with executives and let our new found skills shine. Thank you Colleen for all that your do for the PEP program. It’s people like yourself who make this program a huge success.

Fred M. (a.k.a. Sweet Tooth Fairy)


PEP is one of the greatest inspirations I’ve encountered. The fact that I’m a part of this movement is prison amazes me. I’m encouraged by the challenge for the sake of my future. I yearn to be successful because it truly seems to be at my fingertips.

The volunteers who donate their time to our events give me a sense of security because it shows there are people who truly care about the progression of prisoners who are taking the necessary steps toward change. This is my second time in prison and I’ve never seen anything like the PEP program. People involved with this program are genuine and sincere. Every event is full of grace and humility that brings the presence of the Lord within the midst of us all.

I am the father of five beautiful children and their mother, my wife, is equally excited about my newfound inspiration. Our relationship is growing stronger as we are witnessing God answering prayers concerning our family’s future. I’m learning so much about my character as a man and also the ability I have to live righteously according to God’s will and plan for me. The road has not and will not be easy, but PEP is teaching me to overcome obstacles by being patient, diligent and truly committed to a successful future.

Marcus J. (a.k.a. Sweet Tootsie Roll)