Week in Review

Monday, May 21, 2018

Mondays are always fun because we have Toastmasters in the morning. The best part about class is that we really get the chance to know one another through the speeches that we present to each other. You really get to see the creative side of everyone when they get up in front of the group and give their speech. Today we heard about dream cars, red snapper mermaids, a man’s favorite dog and a story about a rabbit and a snake. So as you can see from the list above, it was a fun Toastmaster’s class. Also we got a chance to mingle with one another for a bit, so that’s always fun and can certainly be interesting, plus you can have a conversation with people that you normally wouldn’t. So we had a great time.

On Monday afternoon some of us have computer lab, which is a great atmosphere because we get to relate and do our assignments on the computer. We all love computer lab time because we get to brush up on our computer skills while having fun. What we look forward to is that the two people sitting beside you are not in the same pod, so it helps to build a bond with our brothers and most importantly a network.

Once computer lab was over we headed back to the pods to study and prepare ourselves. Overall, Mondays are just the beginning of a busy week, but they are very productive.

Jimmie H.
(a.k.a. “Snap-a-lot”)

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

This morning started off with a lot of excitement and energy in the atmosphere. We started off with our tradition of praying in and then followed up with the word of the day. And just as we expected, our emcee Brandon F. danced his way to the front of the room only to get the mic and, with no surprise, told us, “Face the library – it’s test time!” We tested on Chapters 12 and 13 in our Living in the Village book. Once all the tests were picked up and turned into the test graders, we felt a sense of relief because we know that it’s one less test to worry about.

While the tests were being graded, we had a graduate dance his way to the front and teach us the remaining chapters of Living in the Village, which are Chapters 14-16. One thing that we can all agree on is that this part of the curriculum has been very helpful and has given us a lot of useful tips on financial budgeting.

After this lecture, we were privileged to hear a presentation by two more graduates who oversee the graphics department. One of the most amazing things that we all love to see is when a brother is going home, because we were all a part of another wonderful pray-out. The encouraging words that were given not only help the brother going home, but us as well because we all know that one day, we will all be going home as well. We are PEP!

Royce H.
(a.k.a. “Oprah Winfrey”)

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Legacy ’18 entered the Prison Entrepreneurship Program classroom, where everyone greeted each other and was excited as we sat in our assigned seats. We prayed-in before the class started, including listening to Scripture from a daily devotional. However, we do respect those who practice a faith different from others. Everyone had been studying for a week about the basics of a marketing plan, how to develop a pricing model, how to differentiate between the various types of promotions available to a new business, and various methods for sales management. After announcements were made, our class was tested on marketing.

One of our missions is to live out PEP’s 10 Driving Values. One of our 10 Driving Values is fun. The definition of fun is: “Work is an important part of life and it should be fun and rewarding. We seek to create a work environment that encourages laughter, imagination, fellowship, and creativity. We regularly celebrate positive results and recognize those involved in the success.” With that being said, our instructor Mr. Brian T. danced his way from the back of the room to the front of the room. Our entire class loves Mr. Brian T. because he’s always patient and kind. Most importantly, he encourages us to achieve our full potential. Everyone was standing, clapping and dancing. Then several of our classmates voluntarily got up in front of the class and did the chicken dance.

In addition, we celebrated one of our PEP brothers who recently had a birthday. After the brief entertainment, we all listened attentively as we were taught the Economics of One Unit. Even though we are not in society with our loved ones, we are blessed to have this opportunity to be provided with tools that will help us succeed in life. Furthermore, we are learning and our lives are changing through entrepreneurial passion, education and mentoring. Four hours later we prayed out, and the smiles on everyone’s faces displayed that we’re truly thankful to be part of PEP.

James H.
(a.k.a. “Blow Pop”)

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Today, my PEP brothers and I were surprised with a movie day. In-Prison Management treated us to a showing of the movie Twelve Strong. We have been quite busy with the heavy work load, so it was really nice of them to do that for us. Today was not all fun and games though. Our last entrepreneurship test was the hardest so far and we had a few brothers that did not make a passing grade. Those who did not pass that test returned to the dorm after the movie to get busy on their assigned homework. Their homework assignment is to copy next week’s study guide a certain number of times. This helps them prepare for the next test and is designed to make sure that they learn the material.

There were also a few of us who had computer lab. We take turns going to the computer lab for a few hours a week so that we can work on putting our business plans together for the Business Plan Competition. We also work on basic computer skills there. Many of us have not been in front of a computer in a long time, and some of us had never used any of the Microsoft Office programs. We have lessons with step-by-step instructions that walk us through the basics of Word, Excel and PowerPoint. When I returned to the dorm from the computer lab, I found my brothers doing homework, studying and preparing for our next week’s test over the entrepreneurship book. This week’s chapter is pretty challenging, so there are a lot of us preparing a little earlier than we usually do.

William H.
(a.k.a. “Keebler Elf”)


To say that one quote has changed my way of thinking would be unfair. There are a number of quotes that have changed my perception of life, so I have chosen three that are most influential to me. The first is “Every adversity, every failure, every headache carries with it the seed of equal or greater benefit” (Napoleon Hill) This quote helped me deal with the fact that I was losing everything that I possessed upon my arrival to prison. This was verification that I would gain just as much as I had lost from my experience. The next quote is: “To be free is not merely to cast off ones chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others” (Nelson Mandela). The meaning is simple and complex at the same time. My interpretation is that I should carry myself in a positive way which reflects the people who have sacrificed for my freedom, and be an example for the generations after me.

The last quote came to me when I was attempting to make a decision to join the PEP family. Once I read it, my choice became clear. This person is an inspiration and entrepreneur who leads by example. Her quote reads: “Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher” (Oprah Winfrey). Ironically, that’s exactly what PEP has done for me. Each of these phrases was like a clue that opened a different lock, inevitably leading me to this point in life. By my definition, quotes are like grains of wisdom left by someone who has been through the same situation. How could you just choose one?

Derrick J.
(a.k.a. “Lil Buckaroo”)