Week 4


Week in Review


Monday April 17, 2017

Today was an inspiring day with my PEP family. As we got up for the day, some had Toastmasters and the others had computer lab. We helped each other out with getting the job finished. Typing is a great fundamental to learn. We spend two hours in the computer lab with each other, and it has been a powerful experience to see us become a team. Teamwork is one of the best things about PEP.

After an awesome morning with the family we took a break to go eat lunch.  We collected our thoughts and then we stepped back into the PEP room with a fresh start. Then it was time for the afternoon class of Toastmasters. My brothers and I really enjoy Toastmasters. Toastmasters is where we can be in a professional environment and relax as others give their speeches. Everyone has a part to play to make it happen. It is exciting to hear your PEP brothers give speeches. It is also enjoyable to hear their childhood stories. The whole thing is an interesting experience. More than anything, Toastmasters is a fun and educational experience. Once Toastmasters is over we pray out. We have a huge circle of brothers praying together. The beauty of it all is that we are all of different religions and faiths, praying as one.

PEP is a program to help you develop as a family and help you to dust off the ways of incarceration. PEP teaches us how to work as a team, put together a business plan, and also be more professional. Most of all, it takes us mentally away from being in prison.

Lafayette E. (a.k.a. Norbit)


Tuesday April 18, 2017

Today we had a day full of presentations in the PEP room. The first presentation was over preparing our resumes that will be placed in our business plans. It is good because we will have to prepare our resumes for future employment once we are released. The second presentation was over PEP thank you cards. The cards will be handwritten by all of us in the class of Pristine ‘17. The cards will be sent to the executives and volunteers who attend our Think Tank event this Friday. At the event we will have a chance to speak with attendees to discuss our business concepts. The information we receive will help us as we build our plans.

We watched Art History videos with different paintings from famous artists such as Monet, Ingres and many others. I cannot speak for everyone, but it was something I am sure many of us never encountered, especially with a small pop quiz about one of the paintings. We finished the day off with a discussion over the rooms we will be in and what to expect at the Think Tank Event.

Yesterday we had Toastmasters. Public speaking courses have been around for decades but generally help us speak in front of groups in a professional atmosphere. All morning we were reciting our speeches. I can see the benefits of Toastmasters. Every one of us takes on the challenge and receives constructive criticism of the areas of improvements.

In just two days into this week it has been full of excitement and challenges. This is just the beginning – stay tuned so you can see how the rest goes.

Carlos E. (a.k.a. Bruno Mars)


Wednesday April 19, 2017

It is a new day, and I am thankful to The Most High God for allowing me to see a new day! Before heading out to the first class of the day, I couldn’t help but notice a few of my PEP brethren also up early. They seemed to already be deep into study mode in preparation for one of our first major tests since entering into the second phase of this program. Up until now, it’s been pretty easy for us. Having simple word banks to work with when it came to the tests. Now, we realize that in order to progress, we must be able to fully memorize the definitions that go with the words or phrases. How hard can that be, right? Guess we will find out soon enough, but for now what we realize is that if there ever was any separation still between us, we need to develop a closer bond, set aside whatever differences and apply ourselves fully into achieving our goals.

In the meantime, the focus will be on continuing to come more out of our shells by attending classes such as Toastmasters, which helps us to sit in front of a panel of executives and deliver our pitches. Speaking of which, we will have our very first event to meet some of these executives this coming Friday, and many of us are excited about this! We finally get to bounce some of our ideas off those who continue to devote their time to us. We are grateful and hope that we all have a good time while gaining knowledge from them. We are ready to see what all PEP has in store for us.

Carl F. (a.k.a. Jamaica)


Thursday April 20, 2017

This morning started off very well. At 7 a.m. we were called out and made our way to the PEP classroom, where we were met by Bert S. our CEO. Before Bert delivered his lecture we had to take our test over Basic Business, which included things like the definition of economics and the seven rules to build a successful business. Also we learned the cost vs. benefits of being an entrepreneur in today’s society. Then it was lecture time and Bert danced his way from the back of the room to the tune played by the emcee. After the applause died down it was straight to work, covering the first three chapters from our entrepreneurship textbook. Our journey has begun to understand what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur. Some examples we learned included laying the groundwork for small businesses, the history of entrepreneurial leadership and entrepreneurial start-ups. We look forward to our time with Bert S. in the future. Pristine ‘17 has been a class of felicity, and we strive to live up to the 10 Driving Values set forth by PEP. Each and every one of us looks forward to learning and growing, not only as men but as entrepreneurs as well.

Johnathan F. (a.k.a. Carlton Banks)



This week was an exciting one for us. On Tuesday we prayed two of our brothers out who were going home, and we also had the chance to watch the first exciting and captivating installment of art history. Then on Thursday we took the Basic Business test, and as a whole we did fairly well. We also had class over Chapters 1, 2 and 3 which was very informative. Bert is a good teacher and we learned some great insight about how to be an entrepreneur. The event of the week was the Think Tank event, which was very exciting. We started Friday by going to the PEP room and having fun. We had multiple rounds of a lip sync battle followed by dancing for a little while. One song that stood out was Gangnam style, because essentially our entire class was dancing. When the executives arrived we had a few minutes to mingle before we had to split up to our separate rooms. The event consisted of participants getting five minutes with multiple executives. There was so much knowledge and experience in each room. After the event we gathered back into the PEP classroom so that we could get general feedback on the entire event.

The week ended on Saturday and wrapped up with accountability group meetings where the topic was “action” and what it means to us. It was a fun-filled week, and it is only the beginning of a lifelong journey.

Joseph F. (a.k.a. Malibu’s Most Wanted B-Rad)