Week 3


Week in Review


Monday October 16, 2017 

Today we had our second Toastmasters meeting. Things went pretty smoothly, considering it was only our second meeting. It was very insightful to hear my brothers’ speeches. We really get to know each other a lot better through listening to the speeches we hear during our time in Toastmasters. We share stories about pretty much everything. We realize that even though we come from different places and from different backgrounds, we can all find some common ground to stand on. There was one recurring theme: even though we have all made our fair share of mistakes, we are at a point in our lives when we are realizing that it’s time for all of us to become the men our families need in their lives. PEP helps us to tear down walls we have built around ourselves. As these walls come down, we can really work on many of the underlying issues in our lives. Hearing the trials and tribulations our PEP brothers have been through gives us the strength and courage to open up more. We all have a very challenging road ahead of us, but if we can continue to stay focused on our goals and keep up the hard work, we should all be very successful not only in PEP but in life.

There is a saying that I read somewhere that we can apply to this stage in our PEP journey: persevere even when it is hard to go on; release even when it is hard to let go; endure even when it is hard to bear – this is how we build our character. In life there is no turning back, so face adversity courageously as it comes.

Gerald C. (a.k.a. “Super Trooper Farva”)


Tuesday October 17, 2017

Today was a typical day for us. We had several presentations and a couple of pray outs. The presentations were over the changes in our business plan entries, letters to our advisors, and our personal finance by Ryan M. Our business plan entries are Leadership Statements and Personal Statements. The changes were only minute: instead of doing whole page statements, they want us to cut them down so that both of them fit on one page. We discussed what was expected of us as we wrote to our business advisors. We rarely get the opportunity to get to actually meet our advisors, but nevertheless they are just as important to us as any of the executives that we get to meet. Thank you guys for all your input – it is greatly appreciated! Our personal finance material by Ryan M. is to teach us to be a Wise Steward with our finances, which is yet another way to live out one of our 10 Driving Values. It covers everything from spending wisely to saving wisely, how to get your house in order and wise insurance selections, so it is a skill set that we can all use.

Finally it was time for our pray-outs. During pray-outs, our brothers who are going home get to make a video so they can look back and remember what they went through to get where they are now. Sometimes it could be just the thing to keep you focused when things are not going the way you want them to. Also, if you feel like the whole world is against you, it lets you know that you’re not alone. You have brothers, and they do care. Another thing is that a lot of us will have sore fingers from our first run in writing Thank You cards. We strive for excellence and demand no less, so even if we don’t like the change that’s taking place to form us into professionals, we still understand that we have to do what we have to do. Homework is just a small price to pay for that professionalism. All this is just a typical day for us in our transformation to professional, business-oriented men. The harder the fight, the greater the victory. God bless.

Randall C. (a.k.a. “Lil’ Debbie”)


Wednesday October 18, 2017

This morning we got up early for our meeting with PEP’s Re-entry Counselors. They gave us a presentation about all of the resources PEP makes available to us when we are released. We learned about bus passes, job training, and e-School which we must attend to become PEP Alumni. We were told that if we were separated from the program for any reason, PEP would no longer assist us in any way upon release. The counselors gave us examples of men who were back into old habits and began to miss e-School, failed to pay rent on time, started drinking and smoking, and ultimately ended up back in prison. Next, we were given examples of men who stuck with the program, stayed committed, paid rent on time, quickly found a job, then moved out of the transitional home and moved on with their lives. One thing that stood out to us was smoking tobacco and the statistics related to returning to prison, and usually the first sign of a lack of discipline; we learned that you are 90% less likely to return to prison if you can avoid smoking and drinking. PEP takes the data seriously, so that once you are spotted smoking you are responsible for your own transportation – the logic behind it is if you have money for cigarettes you can buy a bus pass. I will not be paroling to a transitional home, but wanted to make sure I would have access to the job leads, city to city (Austin, Dallas and Houston) if we decided to move. I learned that as long as we stay active in the program by attending e-School, we can be connected with job contacts. We left the meeting for lunch while some stayed behind to fill out transitional home applications. After lunch my group went to computer lab to complete our Microsoft Word assignments. We completed our assignments for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. After computer lab we returned to the pod to study for exams on Chapters 1, 2 and Basic Business Concepts, as well as complete our homework assignments.

I enjoyed today’s presentation. We all like any information or conversation about being released and look forward to the challenges that lie ahead. Today was a good day!

Winston C. (a.k.a. “Bobby Bouche”)


Thursday October 19, 2017

Another great day today! Bert S. came in and imparted useful knowledge. It still seems to amaze us that he comes all the way from Houston to share his experiences and knowledge in entrepreneurship. That shows us how much he cares, and how much he enjoys teaching us. Everyone did well as far as participation.  Bert S. never gives us the answers, but instead gets it out of us. This program is such a good program and has given us motivation and boosted our drive toward one day owning our own businesses. Every time we go to class, we feel as if we are attending a college course. The information and knowledge they teach us is that good.

Today was test day, and everyone did well. Before the test and throughout the previous week we got together to study in groups. It really payed off in the end. When we first signed up for the program we didn’t expect it to be like this. When we participated in the men’s fraternity, it was all new to us, and a surprise. But it was a good surprise because we’ve all seen the change in each other. It has been an incredible experience for us all, and we are only halfway through the program. We are so blessed to have been chosen for PEP and will not take it for granted. We thank all the executives for donating their time and money. Without them, none of this would be possible.  This was another good Thursday.

Julian C. (a.k.a. “Mr. Chow”)



“No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord.”

~ Isaiah 54:17


I chose this quote because it’s not just a bunch of words or a saying without meaning. It’s a promise that is given to us from The One and Only Living God. It’s a big part of my personal growth knowing that God has put his hedge of protection over me. By staying rooted in faith and abiding in His Word. I’m on a righteous path to fulfill His purpose He has for my life. As long as I put God first before anything I do, I know He will not let any harm come to me. That is why I make God the center of my life, because without Him I would be nothing.


This quote teaches that if God is for you, who can stand against you? It teaches me not to be afraid of what people might say or do, but it also teaches me that I have the authority and power through Him to fight off all temptations. By obeying God’s Word, I’m not alone in my battles – He is right there with me. All that I learn from Him through His Word I apply to my life: to love one another and to help serve those less fortunate. He is changing me into the man, father and son I was meant to be. This is why I fear no man but God, and I don’t worry about what people might do to me because I know that God has my back and will never leave me or forsake me. God is my strength and the reason for my being.

Jacob C. (a.k.a. “Peaches”)