Week 3


Week in Review


Monday April 10, 2017

Today was a day to remember here in the Prison Entrepreneurship Program at the Sanders Estes Unit. The day started with some of us in the computer lab, where we had a chance to brush up on our computer skills. I must admit it was tough for me, but I know I was not alone. We left the computer lab with a sense of accomplishment and cannot wait to go back to complete the lessons.

In the afternoon we had Toastmasters. This is an amazing class. The opportunity for us to become better speakers is awesome. Last week we had mock Toastmasters with the Servant Leaders, but this week the class of Pristine ‘17 had a chance to display our skills. For some of us it was natural, but just like with computers we have to practice.  We can already see the benefits of being able to speak confidently and comfortably in front of a large crowd. We were ecstatic after class, and I can tell this will be one of our favorite classes.

Once we made it back to the dorm we relaxed for a minute to discuss the atmosphere of the day. We were excited knowing we have come a long way and are doing things that will help us once we are back with our families.

Kyle C. (a.k.a. Stimpy)


Tuesday April 11, 2017

The days in PEP at the Estes Unit are filled with fun, love, laughter and hard work. Gathering together in the PEP classroom is almost a ritualistic event in itself. After today’s pray-in, the emcee called two men to the “back of the room” for a grand entrance to the presentation they were about to give. To clarify, being called to the back of the room means getting ready to dance to the front. We all have to go to the back of the room at some point – we find it hilarious. Today’s presentation discussed the importance of writing thank you cards and a letter to our business plan editor. These presentations are of the utmost importance, since without the time and mentoring of the PEP volunteers, this program would not be successful. We are very appreciative for all the support.

Today we also completed a caricature of ourselves with a picture of our faces placed on top of superhero bodies. We find these very fun because we choose to conquer our pasts and battle for a brighter future, filled with change and hope for a better tomorrow.

Brandon C. (a.k.a. Momma Cat)


Wednesday April 12, 2017

Today PEP’s case managers discussed the support system that PEP offers us on our re-entry back into society. We received some great information and insight about the benefits that are available upon release. For the most part we are anticipating the chapters ahead of us in the Entrepreneurship textbook. Tomorrow will be our first day in Phase Two, and we are ready for the challenges that are ahead. We are ready for graduation in September, but we know that we first must endure the course that PEP has ahead of us.

If I had to describe what this journey has been like for us, I would say different. The community and the supporters of the Prison Entrepreneurship Program are wonderful. In all we are happy to be a part of the comradery and class of the Pristine ‘17.

Samuel C. (a.k.a. Cyclone)


Thursday April 13, 2017

Today Bert S. is coming to speak with us about Basic Business. We are very excited to learn and see what he has to say. It is 6:30 a.m. and some of us in the pod went to education before heading to the PEP room to hear the lecture for the day.

Bert S. is a very smart man. He shared a lot of his knowledge and expertise with us while discussing Basic Business. It is a privilege for us to receive such great information. We feel blessed to be learning valuable tools from a man of his status.

We learned what economy is, the two types of business offerings, five roots of opportunity and the two types of workers. I personally liked learning the seven rules to building a successful business. This business phase of the program will require a great deal of time management. We are looking forward to the Think Tank event next week, where we will meet with executive volunteers to discuss our business concepts. I cannot wait to see what the rest of the program brings.

We are here now – we’ve made it to Phase Two, but we must keep our heads up and keep pushing. Bless all.

Manuel D. (a.k.a. Paleta Man)


This week has been full of memorable events. Monday I attended my second day of Toastmasters, and I must say that contrary to my first thoughts, it was not as bad as I feared. Many of us, including myself, are in serious need of building our speaking skills. The speaking will help us in one-on-one, face-to-face interactions as well as public speaking. I view the Toastmasters class as a good tool to achieve the objective of effective communication. Aside from that, the people involved with PEP want the best from all of us. They give up time out of their schedules for us. I can say I am not used to people caring for us, so this is new to me and I am embracing this opportunity whole-heartedly. Throughout the week I had a chance to go to the computer lab and go over some computer Iessons. It covered the basics, but it felt good to be active and going in the right direction. Thursday we began our Entrepreneurial studies of Basic Business taught by Bert S. It was very good, but I must admit it will be very challenging. Also I gained a lot of knowledge from the Robert Lewis’s Authentic Manhood course during Phase One. The chapters of Authentic Manhood provided valuable tools for becoming real men, fathers and mentors. If we give PEP a chance and look beyond what we have always thought or believed, we stand to gain a lot.

Charles D. (a.k.a. Lucky Charms)