Monday, February 27, 2017

I’m up early this morning. Two more days until Extreme ‘17 graduates. It is hard to believe how fast nine months have passed. This class has been an amazing experience for me and my fellow PEP brothers. I have seen many of my brothers do a complete “180,” not only with their character but ways of thinking too. Everyone is prepared for the big day by constantly repeating their pitches, trying to perfect their pitches in any way they can. One thing is for sure: we have learned so much, not only about business but about ourselves as well. My classmates and I are more humble and view life in a whole new manner. We all were blessed to have been taught by Brian T. who was a great teacher. He was a great inspiration for us all and the knowledge he gave us was priceless. I could have not asked for a better teacher.

For a lot of us, this has been a great accomplishment. We get to show our families that we truly have changed for the better, not only for ourselves but for them, the ones who genuinely care about us and have stuck by our side throughout this whole journey in prison. To be able to show our family members that we truly have changed is another accomplishment in itself. I will forever be in debt to PEP for helping me find true meaning in life, and showing me that it is never too late to be yourself.

Filiberto M.
a.k.a. J-Lo

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Another day of being anxious and excited. Graduation will be on Friday, March 3rd, and I can hardly stand it. Just to see the excitement in my PEP brothers’ faces, and my family members’ faces as well, is something I look forward to. Today we were in class practicing our pitches and the graduation walk. Even though I was frustrated for doing it repeatedly, I would picture myself with my PEP brothers in the actual graduation. I am not there yet, but just to picture it feels good. I can only imagine how great it will feel once we are there.

The Business Plan Competition will be held on Thursday, March 2nd, and I am excited to see who will win. Today I am in my cell practicing my pitch over and over, and I see my brothers doing the same. I have witnessed so much transformation, and to finally come to the last day of the journey as Phase Two is an incredible feeling. I constantly remind myself that this is not the end of our journey; it is only the beginning. Today, I am happy to be a part of something so great. I am happy to be around all these positive men who are ready to do something big in life. Today, we are entrepreneurs.

Erasmo L.
a.k.a. Selena Gomez

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

We woke up at 6 a.m. this morning in anticipation of today’s pitch panels for tomorrow’s Business Plan Competition event. We also practiced our graduation walk today to prepare ourselves for our graduation ceremony on Friday. Today we received a total of 20 thank you cards to give to the executives for their great service and dedication to Extreme ‘17. The cards are to express our everlasting gratitude for all the wisdom and priceless advice the executives have given us on our business plans and our futures in the free world.

Extreme ‘17 has walked diligently toward the finish line and our ultimate class goal of graduating the Prison Entrepreneurship Program. We have invested countless hours of endless studying, and have had sleepless nights and endless practice sessions for our pitches to win the Business Plan Competition. The rollercoaster journey began nine months ago when we first started Phase One and learned a lot about what drove us to do the things we did to go to prison. We learned about our positive and negative character traits, and even found out that some of us have overly bonded mother wounds and absent father wounds.
In Phase Two they definitely turned it up and we went through the fire together, but ultimately it refined us. We also learned to create a legitimate working business plan to secure our futures. There were times when some of us did not think we would make it, but with the help of our PEP brothers in Extreme ‘17 and God guiding us, we finally made it to the end. (Read 2nd Corinthians 5:17). We are excited about our futures and giving back to the Prison Entrepreneurship Program by making the next class the best class yet. God is good! Congratulations Extreme ’17: we made it!

Guy L.
a.k.a. Pepe Le Pew

Thursday, March 2, 2017

This morning I woke up and got ready for our Business Plan Competition event. I practiced my pitch again for the 100th time. We were called out around 7 a.m. and went to the PEP room. Then PEP gave us a special breakfast in the chow hall, where we got to mingle and have good conversations with the executives before we proceeded to our designated rooms to give our pitches. I think my whole class gave excellent pitches – it was a great event. The executives gave us excellent feedback on our business plans. I gave my pitch around 2:30 p.m. and got some good advice and felt satisfied with my performance. PEP also fed us a special lunch and that was also great. Because I was the last person to give my pitch, we all headed back to the PEP room once I was done delivering my pitch.

When we got back to the room after lunch Bryan K. spoke to us and gave us some words of encouragement and praise for some jobs well done. We also got to hear the finalists from three of the other rooms say their pitches. All and all it was a great day, and I am so proud of all my brothers for doing such a good job. We all deserve how far we have come. And I cannot wait to see us all on graduation day.

Steve M.
a.k.a. La Bamba


The obnoxiously loud static from the clearly outdated clock radio purchased years ago seeps into what was a tranquil environment. I rub the sleep out of my eye and hit the snooze button. If this were any other day I would have abused the snooze button, but this is graduation day! I got up and prepared for the day.
The day room is alive with anticipation. Everyone is neatly dressed and wearing their best clothes. At roughly 7 a.m. Gami and Bob C. called us out. We first assemble in the PEP room and wait for the “chow hall” to be prepared for breakfast. It quickly becomes chaotic as participants are lined up to receive their breakfast of biscuits, sausage, eggs and fruit. There is also juice, coffee and a line for photos with the final four BPC contestants. We then head back to the PEP room to finish the competition. Brian T., our former teacher, returned and gave a speech. After the speech and all the competitors finish, lunch is nothing short of amazing: baked chicken breast sandwiches, BBC chips, and apple crisp. Unfortunately, time is of the essence and we are hurried to get back to the PEP room. There, we all find our designated hangers with our graduation gowns and change out so we can take class pictures.

It is getting closer to the real thing and the adrenaline peaks. We line up in our walking order, and I hear Jessie F. talking about how many family members are here. He has been in the gym helping and preparing the room. Before we exit to the gym, Michael P. (a.k.a. Pork Chop), gives us an inspirational speech. We realize that less than half of our class has ever graduated or walked across a stage. As we embark closer and closer to the gym, the sounds of over 400 people in attendance becomes more audible and a plethora of emotions unexpectedly surface. 157 participants began this journey and test after test, quiz after quiz, computer lab assignments, Toastmasters classes, business plan weekly homework, art history videos, U.S history videos, Nooma videos, Living In The Village, Integrity Selling, Be On Your Best Behavior and Crime And Punishment books, vocabulary tests, 2-3 minute pitches, 7-12 minute pitches, thank you cards and stress beyond this world … 61 graduates are left standing with our family and friends on the other side of the doorway cheering.

After the ceremony, some well-deserved time with our family is spent. We also take several pictures with our Baylor certificates. This amazing day is coming to a close, and we say our goodbyes to our loving family members. Extreme ‘17 is a band of brothers who have, together, gone the distance. Graduation day was not just the end of the Prison Entrepreneurship Program, but the beginning of a new life. Congratulations to my classmates, and may God continue to bless each and every one of you.

Chase M.
a.k.a. Meagan Trainor