Monday, February 20, 2017

Yeah! Journal time! Man, where do I start? We are in the final stretch of this race to the finish line. So much is going on it is unbelievable. I got up early this morning to try and beat the commissary rush, but wound up having to go late anyways because I had to go to the computer lab to do some typing. I only have nine fingers and they make me do the typing! Anyways, it took me about two hours to complete the typing assignments I was given and then it was back to the dorm to wrestle the commissary line.

I want to take this opportunity to reflect on how far we have come. We are no longer icky caterpillars, but beautiful butterflies. This is going to be my final PEP journal entry so I have to take advantage of this opportunity. Personally, I know I have changed in a dramatic fashion. PEP has taught me how to reflect inwardly and to recognize and eliminate my negative character traits. I haven’t cursed a bad word in about four months now, and many of my PEP brothers are in the same boat. I associate with people who want the finer things in life and we discuss topics like religion, politics, and the overall general wellbeing of our fellow man. Believe me when I say, I wasn’t always like that. My brothers have changed a lot too.

I love PEP and how PEP has changed my life for the better. I want to give the person who started PEP a “high five”! Who are we? WE ARE PEP!

James H.
a.k.a. Third Trimester

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Today started out great because we are so close to graduation. Some of us have already begun to give back and facilitate the Phase One class. As we go through the lessons we all took during Phase One, we reflect on when we were watching the Robert Lewis videos. We shared our thoughts in small groups in Phase One and realized how far we have come. We got up and showed Phase One how to dance and try to have some fun. We remember being really stiff when we first had to dance. It really shows how far we have come during the last nine months. We finished with Phase One then Extreme ‘17 went in to watch some Nooma videos which are full of information.

Afterwards, with gradation just 10 days away, we received our seating chart and practiced how we are going to walk into the gym how and where our families, the executives, and other people will be seated. When it’s time to get our certificates the whole row will stand up at the same time, turn left and walk around the rows to a completely different chair to sit down. We wait until everyone is done, all stand up and then they announced: “The graduating class of Extreme 2017.” We practiced it over and over again. We want to put on a good show for all of our families who are coming. We are all excited about graduation, and I’m sure we all want to impress our families, executives and everyone in attendance.
After that we went back to the dorms, and a lot of us continued to practice our pitch for our Business Plan Competition (BPC). There are a lot of good pitches in the class of Extreme ’17, so everyone is going to have to be on their “A game.” It will be very competitive this year, and we all know that whoever wins it will be well deserved. We have had nine months of hard work to prepare for this final day, but I know everyone will do a great job.

Isidro J.
a.k.a. Pikachu

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Today was one of those days where servant-leaders get up early to attend servant-leader meeting. This is where accountability leaders and department heads update each other on the current status of PEP activities and culture. We choose a topic and discuss it with our individual groups. This week’s topic was tactfulness. What is the importance of having tact? Being incarcerated for long periods of time, we try to be straightforward and get our point across. It is important that we consider others’ feelings too, because it is not fair that we want respect but we don’t model respect for others. This meeting laststypically about two hours every Wednesday morning.

Since we are close to graduation we are participating in pitch panels. This means we go to the PEP room and divide ourselves into two sections and practice our pitches. All of us will have the opportunity to pitch their business plan to the PEP brothers. Everyone is anxious for graduation! There are a lot of brothers that have not seen their loved ones in quite some time. We are blessed to have Family Liaisons to help bridge that gap with our families.

PEP is the best program that is offered throughout the justice system. All of my brothers can vouch for that. Since we are so close to graduation, we have also been rehearsing our graduation walk. For many of my brothers this will be their first graduation. Many people think it’s a cake walk, but it is actually pretty intense. For each day that passes, we thank God for the blessing and opportunity to be participants in PEP.
Christopher J.
a.k.a. Eva Longoria

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Today was an interesting day. We had a visitor named Rebecca come and speak with us about overcoming unfortunate circumstances. She is now 21 years old, but she talked to us about what she has gone through between the ages of 12-18, such as being diagnosed with a disease that caused her joints to spontaneously dislocate; she was taken out of public schools because she had too many medical problems; she became addicted to pain pills; and she was not expected to live pass the age of 16. She became so depressed that she tried to commit suicide.

Through it all, she was able to bounce back strong. She is now in a happy relationship and attending college. The message that I received from that visit is that we come to feel that we naturally deserve good things,that we have certain privileges due to us. When setbacks occur, it is almost a personal punishment: “How could this have happened to me?” We either blame other people or we blame ourselves. In both cases, we lose valuable time and become unnecessarily emotional. It is better to see that these are not adverse circumstance but merely life as it is. You have no time to lose, fear or be depressed. No matter what the circumstances are, we are to stay focused and progress.

I read a quote once that stated: “The motivation and energy levels you bring to the encounter have three times as much weight as your physical resource.” With energy and high morale, a human can overcome almost any obstacle and create opportunity out of nothing.
Anthony J.
a.k.a. Young and the Restless


This week was unique. All of the brothers have a different look on their faces, and it is because of the Extreme ‘17 graduation. Everyone seems to have a glow that says: “I have accomplished and achieved success and made it.” I talked to a brother who was really happy that his family was coming as it was his first time graduating something. I never thought that the graduation would mean so much to this man, and the way he described his family was humbling. It’s amazing what PEP has done for us. Through hard work and dedication, anything can be achieved and anything can be accomplished. The sight of my brothers shows that success can take you out of this place mentally and all of my brothers know what I’m talking about. Personally I feel like this graduation was a long time coming and I definitely enjoyed the program. I was able to change things about myself I didn’t even know about. Accountability made me look in the mirror and accept the changes permanently. This is a new beginning for me. I have learned to stay grounded and to seek excellence. Life will have you searching for a reality that is not attainable, but this program is teaching me how to obtain a healthy life while serving and making others happy. My expression has turned from a frown to a smile, and it is extraordinary what a little education will do for your mind.

Johnathan Johnson
a.k.a. Muffler Smoke