Week 21
Week in Review
Monday August 29, 2016
For over eight months PEP’s Elite ‘16 class has pushed and pushed, dedicating themselves to overcoming their pasts and proving to one another our value as a team. We are now part of an established brotherhood, one proven to rebuild lives. In two-and-a-half weeks we will celebrate this achievement with graduation!
Speaking of graduation, we went to class this morning and finished the gifts we made for our families. We also started rehearsing our seating and stage routes. The energy in the air is almost palpable as you feel the anxiety coursing through every smile, hug and handshake.
There is a fellowship that originates in the depths of our despair;
We build walls behind walls that we never knew were there.
Then that bond becomes brotherhood and cannot be broken,
It rest on the shoulders of giants and its truth remains unspoken.
Who are we? We are PEP!! Where do we live? Between the Wings!!!
Steven M. (a.k.a. NASA Space Alien)
Tuesday August 30, 2016
Today was computer class, where the curriculum is mainly centered on Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. The assignments are pretty much step by step, but when the occasional problem occurs thank God for the servant leaders who are always on hand to help us out. Later in the day Phase Two was called out to the PEP room so that we could continue to practice our 7 to 12 minute business plan pitches. The upcoming event is weighing heavily on everyone: PEP’s Business Plan Competition, and it is what the last nine months have been preparing us for (and of course graduation). I cannot wait!
But it’s not over yet; we still have one more test to take on the book Crime and Punishment. I am fixing to go over the study material one more time before we are called out – I do not want any homework this late in the game, and I still have to say my pitch three more times to fulfill today’s sign off sheet. I will be glad when the pitch giving part of the journey is done.
James M. (a.k.a. Sweet Pops from Friday)
Wednesday August 31, 2016
Today was another day closer to graduation. We can’t help but feel the big day coming, but before that event we have our Business Plan Competition. My brothers and I have been preparing for this event for many months and are ready to showcase all our hard work.
**SPOILER ALERT – IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN ATTENDING GRADUATION, PLEASE DO NOT LET THEM READ THIS PARAGRAPH** In class today we practiced our pitches, but were also able to design teddy bear t-shirts for the younger ones in our families. It was a good escape from the constant pressure of the upcoming event and graduation.
You may think that graduation is the end of the line; however it’s just the beginning as we, the class of Elite ‘16, are ready to give back to help the next class make it to where we are now and instill in them the positive traits we have learned throughout the program. I am so proud of all my fellow brothers for trudging through all the hard work, long hours of studying, videos and lectures to make it to the end with me. I am honored to call all of you my friends and brothers. God bless you.
Fred M. (a.k.a. Sweet Tooth Fairy)
Thursday September 1, 2016
It’s September, the start of a new month. Time has gone by fast here in PEP. We have two more weeks until graduation and our final Business Plan Pitch event. I’m really excited about graduation! After nine months of hard work, I can say that I’m proud of my accomplishment in completing the program.
**SPOILER ALERT – IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN ATTENDING GRADUATION, PLEASE DO NOT LET THEM READ THIS PARAGRAPH** Today was a relaxed day in PEP for a change. We continued working on the teddy bear t-shirts for the younger members of our families. I was able to do one for my little brother and sister. I hope they like it. While we were busy with our artistic expressions, the servant leaders had us giving our pitches.
Everybody looks like they have their pitches down for the upcoming event. I know I am ready and confident that I will do well on my presentation. I am looking forward to graduation because I’ll be able to see my family. It’s been a long time. I hope they are proud of my accomplishments and the change in my heart and thinking.
Roosevelt M. (a.k.a. Sweet Golden Monkey)
I have been blessed to go through this program. It has shown me a lot about myself and my character. Now looking back at my life, day by day, hour by hour, even minute by minute, every single second, life is a series of experiences strung on a time line, none you can relive, some unforgettable, each unforgivable. Paths crossed, space to space, yet people seldom meet, even when face to face. Like a puzzle missing a piece, even a heart skipping a beat, no one’s life is ever complete. PEP has helped me reach deep down inside myself, to retrieve my passion. You can’t really compare people. That’s one of the biggest things I’ve learned, because comparing yourself to someone else really stops you from becoming who you are capable of becoming.
I have always stuck by my motto: “If a task you’ve once begun, never leave it until it’s done.” With that bring said, another thing PEP has shown me is that ambition is the path to success, but persistence is the vehicle you’ll arrive in because every major road to success is under construction. But you must be able to maneuver and persevere through those obstacles. My journey is not yet complete; I’ve only made it to (almost) graduation. There is still so much more left to do in my transformation. My brothers, keep reaching and unlocking your potential!
Larry M. (a.k.a. Sweet Mrs. Parker)