Week 17


Week in Review


Monday January 22, 2018

Today we came in for our last official Toastmasters meeting. It is truly amazing how much all of us have grown. Some of us feared getting up in front of class to give our speeches, but it was our slow and steady work that allowed us to conquer our fears and master the discipline of keeping our composure under pressure. And it is truly a sight to see when you know the transformation that has taken place. Our last official Toastmaster wrapped up the final speeches; all that’s left is to send in our records of all of our speeches to finally receive our Toastmasters certificates, so that’s what we did. It was a milestone paving the way toward graduation. After Toastmasters we had a few brothers come up to give their business pitches in front of the whole class. Practice makes perfect, right? So we strive to call on brothers we know have a hard time so we can help them get more practice, but to build confidence by encouraging them to be greater than the room.

We left for lunch break and returned to class for our test on Crime and Punishment, a book we are reading (learning new vocabulary words from). This is also coming to a close. We have one more test to complete it, so that will be another milestone we are about to reach. Finally we had mandatory pitch panels on in our living areas for us to give our business pitches to our PEP brothers for further practice. We strive to make sure that everyone is meeting the seven minute minimum; we grade body language, voice, volume, eye contact and speech completion. We are graded by our servant leader graduates who give their time to help us to grow so that we will be ready to give a good pitch. That was life on the Estes Unit With our PEP family today.

Jose F. (a.k.a. “Baby Fonda”)


Tuesday January 23, 2018

Today started out as an exciting day, but even though the day had just started, it felt like it was going to be a 25 hour day instead of a regular 24 hour day. As we walked out into the dayrooms we saw brothers off in their own little worlds with their mouths moving as if they were carrying on conversations with 100 people. As we get close to the finish line, this has become a normal occurrence as we prepare for our Business Plan Competition (BPC). We are all striving to be the BPC winner. Our business pitches are all excellent and have great potential to win over any executive panel. This is only one of the many things we are challenging ourselves to accomplish. For many of us we also need to find to squeeze in a few flash cards to study for our last entrepreneurship test.

Many of us are also giving back to help make the next class the best class. In doing so we facilitate our Phase One PEP brothers through the most important part of this program, which is character development. Many of our Phase One brothers have started to embrace the prison entrepreneurship program and open up their hearts through the Robert Lewis men’s fraternity. It is a learning and encouraging experience that helps everyone build bonds and a brotherhood together. And now that this day has come to an end, I can honestly say the one positive and encouraging thing that any of us could have learned from today is that we are all in this together as we grow and become better men for our loving families. So as we lay our heads down tonight, let us give thanks and be ready for another 25 hour day. Graduation is almost here.

Robert F. (a.k.a. “Misses Swan”)


Wednesday January 24, 2018

As we packed in the PEP room, all in a single line just like a family of ducks crossing the road, we grabbed our name badges and turned in extra credit for the test we had to take along with our pitch signatures.  We took our seats and talked to one another for a brief moment before praying-in; that’s when we heard those words we all dread to hear in PEP: “Turn your chairs to face the library – test time.” Today was the last test from our entrepreneurship textbook. Most of the class was surprised because more of us passed the Chapter 14 test than any other test we have taken.  When everybody got their tests back, you could see the joy in each person’s face. The room filled with smiles and laughter. It was just a great environment, followed by watching some art videos. We have watched 18 out of the 24 videos.

We then broke up into groups to practice our business pitches; some of the guys in our class have really good ideas and pitches. We have all came so far with our public speaking. It’s like night and day, the way anyone in the class can say a pitch with confidence. One after another we got front and center and said our pitches after the last person went. Then it was time to pray out.

Brandon F. (a.k.a. “Cuddles Teddy Bear”)


Thursday January 25, 2018

It is with great joy that I write today. We have completed all testing on our entrepreneurial curriculum. The heavy lifting is over. With this grand accomplishment we are on our way to finalize our business plans and tighten up our pitches for the final Phase Two events.

The feeling of relief is widespread throughout our class, knowing that we have all grown and accomplished so much. The beauty of this all really lies in the growth and transformation. To stand witness to these accomplishments makes us all very proud. The men in this class have proven to be strong, durable men of character.

The sails are set – we have caught a wind and are well on our way to graduation. Having sailed the tumultuous seas of change PEP puts us through, I know we are all looking forward to the final days that are to come. We have all grown to care about this program and these participants more than we ever thought on day one of class.

Stephen F. (a.k.a. “Alan From The Hangover”)



 “Never lose courage, never lose faith.

Nothing in this world is impossible when you are determined.”

~ Sih Cheng Yen

This quote is extremely inspirational to me. It has inspired me to never give up. I know with courage and faith that nothing is impossible. It has helped me in the way I think of difficult situations. I believe it has helped me to realize that no matter what I’m going through, I cannot only make it through it but succeed while doing so. It has helped me grow in my courage and faith tremendously.

James F. (a.k.a. “Crayola Kid”)