Week in Review


Monday January 15, 2018

Somehow we were under the impression that because today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we would not be called out for the Toastmasters class. This was surely a figment of our own imagination because as usual, we were called out. Although we may have already given our final speeches, it is required that we still attend to support each other. Randy C. took to the floor, first speaking on the importance of a job, saving money, and being able to step out on faith, ideas we were all able to learn from and relate to.

Grady V., someone we all know to be highly intelligent, spoke about the true meaning of old wives’ tales or folk stories using “Jack and the Beanstalk” to do so. Once again, everyone paid close attention to his every word as we all soaked up the information he shared in his speech.

During Toastmasters, we were all called in to the computer lab to receive the results of our character assessment we had taken a few weeks ago. It was not long before our Family Liaison showed up and, once again, we were all called back to the PEP room where each person took turns speaking with her in alphabetical order about or graduation guest lists and financial support for those whose family may need it. Last but not least, we listened to a few pitches before praying our tor the day. Our class has most certainly become closer with time as well as the ambition to see one another succeed.

Kevin B. (a.k.a. “Reverend Reggie”)


Tuesday January 16, 2018

Today was a highly anticipated day for all of us here in PEP. We are now at the pinnacle for this experience and opportunity that was presented to us. Today we started off with taking one of two tests in our entrepreneurship book. We are so close to the end that all of us can see the finish line. We first started this program in June and did not know what to expect. It has been a busy last few months, and especially the last few weeks! It has not been easy, but we fought through it.

After the test we had a few pitch presentations because we are once again preparing for pitch panels. We got to hear some great pitches with great ideas. We were informed that we can no longer read them, so we have to start working on memorizing them. Not a problem! After the pitches we did our after-test “issues and tissues” session, where we went over the test and discussed any discrepancies. After that, we watched inspirational videos. The videos discussed how people can hold onto things and let those things drag them down. It talked about a person who kept hate in her heart, and how she learned to forgive and was then able to lift a whole lot of weight from off of her shoulders. By learning to forgive, she let everything go. By doing so, it made her a better person.

We watched a few more videos before hearing a couple more speeches. That concluded another day in PEP. Only one more test left from our entrepreneurship textbook. We are looking forward to that! The only thing left is to finish after that is our pitches, and then we will graduate!  See you at graduation!

Julian C. (a.k.a. “Mr. Chow”)

Wednesday January 17, 2018

Today was a day that we got to hear a few of our classmates’ pitches, including one delivered by yours truly. A few of us had to do our pitch in front of the whole class. Of course, as you may have guessed, we can be a tough audience. This is all done in the hopes of bringing out the very best in one another. We all want to see each other succeed.

We took our Chapter 13 test, which means that there is only one more chapter left in our entrepreneurship book. Wow, this time has gone fast. Plus we are excited about our upcoming event. We really enjoy getting to spend as much time as possible with the executives who come up here. It is amazing to see them show us so much love and concern. That makes us want to do our very best, not only for us but so we can show them that we are serious about our future and are very appreciative of their support.

It is amazing to see how far some of my brothers have actually come since coming into this program. It is truly a blessing from God to see the change that has overcome them and to know that they have so much potential. Even better than that is that now they realize their own potential.

Just seeing such a small part of this, I can understand why the executives keep coming back, because it was an awesome experience to watch these brothers gain their confidence and come up with their own business ideas. Most of us never would have thought that we would ever be business owners, but look at us now! We are well on our way.  

Randall C. (a.k.a. “Swamp Thing”)


Thursday January 18, 2018

Today was an off day for us as far as class goes, but we are focused on getting ready for our next event. Pitch Day is when we present our full business pitches. We will have given these pitches to our peers hundreds of times prior to this event.

We have also been extremely busy finalizing our actual business plans. We are also in the process of creating brochures for our prospective businesses. We have all spent a lot of time in the computer lab working on all areas of our business plans. The information that our business plan advisors have been providing has been a tremendous benefit in that process. We are grateful for all the assistance given to us along the way.

We are all getting used to a new schedule: instead of going to our classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we’re now going to our classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. We are getting close to being through with the Prison Entrepreneurship Program. The journey has been long, and it has not been easy, but we have all worked hard and persevered. It reminds me of a saying I heard once: “Persevere even when it’s hard to go on, release even when it is hard to let go, endure even when it is hard to bear, this is how we build character.” We have all worked on our character and made significant changes on the path to becoming better fathers, sons, brothers and better men in general. We all look forward to the challenge that awaits us. We are definitely better equipped now to handle any situation life may throw at us. We are PEP!

Gerald C. (a.k.a. “Super Trooper Farva”)



“We are different.”


This quote inspires us to reach our full potential. We don’t want to be the same person we were a couple of years ago. We want to be better people, sons, husbands and fathers. As entrepreneurs we have to be different. When I say “different,” I am referring to our sacrifices, motivations and goals in life. Some people say we can’t be successful because we are felons. We believe that no matter how much we have done, we have a Fresh-Start Outlook here in PEP. We have a drive to succeed in life like no other. We are ready to make a positive impact on our community upon release. We like to see others succeed. We would like to shepherd the young generation to help them stay on a positive path.

Randy C. (a.k.a. “Popeye’s Chicken”)