Weekly Journal

A Teaser…

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Today was an amazing day in PEP.  We studied the most important aspect of the program: character development. At this stage of character development, we went over the Better Man series session entitled, “God and the Good Life.”  There was a very sweet and somber energy in the room as we considered the approaches to manhood and definitions of what the “good Life” really means. The vast majority of us in the class defined the good life as a collection of things such as material wealth, public image, or thrill-seeking adventures.

After hearing testimony from highly successful public figures such as Tom Brady, none of us could deny that there has to be more to happiness than superficial progress. Then David F., our In-Prison Manager, gave us an inspiring testimony on the steps he’s taken to reach and maintain his joy, which begins and ends with his faith and relationship with The Most High. It’s very calming to know that someone truly understands the road behind us and the road ahead. Next, we studied PEP’s 10 Driving Values – more specifically, the value called Servant-Leader Mentality: “We believe that with leadership comes the overriding responsibility to others.”

For many of PEP’s current participants, this is the first time anyone has defined leadership for us as anything other than control over others. And as we all know, the desire for control is at the root of every destructive relationship, while the love of God that servant-leadership brings has a different, better outcome. We combined the momentum and direction of these two classes and poured it all into our initial business plan ideas, ending the day just right!

Thomas S.

(aka “Billy Madison”)


Being in the situation that I am in, there tends to be quite a lot of self-help and betterment books around. These are often filled with quotes from history about what humanity should aspire to be. One that I ran across that has really stuck with me is from Edith Wharton, which says, “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”

In thinking about this, I’ve come to the conclusion that no matter whether we are the light or the mirror, we must take the initiative to try! There must be a wholehearted decision to pick a path of righteous living. Certainly, there will be times when we “fake it to make it” (reflecting the light), but these times will be steeped in learning and conditioning, since good and righteous living through feelings and behavior are best for me and the world (being the light).

Starting off by imitating others who are helping the community and helping to make the world better is a far better action than to sit in self-pity and loathing. I no longer feel that the world is just a messed up place and “that’s just how it is” and “there is no hope for me.” Eventually, I can become the light!

By becoming the light, I can influence others who want to become the light in a dark world. It won’t be easy, and it won’t be quick. But it will be worth it to help those who are making our communities better, safer and friendlier places to live.

Matthew N.

(aka “Jerry Maguire”)