Week 14


Week in Review

Monday June 26, 2017

Today was not unlike most other days in the world of PEP. What I mean by this, of course, is that we had a lot to do. It is important to stay busy around here, and PEP makes sure that we always have plenty to do to occupy our time. At some point today all of Phase Two had the pleasure of going to our Toastmasters class and got some more experience in public speaking. Some of the speeches were funny stories from the participants’ lives, while others were very informative. We all had a great time, and everyone has improved their public speaking abilities a great deal. This is important because we know that our Pitch Day event is fast approaching, and we need all the practice speaking in front of an audience we can get. Some of us had an opportunity to go down to the computer lab to do some market research and check for any updated news from business plan advisors. Those who were not able to go today will have the opportunity to go on Wednesday. The Phase One brothers had the day off today; they are getting a chance to observe how busy their schedules will be when they make it to the second phase of the program.

The atmosphere in the dorms was peaceful as it usually is, and everybody gets along great. Phase Two brothers were participating in study groups for our upcoming Chapter 11 test in our entrepreneurship textbook. The Phase One brothers are being wise stewards of their time and getting a head start on studying up on their 10 Driving Values to prepare them for the “big six” tests they have to look forward to in a few months down the line. All in all, it was a very fun and productive day. We have a lot of those around here!

Michael S. (a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty)


Tuesday June 27, 2017

Today was a great day for the PEP family. We started out pretty easily with Phase One. Since some of my fellow Phase Two brothers help to facilitate the Phase One class, the day starts bright and early at 4 a.m. As facilitators, we get to give back. We help with grading papers, discussing Robert Lewis’s Quest for Authentic Manhood video course, setting up chairs, introduce presentations or just whatever may be needed in order to help the new class transition smoothly. Although we lose a couple hours of sleep, the joy we receive from just helping out the next class more than makes up for it.

After class we dined at the finest chow hall in the whole MTC/TDCJ system. After a short break we began our regular Phase Two class. As usual, we received another PEP pop quiz. Without having any idea what the quiz is going to be on, we literally have to “stay ready to keep from getting ready.” This time it just so happened to be the “names test.” On this occasion we have to know all of our fellow classmates’ names, first and last, as well as the names of all our peer-educators and the DJ. In order to pass we had to make a 90 or above. If we failed we would have to write each classmate’s name one hundred times, accompanied with a one page essay on each person we missed as well. Kind of hard, isn’t it?  Well, that’s just another day here at the Sanders Estes Prison Entrepreneurship Program.

DeMarcus S. (a.k.a. Gooseneck)


Wednesday June 28, 2017

Today was a good and productive day for us – Wednesdays usually are. Some of us have computer class, where we learn new and interesting computer skills. Today, some of us had to learn some PowerPoint skills so we can learn how to put a presentation together for next Tuesday’s class. We are learning and teaching on “Integrity Selling.”  It is a chance for us to learn and put into practice what we’ve learned in order to be an honest and successful business person. Also, many of us did our Toastmasters speech on the dorm. Toastmasters is a curriculum helping us to be prepared to speak in front of a large audience. A lot of us really need this help. People tell me I am a natural speaker, but I am always looking for ways to improve. They say we will need this skill in the future, especially in front of executives or when it comes time to talk about business and closing the deal.

Tonight we got to go to a marriage and family seminar, hosted by a PEP graduate who got out and became a successful counselor. We learned a lot in that class, especially about conflicting personalities, what makes you do the things you do, and how to resolve those conflicts in a healthy, Christian-based way. The teacher was awesome. Tomorrow we have a big test, so we are all studying. “Stay ready to keep from getting ready!” You don’t know how true that is in here. So we stay ready, so we can be ready for whatever occasion arises.

Christopher S. (a.k.a. Meatloaf)


Thursday June 29, 2017

We started today – my birthday – with prayer. We thanked God for all His blessings and miracles He performs in our lives on a daily basis.

Next, we watched the news to get caught up on the latest events. After watching the news we spent about two hours studying for the Chapter 11 test. The effort we put into studying will reflect in the grades we make, plus extra hours of studying will save us from doing homework. The anxiety of preparing for the tests we have to take each week is a little overwhelming, but we are almost to the finish line. After we studied we went to lunch before returning to watch The Young and the Restless, a soap opera that has us on the edge of our seats – for the moment, a chance to relax.

Today we had Toastmasters in the dorm. We all had to give a 5-7 minute speech. We had fun with some of the topics we chose. Toastmasters is really teaching us a lot about public speaking.

Today is Thursday, so that means it is test day. Our class was taught by Michelle G., who filled in for Bert S. She covered Chapter 12 of the Entrepreneurship textbook about establishing operations.

Afterward we attended Faithwalkers, a class that some of our brothers teach on studying the Bible, and how applying faith is important in all areas of our lives. Today was a very productive day.

Elston T. (a.k.a. E.T.)



This past week was a very long week for me. Starting Monday I read a couple of chapters of Integrity Selling, a book that PEP issued discussing selling with purpose. In between time while in the dayroom we either study, do homework or read some of the chapters that that we have to read.

At this week’s Toastmasters I was the grammarian. The duty of the grammarian is basically to point out improper language and incorrect sentence structure. I also had to choose the word of the day, which each participant had to use the word correctly during his speech that day.

Some of us are helping the new Phase One (character development phase) participants. The main duties for us to fill are facilitators, assignment checkers and emcee. That afternoon some of my brothers from H-pod, J-pod and K-pod had to give presentations, reviewing Integrity Selling using PowerPoint.

Whether studying for tests, taking tests, doing market research in the computer lab or listening to Michelle G.’s lecture on the next chapter’s material, all of us in the class of Pristine ‘17 “stay ready to keep from getting ready.”

Tomorrow is Friday so I will unwind for a moment, but Monday we will be back to business as usual.

Adolfo T. (a.k.a. Dory)