Week 12


Week in Review


Monday July 2, 2018

Wow! We had another excellent day. We took two tests, one over Chapter 13 and one over our book Integrity Selling.  We were able to gain extra credit points to help us on our entrepreneurship test. After our test, we had a very special volunteer by the name of Michelle G. join us to teach Chapter 12 on project management, “Building the Business.” She also went over production charts. After going over her presentation she helped break down the key factors, and then we were allowed to ask questions. She then asked us a question that might be on our test, and we would have to answer.

After her presentation, Brian T. went over our test we had taken first thing this morning. We had the opportunity to challenge an answer that was marked incorrect. Once this was over, we sang “Happy Birthday” to one of our brothers, then prayed out and headed to lunch.

After lunch we went to the computer lab to finish or catch up on our assignments. Some of us are working on our Integrity Selling PowerPoint presentations so that we can teach the class and help show them the importance of this book. After we left the computer lab, we went back to our pods to prepare for our upcoming test and finish our assignments that are due this coming week.  

Douglas M. (a.k.a. “Life Alert”)


Tuesday July 3, 2018  

Legacy ‘18 has built so many memories in these past seven months. It’s been an amazing journey for all of us. Today we were privileged to help facilitate the class of Winter ‘19. It’s always nice to see the growth of these brothers. We started out with our daily prayer and then with the word of the day. Then we saw Robert Lewis video and ways to unpack our past wounds. After the video, we broke up into our Men’s Fraternity groups and talked about how the video has affected us and how we can use it as a tool in our lives. Breaking up into groups and talking with these brothers really helps to let those old emotions out.

After our group time together, we went back to facilitate and even give a few presentations on our 10 Driving Values. Another part of the class that’s very enjoyable is when the class gives out sweet names. After this we went to lunch and back to our pods. Then it was time for us to break up into our study groups and get ready for Friday, because we will have another test over Chapter 12 on project management. 

A few brothers decided to have a little fun in the study group, so for every incorrect answer they gave each other 20 push-ups. They said they were being wise stewards with their time by studying and working out at the same time. After studying, we ended our day by praying together and lifting our families up.

Jesse M. (a.k.a. “Koala Bear”)


Wednesday July 4, 2018

Today was a blessed day for us. With it being the Fourth of July, we did not have class and were able to sleep in and relax. Here at the Estes Unit, we had the very first in-prison car show, where there were well over 50 cars that came out to join us. The few that stood out to us were a 2015 Corvette, 1963 Chevy Impala, 1967 El Camino, and a jeep called Critter. A few of the bikes stood out as well, such as the Indian and the Web. Most of the cars and bikes that came out to join us were from a ministry. We all enjoyed ourselves with music, nice cars, and a strong message that followed. It was definitely motivational to have ex-convicts come back to spread the Word of God. It is such a blessing to be in the position we are in and to reap so many benefits that are in front of us.

After the car show was over, we enjoyed a very good meal. It was a day many of us needed. As we headed back to the pods, we joined with our study groups because we have a test over Chapter 12. We are continuously studying here in PEP. Our schedule has been very busy as we head toward the end and graduation in September. Now that our day has come to an end, a few of us are preparing for tomorrow so that we can facilitate the class of Winter ‘19.

Kelsey M. (a.k.a. “Cardi B”)


Thursday July 5, 2018

On Thursday, we had a very nice experience with Winter ‘19 Phase One participants. We first prayed-in and then we watched one of the Men’s Fraternity videos – what a great and awesome teacher Robert Lewis is! After the video, we broke up into our groups and discussed the topics that were presented. It’s really great to see these guys open up about their lives and share some of their experiences that they have been through in life.

After our group was finished, we then went over a presentation on the character traits and then one of our 10 Driving Values. The Driving Value that was discussed was love. “We are committed to service in love.” And this is something that many of us are doing by helping and giving back to this upcoming class.  It’s amazing that so many in this class are participating and giving their opinions. After that, we handed out sweet names, but before they made their way to the front of the room, they had to show off their dance moves.

Once the sweet names were given out, we had three participants volunteer to give a quick testimony about their lives and why they decided to be a part of PEP. Another tradition we have here is sing Happy Birthday, so we sang to one of our brothers and encouraged him to keep on pushing through. We feel privileged to be a part of this transformation and help the next class be the best class and meet their full potential.

Mike O. (a.k.a. “Rice Crispy Treat”)



“The past is not an anchor to drag us back, but a rudder to help guide us into the future.”

~ Warren Wiersbe

This quote has inspired me & has changed the way I think, because I used to use my past as an excuse not to better myself. It truly was an anchor in my life, but I now use my past trials and tribulations to fuel me to do better and to be better, because now I look at my past and know I never want to go through that again. This quote has helped me grow tremendously. I now embrace the adversity I have been through (and am going through). I use it as fuel to help me keep pushing forward in life and make right choices.

I can honestly say that my past is no longer an anchor in my life, but a rudder that’s guiding me through life and any adversity I continue to face. I believe this will help me strive to do better – not just for myself, but most importantly for my son. As my son gets older and understands what goes on in life, I will share this quote with him, so that no matter what life throws at him he can embrace the adversity and use whatever he goes through as a rudder to help him push forward … and so that he won’t make the same mistakes I have made. I want to help him learn never to allow his past to hold him back from becoming the person he is meant to be. No matter how tough life gets, he will know to always keep his head held high and never drop it, unless he’s stopping to pray.

Ismael O. (a.k.a. “Ricky Martin”)