Week 12


Week in Review


Monday June 12, 2017

Today in the PEP room we started with a prayer to strengthen us, give us wisdom and to grow as servants of God. A couple of brothers complimented us on how well we have been doing with our speeches. When we first started giving speeches, we struggled, but we continued. I can say that we have been getting better. It is not easy, and I must admit I still struggle, but we have been pushing and striving for the best. As we kept proceeding the Toastmaster opened up with a scenario that happened to him when he received homework, and he explained how to go about it. There are many obstacles in life, but how you react in the moment is what makes the difference.

We had our first speaker Brian talk about his business and what made him pursue the idea. He was determined to help bring the lower class to market by providing affordable vehicles to purchase. He spoke from experience about how hard it is for low-income households to get a vehicle. To me that is a very good idea. He saw a niche and found a way to fill it. The PEP program has expanded our horizons in many aspects that we could not have imagined. Whether it is Toastmasters or studies over the Entrepreneurship book, it will all serve to help us once we return to our communities.

                                         Adrian P. (a.k.a. Now & Later)


Tuesday June 13, 2017

Today is the six-month mark for our class. Every Tuesday we have been put through what they call “the fire.” My brothers and I thought we were just taking a swim. It is test day. All of us – and one of us in particular – have been preparing all week for an exam on the book “Living in the Village.” And yes, it has come to its conclusion. This book has taught me and many others in my position what it means to be financially literate. Before this book, I knew nothing of what it takes to manage your expenses. With the help of my study partner, we have managed to pass every test and actually learn valuable bits of information. After breakfast we studied and talked about life’s complications and its blessings. While we waited for class and the test that is to come, we managed to play a few games of chess to relieve some mental stress. Today in particular something deep was on my mind. It was the knowledge that PEP has given me like-minded people to socialize and congregate with, and it is not about old lives or old friends, but instead about new life and new brothers. I was not the friendliest of people until I came to PEP. As I looked around I saw people of different age groups commit to something in their lives. That word commitment has always been an issue with all of us at some point in time, but today we saw what it means to have commitment and to stay committed to something in our lives. I saw PEP’s purpose in our lives, as I see it almost every day. PEP has driven us to establish sound and moral principles I can continue to utilize and share for the rest of my life. This network has given life to people like me, and those not so much like me. I will always carry the memory of what PEP did for us and what I have seen it do for others.

Tye P. (a.k.a. Hula Hoop)


Wednesday June 14, 2017

As I walked into the dayroom, I noticed one of my brothers studying for tomorrow’s test, another going through flash cards, and the Servant-Leaders ready to attend their weekly meeting in the PEP room.

We began to organize things for the day, beginning with studying Chapter 8’s commonly used ratios from the Entrepreneurship book. Next, we worked on some extra credit for tomorrow – God knows every little bit counts. Then, I am sure I am not the only one who read a few chapters from the Integrity Selling book by Ron Willingham. As the morning went along, some of my peers returned from education, meetings and their day’s agendas. With all the guys back the noise level rose, but we stayed persistent in our studies because of the extra effort. Even though it can get difficult to concentrate on what we are doing, that is how things go around here, and it will prepare us for the obstacles that life has in store for us.

Speaking of brothers, today is DeMarcus’s birthday and the whole dorm had gathered together to celebrate it with him. We sang “Happy Birthday” to him with an FI-1 twist and gave him a bag of goodies (a birthday bag of donations to show we care). I believe he had a great experience even if it only lasted a few minutes.

As the day wound down we gathered for a prayer circle to thank God for all His blessings and to look after our families during our absence. As we prayed for better days, we turned in for the night, hoping to wake in His delight. Amen.

Refugio Q. (a.k.a. Dairy Queen)


Thursday June 15, 2017

Today we turned out for class about 8 a.m. While waiting for class to begin by praying-in, we were informed that that Colleen R., author of Be on Your Best Business Behavior would be arriving soon to begin our etiquette class. Also, we were informed that one of our Servant-Leaders made parole, so it was only right we had him sent to the back of the room to dance while everyone clapped and congratulated him.

After our test on Chapter 8, Mrs. Colleen arrived. She was introduced and proceeded to discuss the format of her presentation. Colleen spoke some encouraging words to the class about how far we have come and what we are capable of doing. She started her presentation on basic etiquette and civility. We covered polishing our speech and removing words such as huh, what and yea. Replacing such words with pardon me and excuse me. Lessons like this will help us with employment and day-to-day-living. We were shown how to put on a tie by some of my classmates while other members of the class had a chance to learn how to put on a tie themselves. We really enjoyed the information Mrs. Colleen shared. Excellence is not just in etiquette but is a way of life as well.

At about noon Mr. Bert S. arrived to give us an overview of Chapter 9 of the Entrepreneurship book. We discussed several types of business organizations and corporations. We also received important information about “Doing Business As” (DBAs) for our future businesses. Many of my brothers spoke up during Bert’s lecture and helped educate each other with our knowledge, as well as Bert’s. Then we prayed-out after a very good day in the PEP classroom. Overall it was an informative and insightful Thursday for everyone involved in the Prison Entrepreneurship Program.

Andrew R. (a.k.a. Bobble Head)



I begin every morning with a daily devotional to get my mind in the right direction for the day. I then begin my studies into the different books, such as Integrity Selling and the Entrepreneurship textbook.  I try to compose myself with the 10 Driving Values in my daily routine so that I can lead my fellow PEP brothers by example and not just by words. True leaders will review themselves throughout the day to make sure they are in line with what they are promoting.  I take a bit of knowledge from all my PEP brothers throughout the day and over time to help me to improve myself.

My week has been very full studying for test and quizzes. This week we had an event for etiquette with the one and only author of Be on Your Best Business Behavior, Colleen R. That was awesome, and I was honored to have her sit with us at our table. In all it was a great event – not only was it fun but very informative too. I learned so much from Colleen’s book that I can use when I am back with my family. I had some great conversations with the executives who attended the event as well. I spoke with an executive who was a software developer. I explained to her about my business plan and she advised me that she can help as my business plan advisor, which will be awesome.

It was a great week for me and my PEP brothers. I am preparing myself today for my future tomorrow. I am ready for life and what the Prison Entrepreneurship Program has in store.

Lawrence R. (a.k.a. Left Eye)