Week 10


Week in Review


Monday – Memorial Day May 29, 2017


Tuesday May 30, 2017

This morning in PEP we did our mingling. Some of us only see one another in class. We use this time to catch up as best as we can before class begins. Today we started with our pray-in before we took our seats. We then had a pop quiz over Living in the Village. This is a book we are all reading as part of the class curriculum. Then we had a PowerPoint presentation over chapters 9 and 10 in Living in The Village. Afterwards we watched an art history video about the artist Monet. We also watched another history video about the first American settlers and how they moved west across what is now America. The videos included legends such as Daniel Boone and Davey Crockett. The class and videos give us insight on other matters in this world from both a history and business perspective.

We also had a presentation on financial projections. This is our next assignment to be placed in our business plans; fortunately, we have two weeks to complete the assignment rather than our normal one week. The assignment will cover business organization and taxation. We understand that every business will have its initial startup, and all businesses must know their financial futures before the business is offered to the public.

To end the day we had some fun. The emcee read a question from one of our books, Be on Your Best Business Behavior by Colleen Rickenbacher. The contestants at the front of the room had a chance to answer the questions with the correct answer. We enjoyed the game – we do not think it went as planned, but it was fun anyway. After the day was over the Pristine ‘17 class prayed out to end the day in PEP.

Jeffrey H. (a.k.a. Mrs. Doubtfire)


Wednesday May 31, 2017

The typical day for us PEP participants usually begins around 4 a.m., when we wake up for breakfast for those who decide to go. After praying and reading the Bible in the dorm it is time for us to get down to business. We are currently reading and being quizzed over three books.  Living in the Village teaches us how to build our financial futures and strengthen our communities. After reading and taking notes for about an hour, it was time to move to the next project. Next was the Entrepreneurship textbook which describes in detail the art, science and process for success. Last but not least, because it is one of our favorites, is the book entitled Be on Your Best business Behavior. The book explains the importance of making a good first impression, as well as how to use proper etiquette when traveling, driving, conversing and entertaining. This book is preparing us for our next exciting event, Etiquette Night.

The Servant-Leaders (graduates) attended their weekly meetings covering topics such as accountability and leadership. After the servant-leader meeting we had the Advanced Business Course, which is very helpful to aspiring entrepreneurs like ourselves. Computer lab was next on the agenda, where we cover Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. After computer lab many of us have additional classes we attend that will prepare us for our future. I sing in the choir, while some of my brothers attend faith-based classes. After the day of festivities in the dorm, PEP room, computer lab and church we prepare for the next day and look forward to unfolding opportunities.

Reginald L. (a.k.a. Beetlejuice)


Thursday June 1, 2017

We prepare for class roughly at about 6:30 because PEP keeps us on our toes. In PEP it is “stay ready to keep from getting ready.” We occupied our time by reading the three books we are currently going over in class: Living in the Village, Excellence in Etiquette and the Entrepreneurship textbook.  We attempt to retain as much information as we can for fear of a pop quiz or test. It can be overwhelming at times, but the return to society can also be overwhelming for us too. Life is full of unforeseen setbacks and obstacles, so we understand that we must push forward to achieve the success we desire. We acknowledge that we must endure hardships whether in the business world or our personal lives, and we have to so stay a step ahead by planning and prioritizing. We cannot allow our work to pile up on us. As we live and study together in PEP, we are Servant-Leaders and brothers. We are here to push each other to success. This network is amazing and unlike any other experience most of us have been a part of. I dream of the day when the class of Pristine ‘17 can give back to another class of PEP brothers. We will succeed as long as we stay grounded to PEP’s 10 Driving Values.

Oliver L. (a.k.a. Charcoal)



This week in PEP has been full of excitement as usual. Monday was a holiday, so a shout out to all the veterans who have served this country. We gave a minute of silence for all those warriors who sacrifice so much for the great country of the United States.  The unity in our dorms is more than what I thought there would be. I actually want to cheer up all my brothers, because we have come a long way to get to today. All of us are so grateful for the privilege we have to actually join the Prison Entrepreneurship Program.

I know it sounds funny, especially coming from a person like me who has a hard trusting people, but I actually like and appreciate all the effort the great graduates give to us. Even though I barely failed this week’s test, I didn’t get disappointed because I had my brothers from PEP support and motivate me, and I also had my family support as well through this journey. Afterwards all the graduates as well as my Phase Two brothers started preparing ourselves for the next test. We organized tutoring groups as well as private lessons for people. I believe this program is actually helping us change our lives to become better fathers, sons and future entrepreneurs for our society and our families. This program is the best, and I challenge each and every one in PEP to finish it and be a better person for our families and the community.

Carlos L. (a.k.a. DJ Khaled)