Estes Winter 2023
News & Class Updates

All Graduation Photos Are Now Available

Dear PEP Families, All photo albums have been uploaded to our site – please enjoy! Professional photographer’s graduation pictures: Team’s graduation pictures: booth pictures: photographer’s Business Plan Competition pictures: Team’s Business Plan...

02/28/23 Update

Dear PEP Families, We have two quick updates for you: Please read the two latest weekly journals by clicking asked the guys to write which of our 10 Driving Values is their favorite and why – read what they wrote here: Have a great rest of your week!

02/03/2023 Update

Dear PEP Families, Due to the icy weather, this week’s update is the graduation guest list, which you can see here: If your name is highlighted in green, you are “good to go”!If your name is in a plain white cell, you *need* to sign up as a guest ASAP before next week’s deadline here: As a reminder, each participant is allowed to invite up to four people – children...

All Graduation Photos Are Now Available

Dear PEP Families, All photo albums have been uploaded to our site – please enjoy! Professional photographer’s graduation pictures: Team’s graduation...

02/28/23 Update

Dear PEP Families, We have two quick updates for you: Please read the two latest weekly journals by clicking asked the guys to write which of our 10 Driving Values is their favorite and why – read what they wrote...

02/03/2023 Update

Dear PEP Families, Due to the icy weather, this week’s update is the graduation guest list, which you can see here: If your name is highlighted in green, you are “good to go”!If your name is in...