Estes Summer 2023
News & Class Updates
06/22/23 Update
Dear PEP Families, Here are this week’s updates: We asked the guys to write which of our 10 Driving Values is their favorite and why – read what they wrote here:, the latest edition of the class...
06/16/23 Update
Dear PEP Families, Here are this week’s updates: Read the latest weekly class journal here: (Click week # to read a particular post.)To review your loved one’s FINAL GPA, please click...
05/24/23 Update
Dear PEP Families, Here are this week’s updates: The Estes Unit has gone on its semi-annual lockdown – class will resume in a couple of weeksYou can read the latest weekly class journal here: (Click week # to...
05/12/23 Updates
Dear PEP Families, Here are this week’s updates: Read the latest weekly class journal here: (Click week # to read a particular post.)To review your loved one’s current GPA after today’s test, please click...
5/5/23 Update
Dear PEP Families, Here are this week’s updates: Read the latest weekly class journal here: (Click week # to read a particular post.)If your name is listed here on the invitation list...
April 26, 2023 Update
Dear PEP Families, Welcome to PEP’s Summer ’23 class at the Estes Unit! There’s plenty to go over in this first weekly update, so let’s get started: Read how participants describe “a day in the life of PEP” through our weekly class...