9/4/2019 Update

Dear PEP Families, To read the class’s final Monthly Newsletter, click here: https://family.pep.org/estes/august-newsletter/ Thank you for your patience with graduation pictures! – all graduation pictures have been tagged, which will make it much easier to find your...

8/1/2019 Update

TOMORROW IS GRADUATION!!! –here is the list of approved guests: https://family.pep.org/estes/graduation/guest-list/ Reminder: the Estes Unit is an all-male prison.  Because many men are enticed by pretty women, ladies, please do not wear...

7/31/2019 Update

Dear PEP Families, We have a new Weekly Journal for you to read here: http://family.pep.org/estes/journals (Click week # to read a particular post.) We asked the men to write about which of PEP’s 10 Driving Values is their favorite and why – you can read what your...

7/31/2019 Update

Dear PEP Families, We have a new Weekly Journal for you to read here: http://family.pep.org/estes/journals (Click week # to read a particular post.) We asked the men to write about which of PEP’s 10 Driving Values is their favorite and why – you can read what your...

Week 18

Monday, July 22, 2019 Today was the beginning of a brand new week for us and only 10 days away from graduation. This morning, we began class with the graduation walk. It’s fun but not so fun to do over and over. Before you knew it, we had already done the walk seven...