Week 13

Week 13 Week in Review Monday June 17, 2019 Monday started off with a pray-in as all days do, and from there we jumped right in and got started with Toastmasters, which is our Monday routine. A couple of brothers stood out to me as they spoke today. Carnell A. had...

Week 11

Week 11 Week in Review Monday June 3, 2019 Today we prayed in and listened to one of our brothers give the word of the day. The first half of the class we did Toastmasters. Everyone that had not given speech #7 had to speak. There were lots of great speeches. One of...

Week 3

Week 3 Week in Review Monday March 25, 2019 This morning our PEP class participated in Toastmasters International. We all learn about public speaking by partaking in active roles during club meetings. Today’s Toastmaster role was filled by Russell W. Russell did a...

Week 2

Week 2 Week in Review Monday March 18, 2019 We began class, as we do every day, by praying in and showing love to our fellow brothers. We are still just getting started on our journey through Toastmasters. While there is plenty of room for improvement, it was amazing...

Week 1

Week 1 Week in Review Monday March 11, 2019 Today was the first day of Toastmasters. We had the privilege of getting to know each other more as PEP brothers. Learning how to give a proper evaluation of someone’s speech was another thing our class got the chance to do....