April 26, 2023 Update

Dear PEP Families, Welcome to PEP’s Summer ’23 class at the Estes Unit!  There’s plenty to go over in this first weekly update, so let’s get started: Read how participants describe “a day in the life of PEP” through our weekly class...

02/28/23 Graduation Update

Dear Graduation Guests, I have received any number of questions about the dress code for Friday’s graduation ceremony, so here are a few guidelines: Please wear the nicest pair of pants you own (no holes), a nice top (more than a t-shirt/no cleavage or belly showing)...

02/28/23 Update

Dear PEP Families, We have two quick updates for you: Please read the two latest weekly journals by clicking https://family.pep.org/estes/journals/We asked the guys to write which of our 10 Driving Values is their favorite and why – read what they wrote...

02/03/2023 Update

Dear PEP Families, Due to the icy weather, this week’s update is the graduation guest list, which you can see here: https://family.pep.org/estes/graduation/guest-list/ If your name is highlighted in green, you are “good to go”!If your name is in...