Week 16


Week in Review


Monday July 30, 2018

Another Monday morning … things started off a little slow coming off the weekend. Our brothers started giving their pitches one by one. We could tell that some of us were comfortable and some, let’s just say not as comfortable. We supported each other with great comments and feedback. Our group had some interesting things to say. We enjoyed speaking with each other, which is good since we have only four more days until our Pitch Day event. After that we went to computer class. We all enjoyed the computer lab where we get to expand our knowledge with Microsoft Word, Excel, and all the other programs that help us with our business plans. We also got to type our “Change” poem, and this gave us a chance to put our creativity to work. Not only that, but we each got to pick one of our 10 Driving Values and explain why it means a lot to us.

Finally, we all dispersed and returned to our pods. Our pod coaches notified us that we would be holding pitch panels in the afternoon. This is when we break up into groups and practice our business pitches. Our pitches mean a lot to us because we’ve been doing market research and gathering information for the last six months, and now it’s finally almost time to share our business plans through our pitches. We wrapped up the day by asking each other questions about our business plans as if we were potential investors. This gives us an opportunity to think quick on our feet and receive great feedback. All in all it was a very enthusiastic and productive day.

Adan Y. (a.k.a. “Baby Hair”)


Tuesday July 31, 2018

Today was an off day from being educated in our Prison Entrepreneurship class. When we have a day off, we usually take advantage of it by studying for our upcoming test(s). We do have our pitch panels test, but we have become so comfortable with public speaking and have our pitches so thoroughly memorized that we are enjoying the fact that we have all conquered our shyness. With the support of our PEP brothers, we are able to overcome many weaknesses that were instilled in us through working and dealing with negative people and negative activities. We now have a great outlook on life and pray that we use what we have learned to make a better life for ourselves as well as our families. We also took advantage of the gym because it makes us feel like we are at a real university. Not only are we able to get educated but we are able to obtain healthy bodies, which makes a complete success in life.

We all know that our families are very impressed with the fact that we are striving to have better lives. We believe that PEP has been a blessing and one the best ways for us to turn our lives around. We are constantly blessed here on the Estes Unit and reminded of how making one positive choice to learn took us away from a bad place. So we can just imagine how making better decisions out of prison could drastically change our lives in society.   

Manuel A. (a.k.a. “Buffalo Wing”)


Wednesday August 1, 2018

Today in class we had an interesting day. We had a guest by the name of Kristie W., who came to discuss the importance of a resume. We gained insight on the different areas of a resume and how a potential employer will view it. Today was actually one of the most important pieces of information we will need to take with us upon release. We learned everything from tips on putting the dates on our job history to what color the resume should be. We were given a template on how to explain our criminal background when the question arises. We also took three tests today, which was a good thing because we only have one more test to go now before graduation. When I look back, we have definitely come a long way.

After taking our test, we ended the day watching a video on Art History. It discussed some of the first impressionist artists who went against traditional forms of art and began to sell their own art in a gallery that they promoted. It’s actually interesting to see the way rebels formed a new way of doing things, and now it’s the same for society. It also shows the significance of entrepreneurship and innovation, which are core elements of the PEP organization. When Art History was complete we then proceeded to celebrate the birthday of our brother Kelsey M., who wanted us to own his birthday by saying “Go Cowboys Go Cowboys Go.” That sums up our day in class.     

Corey A. (a.k.a. “Felicia from Friday”)


Thursday August 2, 2018

Today in class we were privileged to see Kristie W. for the second time this week. She taught us to be proactive when we search for jobs, keeping in mind to always put our best foot forward and stay within the talents that God has given us. She strongly encouraged us to plan and set goals as we take this new journey of becoming self-sufficient and functioning in society. We have to learn how to observe what society’s challenges will be and determine how best to overcome them. We can then apply what we’ve learned in productive ways. Kristie W. said we should take the initiative to speak about what’s possible, so that we can turn every negative situation into a positive situation.

Kristie W. also talked about looking to the future by dressing for success when interviewing. We should always try to find something in common with our potential employer and know as much as possible about the company we are applying to work for. Explaining that we need to be honest and up front and as transparent as possible when interviewing for a position, Kristie W. said we should always ask ourselves questions about what we are good at and then post these elements while searching.

Once we are employed, we must have the ability to work as a team member while also knowing how to solve problems on our own. With Toastmaters under our belts, we will know how to communicate verbally with internal and external customers, but even more importantly we have the ability to positively influence others with the ability to make decisions and to problem solve. Remember brothers: we have been transformed, and our human potential has been unlocked to become productive members of society again.

Linard A. (a.k.a. “Uncle Willie”)



“God be thanked for books; they are the voices of the distant and the dead, and make us heirs of the spiritual life of past ages.”

~ William Ellery Channing

Books dismantle the barriers of poverty and low status to the acquisition of knowledge. Books make culture and education available to all who use them and may enlighten anyone who is literate and willing to turn a page. I’ve grown a little with every book I’ve picked up. Reading has helped and influenced me since an early age. I remember growing up and reading children’s books and how they helped me with my grammar, and later in life books helped me attain knowledge and wisdom. This quote really inspired me and still continues to do so.

I’ve also learned that we are never to judge a book by its cover. This quote is one that I share with my kids and family because I hope that one day it will impact them the same way it has impacted me. Can you imagine the world without books? “God be thanked for books…” I hope that when reading this you give yourself the opportunity to gain some wisdom and knowledge and read a good book!

Ross B. (a.k.a. “Sticky Fingers”)