Dear PEP Families,

Hot off the presses! – read the latest class journal for Week 21 by visiting our Weekly Journals & Monthly Newsletters here: (Click week # to read a particular post.)

Here’s some exciting news: you can read your loved one’s original business plan – the one he has been working on for months – by visiting our Business Plan Competition page here:

We asked the men to write about which of PEP’s 10 Driving Values is their favorite and why – you can read what your loved one wrote on our 10 Driving Values page: (Click each Driving Value and scroll down.)  Enjoy!


Guests approved by the Warden’s Office can be found here: – if your name is in green, you are “good to go” to graduation!

*Only the names in green will be allowed to enter the facility on Friday, March 2nd.*

I have also received a number of questions re: dress code and time to arrive at the Estes Unit this Friday, March 2nd – these answers and more can be found on our family site here:, but here is a sample of what you will find:

When is Graduation?

Friday, March 2, 2018
Family check-ins starts at 12:30p; all cars need to be in the lot by 1:30p.
With so many family members to check-in, please arrive on the early side!

The ceremony itself should start by 2p and last approximately 90 minutes.
Afterwards you may enjoy a simple meal together and visit until around 5p. This does not count against regular visitation.

What is the dress code?

The dress code for the event is business professional. Men can wear either a full suit or a sports coat and slacks (tie is optional), and women should dress conservatively in nice pants, a blouse that covers what it needs to, and a blazer/jacket. Long skirts or dresses that are at least mid-calf are permitted. No sleeveless tops or anything sheer is allowed.

*One thing that is not mentioned here, ladies, is that you CAN wear open-toed shoes to graduation … but if anyone has additional questions about their outfit, please call either me or the Estes Unit to ask your questions before you pack/leave for graduation.

If you need more answers – for example: directions from major Texas cities, or a list of what you can/cannot bring – please visit our family site’s Graduation Details page.

Thank you so much, and have a great rest of your week!