Week 21
Week in Review
Monday February 19, 2018
We are preparing for graduation and excitement is in the air. Everyone seems to be smiling and more playful than ever now that the stress of studying for another test is a thing of the past. We have been practicing our graduation day ceremony. We are all putting forth maximum effort to ensure that we provide a memorable event for all of our loved ones.
We look forward to being with our families on such a joyous day. Some of us have been making t-shirts for the teddy bears we will give to our children at graduation. There is more excitement going into making the shirts than there will be from the kids that receive them. One thing is for certain: there is a whole lot of love going into the preparation of the teddy bears for our little ones. We have all worked very hard to get here. This program has been the hardest thing that many of us have ever tried and completed successfully. We each had our own reasons for sticking with this very demanding, rigorous program. However, the one thing we all have in common is that we want to make our loved ones proud. It’s the smiles on the faces of our mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, wives, brothers and sisters that will be our greatest reward. Knowing that we made you all so proud of what we have accomplished, that makes all the hard work worthwhile. We can’t wait to see you all here for graduation. We will continue working hard to make you all proud of us and the men we have become.
Jason M. (a.k.a. “Baby Huey”)
Tuesday February 20, 2018
We have nine days until the Business Plan Competition and 10 days until graduation, and the excitement is overwhelming. There is a sense of relaxation amongst us. The realization that there are no more tests and no more quizzes is finally settling in. We can look at one another and recognize that we’ve all been through a life-changing transformation. The time, effort and dedication that we’ve put into this program can finally be appreciated. We have established a solid foundation built around our 10 Driving Values. We have learned the importance of love and we are committed to service in love. We stand on our integrity, understanding that we must not only be honest with others but also with ourselves. We continue to push and encourage one another toward excellence and the ability to execute. We have become wise stewards and have adopted an innovative way of thinking. We continue to look forward to a fresh start and build our character as servant-leaders, mentoring and giving guidance to the new brothers who will be entering the second phase of this program. We hold one another to a higher standard, accepting responsibility for our actions. Through it all, we keep ourselves balanced by having fun. We continue to practice and improve our pitches with the knowledge that the Business Plan Competition event is only a week away. But all in all, we have no more worries and no more fear. It has been a long road, but we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and wow, it is bright.
Byron M. (a.k.a. “Professor Klump”)
Wednesday February 21, 2018
Today was one of our off days as a class, where we could relax and watch a little TV or work out. Now that our classwork is over, we have the freedom to relax.
A few of us go to the PEP classroom twice on Tuesdays to help facilitate the next PEP class. Basically, we direct traffic and make sure the class runs smoothly. Then we watched Robert Lewis’s “Men’s Fraternity” videos. Afterward, we broke up into our men’s fraternity groups. While we were in those groups, we discussed what we got out of the video presentation. Sometimes we discuss personal things that are going on in our lives and our families’ lives, followed by receiving good feedback or advice that we can use. For some of us it is an outlet to vent and get things off our chest.
Afterwards we began giving presentations to the upcoming class, instructing them on rules, regulations and how to handles various situations. We have started teaching them our 10 Driving Values: Love, Innovation, Fun, Wise Stewardship, “Fresh Start” Outlook, Servant-leader Mentality, Execution, Integrity, Excellence, and last but not least Accountability. Between presentations, we had the men get up and do a little dancing down the aisle, what we like to call “going to the back of the room.” In order for someone to be able to speak to us, they have to be in the front of the room, but in order to get to the front you have to dance from the “back of the room.”
After that, we went back to our housing areas and relaxed. The Sovereign Kings of ‘18 are looking forward to graduation next week; it has been a learning experience for all of us. Now it’s our time to help the next class be the best class.
William M. (a.k.a. “Niki Minaj”)
Thursday February 22, 2018
We are proud to be the Sovereign Kings of 2018 in the Prison Entrepreneurship Program on the Sanders Estes unit. When we first started class in June, I noticed and recognized that some in class weren’t serious about PEP and were looking for help in other ways such as “hand me downs.” You know, those people who always want you to do something for them and always have their hand out, but never want to put in the work to help in return. As time went on, the class got smaller and smaller and smaller. Some of us realized the difference between the ones who wanted it and those who didn’t, but throughout class we had a lot of fun and memorable moments. In our first event called the Think Tank, we presented our business ideas to a panel of volunteer executives and received feedback on the most effective business ideas we had. Our class has met some very loving and encouraging volunteers through the course of this program. The next special event was Excellence in Etiquette with Colleen R., who taught us the proper way to carry ourselves in both formal and business settings. They also cooked and prepared a meal for us that was delicious. We learned how to set a table and eat properly. The things we have been through will be forever engraved on our minds. We believe we are better people now with a more positive character and outlook on life. Go Sovereign Kings of ‘18!
D’Andre M. (a.k.a. “Brother Man (from the 5th floor)”)
“Without a moral center, you will swim in chaos.”
~Jim Burke
“He (Jesus) said, ‘Come.’ So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, ‘Lord save me.’” (Matthew 14:29-30). To me, Jesus is the ultimate example of moral character, and when he is not the center of my morals, like Peter, I sink in chaos.
Ever since I can remember I’ve been swimming in – or shall I say drowning in – chaos. Believing since birth I’ve been cursed to be desolate on this earth. Loved by my family but despised by my peers. Full of shame, nothing but pain in my life, eyes full of tears, like I was stuck deep under water: cold, dark and lost. I turned to drugs, the streets and the life of a thug. No rules, no morals on an everyday mission to take over the world. I was standing for nothing, but falling for everything. Not realizing the love of God and my family was everything. Becoming whoever anyone wanted me to be – “friends,” loved ones, even family. All for acceptance, house on the sand. Thanks to God’s given opportunity to be in PEP. I discovered 10 Driving Values and morals to make me a better man. Nine months ago, this quote would have been hard to understand; now it’s an inspiration. Clear as a morning sunrise after a rainy night. Has me like an eagle ready to spread his wings and take flight. This time with values and morals I’ve found myself able to stand firm in who I am and fight the good fight, for a “fresh start” outlook, servant-leader mentality, love, innovation, accountability, integrity, fun, excellence, execution and wise stewardship. With Christ as my foundation’s cornerstone and these morals as my wall. I may slip, stumble and fall but no more sea of despair, no more swimming in chaos. I am proud to be a lowly servant of Christ that was found after 32 years of being lost.
Juan O. (a.k.a. “Sweet Firecracker”)