Week 15


Week in Review


Monday January 8, 2018

Today in class we had Toastmasters, a curriculum that helps with our public speaking skills. We are on our last speech, which is speech number ten. The objectives for this speech are: to inspire the audience to achieve a higher level of beliefs or achievements; to appeal to the audience’s needs and emotions using stories, anecdotes and quotes to add drama; and last but not least, to avoid using notes. It is very important that we follow these objectives. Today everybody gave inspiring speeches. Jose F. talked about how far he has come and how he has changed through the grace of God. Nicholas M. talked about how joining PEP helped create a new person within himself and his future. Jacob R. talked about making the Impossible an In-possible – a very encouraging speech. Caleb M. talked about how we benefit from one another’s gifts. Careno W. also gave a very good speech about change and how we can apply it in our lives. All of the speeches today were great, and I must say that all of us enjoyed them. Every person was evaluated, and every evaluator had good things to say about the speeches that were well presented today.  Every person met their time – that is something that I didn’t mention.  We have a “Timer” who times our speeches. Normally our speeches are five to seven minutes long, but the tenth speech needed to last eight to ten minutes. So after a long day of speeches we did our traditional pray-out and were dismissed.

Wesley A. (a.k.a. “Gary Coleman”)


Tuesday January 9, 2018

Today was a highly anticipated day for all of us here in PEP. Today we had to take two quizzes on the book we have been assigned to read: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. All of our class has been studying the vocabulary and paying close attention to the details on the book. We all did well and felt a sense of relief after the quizzes. After this, our graphics team gave a presentation over our business brochures. They also assigned us to write a short essay on the Driving Value which really stands out to us. We also did a pray-out for one of our PEP brothers that is close to getting released. These pray-outs are great because they record the pray-out so the person getting out can watch this at home if they ever need encouraging words, or even if they just need a reminder that we have each other’s best interests in mind and show them the love we show each other.

We also watched Art History, which is a requirement to graduate. These videos are great; they show and inform us about the history behind art in Paris. We always learn a lot from these wonderful videos. Overall, we have a lot of fun in and out of class while we are continually learning from each other in areas that we lack. We ended the day preparing for tomorrow’s event.

Jencey A. (a.k.a. “Little Debby”)


Wednesday January 10, 2018

This morning some of us started our day off by going to the computer lab from 6:15 a.m. to 8:15 a.m., where we are learning how to use Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint so we can know the basics about computers and help with securing a job upon release. We like to utilize the time we have in our computer lab to do market research as well as gain an understanding about what it takes to start and operate a successful business.

At 9 a.m. we all convened in our PEP classroom to watch a video about the history of America which allows us all to learn of the hardships it took to start this great nation of ours. We watched as we waited for the highlight of the day, which was a presentation on Integrity Selling by Steve H. and David R. They started the class with a nice prayer then moved on to the first topic, which was how to approach the first step in making a sale. We all had to stand in front of the room and introduce ourselves and our business names to let them know a little about us, and to work off some of the nerves that a lot of us may have had. After the first step of Integrity Selling, David took some time to give us a little more insight into his background, which was nice to know because we learned he used to be in the same shoes we are in now and that it is possible to overcome. After that we went over an exercise on our approach and other aspects of selling, which took the whole day, but we were very grateful to have David and Steve teach our class on Integrity Selling. At 4:15 p.m. we closed our class for the day with a prayer and gave thanks to Steve and David for coming, and we hope they come back again. God Bless.

Christopher B. (a.k.a. “Count Dracula”)


Thursday January 11, 2018

In PEP we learn a lot about our character in the first part of the program. Most of us had negative character traits when we arrived here, and although we did not agree with that at first, others let us know that we were carrying some of these negative character traits, so we started making changes in our lives. We changed because our lives and our families mean a lot to us.

We can honestly say that integrity is an important value to us. If you are constantly lying to yourself about who you are and where you want to be in life, you might as well start all over. That is why PEP has a set of 10 Driving Values that help us guide each other in the right direction. We all deserve a fresh start in our lives, and that is why we respect each other regardless of our backgrounds or personal history. It is important to have that second chance in life, or for some of us a third, fourth or fifth chance. Another one of the values that we live by is execution. Execution is important for everyone around this world. In order to get what we want and need in life, we have to take the risk and the chance to be able to accomplish our goals. When we become excellent at what we do, then we can consider ourselves to have put our best effort to becoming the person we want to become. For the second phase of this program we have learned how to run our own business and understand finances and accounting. One thing we can all agree on is that we anticipate graduating from the Prison Entrepreneurship Program on March 2, 2018. We cannot wait to spend time with our families and show them one of the greatest accomplishments we have ever achieved in life. We will always remember that we are PEP, and we “live between the wings.”

Alejandro A. (a.k.a. “Tickle Me Elmo”)



Friday January 12, 2018

“It is better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” –Benjamin Franklin

In so many ways before this program I would have no clue what to take from this. I now see that it is saying to listen more than you talk. I have been lacking in this aspect most of my life. I remember a poster in school that said, “God gave us two ears and one mouth so we can hear twice as much as we talk.” I believe the point is to observe and keep what you observe only as gain. To inform the world of all you know leads the world to believe that you know very little. So from this I have learned to truly learn by observing, which leads me to be able to grow more than I thought possible. I am quiet, so I can actually take knowledge from all that is around me and not just what I know. In turn, my silence leads those around me to believe not that I am a fool, but that I am truly a man of reserve with wisdom.

Jeffrey B. (a.k.a. “Sherry the Fairy”)