Week in Review


Monday January 1, 2018 

Today was a blessed Monday. We started our day as normal by attending Toastmasters in the dorm because it was New Year’s Day. We are working on our eighth project, where we use a visual aid to help us through our speech. The visual aid helps the audience understand and remember what they are hearing. After Toastmasters was over, we broke into smaller groups and discussed on the word “value.” Value means desirability, usefulness and importance. Value is also our standard and principle that we stand on as a team.

We came to realize the fuller meaning of PEP’s 10 Driving Values. As men we have found a value system to stand on as our foundation. Proverbs 24:3 says, “Through wisdom is a house built; and by understanding it is established.” Right now, we are building our house with PEP’s 10 Driving Values as our foundation. But as we gain understanding of how to apply the 10 Driving Values, our house – which symbolizes us, our family and jobs – will be established through our value system because we have the know-how, insight and good judgment to have sympathy toward others’ feelings and points of view. It has helped us more fully value both freedom and family.

Gabriel T. (a.k.a. “ReRun”)


Tuesday January 2, 2018

We have had designs on this for a while; today’s study session marks the beginning of the end: only 17 more class days until graduation! It is often surprising to us, when we think about it, that the results after nine months of care, commitment and dedication are quickly coming to fruition. The whole thought brings to mind an expectant mother carrying her precious cargo to term before gifting the world with her child who is nearly bursting with untapped potential.  Those of us gathered in this room are not so different, although maybe a little less naïve and a lot less cute.

In retrospect, most of us realize that we would have been rather foolish to have foregone participation in this program. The majority of us have chosen active membership over just participation. There is a difference.

Today, our class facilitators decided to celebrate the New Year with us this fine day by gifting each and every one of us with three amazing pop quizzes.

Afterwards, we celebrated a PEP brother’s birthday with song and dance before delving into a few sessions on the history of both art and the American Civil War. After watching several videos in a row, some of us were unsure exactly who fought in the first battle of Bull Run: was it Cezanne or “Stonewall” Jackson? Or was it Robert E. Lee or Claude Monet?  One thing is for certain: after a few more such classes, we will know the right answer to that and a whole lot more.  

Grady V. (a.k.a. “Ali Baba”)


Wednesday January 3, 2018

Today in my dorm we witnessed a group of courageous men come together to combat complacency. We figured that change is necessary and vital to becoming better than our current state. We grouped up in a huge circle and talked about how to change our way of thinking, behaving and communicating but even more importantly we discussed our community.  Since we didn’t have a test to study for this week, we as a group shared how we can help each other improve for the remaining time we are going to be incarcerated.

We also gave a pop quiz to the Phase One class over the 10 Driving Values. It has been exciting to work with the next class. Being servant-leaders is helping us become better men, and being in PEP has been a learning an experience for all of us. We have learned to put the 10 Driving Values we have been taught into action. We thank PEP for this. We are appreciative of everything the executives and PEP staff have done and continue to do for us.

Marquis W. (a.k.a. “Baby Erkel”)


Thursday January 4, 2018

Doing something new is one of the things that I love about PEP – most of us can’t wait to come to class. You can be tested at any time, and today was one of our biggest tests called the Character Assessment. Most people may not look at it as a positive but we do, because the Character Assessment will let us know if we have been working on our negative character traits. PEP reminds us often to pull each other up when it comes to our negative character traits.

Today was a relaxed day because tomorrow our instructor, Bert S., will teach over the remaining chapters in our entrepreneurship textbook. This week has been exciting because not only are we closer to graduation, but we will be able to serve the next class. After we left the PEP room we went back to the dorm, where we met in our study groups to read over the chapter we are reviewing tomorrow. Bert likes us to read a chapter ahead so we will have an idea of what he is teaching on. It has been a learning experience, and we appreciate everything that PEP has done for all of us. God bless you all! Sovereign Kings of ‘18!

Careno W. (a.k.a. “Bill Cosby”)



“If you walk around defeated, so will they.”

~ Facing the Giants

Throughout the course of our lives, we hear a variety of sayings, axioms and quotes that can be expressed to multiple individuals and leave a different impression and lasting effect on each person. Some quotes may appeal to us in the moment, while others may strike us with such immense force that it leaves an indelible impression on our psyche, which in turn becomes an influential and integral part of our decision-making process, character and performance.

Now this quote is radiant with knowledge and wisdom, as long as we understand how to apply it to our everyday living in a positive, progressive and prosperous manner. One way that we can interpret such a quote is by assuming “they” represents the people around us and/or depending on us. As men, fathers and husbands, we have duties as leaders. People around us are looking at our behavior, actions, speech, demeanor, body language, facial expressions and even influence for guidance. We are the example being set for our peers, children and wives as a provider, protector, teacher and individual. We owe it to our loved ones, ourselves and future generations to leave behind a legacy worth sharing. When we understand that attitudes are contagious, we become more focused on making sure that ours is worth catching.

Knowledge, wisdom and understanding combine to create a universal fountain of youth, because when we stop learning we start dying. These three virtues are external energies that govern universal laws of life. We have to be happy for every moment and make the most of our precious time here on earth. Always remember: “Time is a gift; that’s why it’s the present.” God bless you all – Sovereign Kings of 2018!

Julio A. (a.k.a. “Dingle-Berry”)