Week 7


Week in Review


Monday November 13, 2017 

The first thing we did today was get up at 4 a.m. and go to breakfast. We then went back to our assigned areas and either studied on a specific subject that we may have a test on later this week, or we had a cup of coffee to get the day started. At 7:30 a.m. we went to our Toastmasters class. That’s a class where we practice and learn about how to speak professionally. There were several different kinds of speeches: I heard about prior business plans, stories of a father taking his daughter fishing and how someone may have grown up. After that, we went to computer class. We have been learning so much in that class. Some of us have never used a computer, so going to the computer lab is a major help and very informative for many of us. We need to type our own business plans, letters to advisors and even learn how to figure the profit margin for a business. We all really appreciated the time we spent in there today – guaranteed, it was a learning experience. After that we went back to our pods and began studying for what is coming this week. Some of us have homework, while others have special assignments to complete, but either way we worked on our education and future. And because the day was not over yet, we read our assigned books, because we have to study to pass the upcoming tests.

There was never a dull moment here today. Learning is fun! We had fun and learned skills that will make us better people for our friends and family members, and also our communities. In short, we enjoyed another great Monday in the PEP program. 

Paul H. (a.k.a. “Becky with the Good Hair”)


Tuesday November 14, 2017

Today was a wonderful day. It started out with two of our brothers going out to rejoin the free world. Oscar G. and Pedro D. are going out to live out what they have learned here in the Prison Entrepreneurship Program. We have a lot to thank the people for who make PEP possible. They make us feel like we are so loved and supported. Today we got to talk to Laura S. She is one of the Family Liaisons who help us get in contact with our families and let them know how we are doing in the program. We want our families to know we are striving to do better, not just for ourselves but for our children as well. Also, today was a busy day with our class on Living in the Village. We learned a lot about our finances and what we must establish with our credit, as well as how to set up an individual retirement account. We also talked about different ways to invest in the market with stocks, bonds, real estate, gold and oil. It is good to have all your investments in a well-diversified portfolio to reduce the overall risk of your investments. Later, we got into American History and Art History, which is part of the curriculum. We work with all our brothers to help each other out with things that we may not know. This is a fraternity, and we strive to unlock each brother’s full potential. This is what a day in PEP consists of, and we keep looking forward to it too!

Emmanuel I. (a.k.a. “Virginia from Claws”)


Wednesday November 15, 2017

Right now our class is halfway through the Prison Entrepreneurship Program. We just had our second event, and it was really cool. The executives that came showed tremendous support, and they were all very forthcoming. In all actuality I know that most of our brothers were nervous, and of course it showed. But we got in front of these executives and presented our business pitches. On Wednesday we usually study for our upcoming test. PEP’s overall mission is to teach us, discipline and push us to our limits. Some brothers have computer lab on Wednesdays, so we have to learn how to manage our time wisely. A couple of the brothers in my dorm usually make practice tests for each other to prepare us for Thursday’s test. We have learned that iron sharpens iron, so we have to make sure we all are on the same page. We have been learning Economics of One Unit (EOUs). This afternoon we helped a couple of brothers who needed some help understanding the homework problems. After we took a break to go to the cafeteria, I saw and helped another couple of brothers having trouble understanding the EOU’s as well.  Once we got back from break, it was study time again. We studied until around 8 p.m. It was another good Wednesday with the brothers in PEP.

Charles J. (a.k.a. “Grandowski”)


Thursday November 16, 2017

Today started off with its own special twist, because we had a 7 a.m. meeting with Mr. Bert S. Not only did we have to meet early, but it was also the day to take our weekly test out of our Entrepreneurship textbook. It all started about 4:30 a.m. when our cell doors were opened and half of those in our living area came out to go to breakfast and do some extra studying. I am pretty sure everyone was glad the media team was not taking pictures of our faces. The good news we were up and ready – signs of maturity. At 7 a.m. sharp, our newest addition to our PEP family Kevin B. showed up and it was time to report to the classroom. We took the test, and out of 67 brothers only three did not pass. This is great, and we are standing strong.

Immediately after the test we went into the second part of the day: Economics of One Unit (EOUs). First it was reading and writing, and now we did the math. One thing I think we all love about this program is the second chance it is giving us, which is a true blessing. Sometimes God puts people in your life for specific reasons, and that has to be the case here, because total strangers treat us like family.

The third part of our day is funny: it’s called “issues and tissues.” This is when you present your case for why you think the answer you had marked wrong on your test should have been marked as being correct … or you get tissue for your whining. After the day was pretty much over, peer educator Justin W. and Kevin B. (a.k.a. “Rev. Reggie”) got to play the Wheel of Doom, which is a wheel made in PowerPoint with hilarious things for participants to portray in front of the class. That gave us a weekend laugh. Hand work and dedication are what are required – with some fun mixed in – and it is all worth it to become the best version of ourselves we can be for our families whom we love.

Stephon J. (a.k.a. “Mini Muffin”)



“Let not your heart be troubled.”

~ John 14:1a


When I was a child, my mother would read this verse from the Bible: “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” I wondered for many years growing up, why would mommy read this over and over? Then one day I sat down and asked her. She began to explain to me about the verse. If your heart is troubled or worried or hurt, you should always put your trust in God, because He will always be there for you, no matter what.


Losing my father when I was only sixteen years old, I couldn’t understand why cancer took his life when he never smoke or drank a day in his life. At that time mommy told me to start reading the first verse of St. John 14. I read it over and over, and at that point I understood what God was saying to me: if you are hurting, turn your life over to Me and I will be there, and things will get better in time, and the hurt will go away.


From that point each and every time that I have felt down and troubled, I say to myself, “Let not your heart be troubled.” Whatever I am feeling will change. This verse has given me strength when I thought that I didn’t have any. It also gave me comfort when I felt all alone, and it gave me knowledge of the Word of God. It has helped me all through my life, and my family’s life. I always encourage my brothers to read St. John 14:1 for strength, comfort and wisdom.

Donald J. (a.k.a. “Red Hot”)

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Week 7

Week in Review

Monday                                                                                                       November 13, 2017 

The first thing we did today was get up at 4 a.m. and go to breakfast. We then went back to our assigned areas and either studied on a specific subject that we may have a test on later this week, or we had a cup of coffee to get the day started. At 7:30 a.m. we went to our Toastmasters class. That’s a class where we practice and learn about how to speak professionally. There were several different kinds of speeches: I heard about prior business plans, stories of a father taking his daughter fishing and how someone may have grown up. After that, we went to computer class. We have been learning so much in that class. Some of us have never used a computer, so going to the computer lab is a major help and very informative for many of us. We need to type our own business plans, letters to advisors and even learn how to figure the profit margin for a business. We all really appreciated the time we spent in there today – guaranteed, it was a learning experience. After that we went back to our pods and began studying for what is coming this week. Some of us have homework, while others have special assignments to complete, but either way we worked on our education and future. And because the day was not over yet, we read our assigned books, because we have to study to pass the upcoming tests.

There was never a dull moment here today. Learning is fun! We had fun and learned skills that will make us better people for our friends and family members, and also our communities. In short, we enjoyed another great Monday in the PEP program. 

Paul H. (a.k.a. “Becky with the Good Hair”)


Tuesday                                                                                                     November 14, 2017

Today was a wonderful day. It started out with two of our brothers going out to rejoin the free world. Oscar G. and Pedro D. are going out to live out what they have learned here in the Prison Entrepreneurship Program. We have a lot to thank the people for who make PEP possible. They make us feel like we are so loved and supported. Today we got to talk to Laura S. She is one of the Family Liaisons who help us get in contact with our families and let them know how we are doing in the program. We want our families to know we are striving to do better, not just for ourselves but for our children as well. Also, today was a busy day with our class on Living in the Village. We learned a lot about our finances and what we must establish with our credit, as well as how to set up an individual retirement account. We also talked about different ways to invest in the market with stocks, bonds, real estate, gold and oil. It is good to have all your investments in a well-diversified portfolio to reduce the overall risk of your investments. Later, we got into American History and Art History, which is part of the curriculum. We work with all our brothers to help each other out with things that we may not know. This is a fraternity, and we strive to unlock each brother’s full potential. This is what a day in PEP consists of, and we keep looking forward to it too!

Emmanuel I. (a.k.a. “Virginia from Claws”)


Wednesday                                                                                               November 15, 2017

Right now our class is halfway through the Prison Entrepreneurship Program. We just had our second event, and it was really cool. The executives that came showed tremendous support, and they were all very forthcoming. In all actuality I know that most of our brothers were nervous, and of course it showed. But we got in front of these executives and presented our business pitches. On Wednesday we usually study for our upcoming test. PEP’s overall mission is to teach us, discipline and push us to our limits. Some brothers have computer lab on Wednesdays, so we have to learn how to manage our time wisely. A couple of the brothers in my dorm usually make practice tests for each other to prepare us for Thursday’s test. We have learned that iron sharpens iron, so we have to make sure we all are on the same page. We have been learning Economics of One Unit (EOUs). This afternoon we helped a couple of brothers who needed some help understanding the homework problems. After we took a break to go to the cafeteria, I saw and helped another couple of brothers having trouble understanding the EOU’s as well.  Once we got back from break, it was study time again. We studied until around 8 p.m. It was another good Wednesday with the brothers in PEP.

Charles J. (a.k.a. “Grandowski”)


Thursday                                                                                                     November 16, 2017

Today started off with its own special twist, because we had a 7 a.m. meeting with Mr. Bert S. Not only did we have to meet early, but it was also the day to take our weekly test out of our Entrepreneurship textbook. It all started about 4:30 a.m. when our cell doors were opened and half of those in our living area came out to go to breakfast and do some extra studying. I am pretty sure everyone was glad the media team was not taking pictures of our faces. The good news we were up and ready – signs of maturity. At 7 a.m. sharp, our newest addition to our PEP family Kevin B. showed up and it was time to report to the classroom. We took the test, and out of 67 brothers only three did not pass. This is great, and we are standing strong.

Immediately after the test we went into the second part of the day: Economics of One Unit (EOUs). First it was reading and writing, and now we did the math. One thing I think we all love about this program is the second chance it is giving us, which is a true blessing. Sometimes God puts people in your life for specific reasons, and that has to be the case here, because total strangers treat us like family.

The third part of our day is funny: it’s called “issues and tissues.” This is when you present your case for why you think the answer you had marked wrong on your test should have been marked as being correct … or you get tissue for your whining. After the day was pretty much over, peer educator Justin W. and Kevin B. (a.k.a. “Rev. Reggie”) got to play the Wheel of Doom, which is a wheel made in PowerPoint with hilarious things for participants to portray in front of the class. That gave us a weekend laugh. Hand work and dedication are what are required – with some fun mixed in – and it is all worth it to become the best version of ourselves we can be for our families whom we love.

Stephon J. (a.k.a. “Mini Muffin”)



“Let not your heart be troubled.”

~ John 14:1a


When I was a child, my mother would read this verse from the Bible: “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” I wondered for many years growing up, why would mommy read this over and over? Then one day I sat down and asked her. She began to explain to me about the verse. If your heart is troubled or worried or hurt, you should always put your trust in God, because He will always be there for you, no matter what.


Losing my father when I was only sixteen years old, I couldn’t understand why cancer took his life when he never smoke or drank a day in his life. At that time mommy told me to start reading the first verse of St. John 14. I read it over and over, and at that point I understood what God was saying to me: if you are hurting, turn your life over to Me and I will be there, and things will get better in time, and the hurt will go away.


From that point each and every time that I have felt down and troubled, I say to myself, “Let not your heart be troubled.” Whatever I am feeling will change. This verse has given me strength when I thought that I didn’t have any. It also gave me comfort when I felt all alone, and it gave me knowledge of the Word of God. It has helped me all through my life, and my family’s life. I always encourage my brothers to read St. John 14:1 for strength, comfort and wisdom.

Donald J. (a.k.a. “Red Hot”)