Week 4


Week in Review


Monday October 23, 2017

It was a blessing to awaken and experience another day in the presence of God. Some of us started out the day studying, because we are in the Monday morning class called Toastmasters International. Toastmasters provides and empowers us to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth. The class today was enjoyable because everyone is starting to improve their speeches. Most of us have never been in front of an audience, so taking this class helps us with our nervousness.

After Toastmasters we went to lunch, which was also satisfying and a blessing. We’re proceeding to our second class of the day, which is Computer Lab. There we were assigned to enter our paper letters to our advisors onto the computer. Our advisors will help improve our Business Plans pertaining to our desired choice of business. Also we were told to combine our Personal Statements with our Leadership Statements. Both assignments combined are called our “Personal Fit.” Many of us have been incarcerated quite a while, so when we come to computer class we learn as much as we can. We also have assignments over Microsoft Word and Excel. Once we finished our time in the computer lab we went back to our dorms to study and read Living in the Village, because we never know when we will be quizzed. Everyone attending both classes always has positive feedback about the classes. Overall, it’s a blessing to have a program that teaches life skills to better prepare us before re-entering society. Have a great and wonderful blessed day!

Randy C. (a.k.a. “Popeye’s Chicken”)


Tuesday October 24, 2017

Today began for us at around 4:30 a.m. with breakfast followed directly with some coffee and intense studying for a possible test from the book Living in the Village assigned to us to read. It really is a great book so far because it is teaching us a lot about finances and consumer traps. We all studied off and on until lunch time. Little did we know, there was no test today … but one of PEP’s mottos is “stay ready to keep from getting ready.” PEP sure does dust off a lot of the cobwebs that have been gathering in our brains. Most of us probably have not studied or memorized things for quite some time. Maybe I’m speaking only for myself, but I highly doubt it. It sure is good exercise using our brains again – and sometimes the old brain hurts from studying so much, but it is definitely not a bad hurt. PEP is helping us change our old habits and replacing them with studying, thinking and transforming so that we can be positive, active citizens in our community upon release.

After lunch today we went to class and started out with a prayer and daily meditation. Then there was mandatory dancing and clapping. It sure helps get smiles on our faces with some of the dance moves. Class progressed with a slide show on how to build a logo for each company’s business plan. Then we had another slide show covering chapters five and six of Living in the Village. In between slide shows there was more dancing and clapping. After both slide shows we ended the class with a recording of one of the brothers going home to see where he came from that will motivate him when he is released. We went back to the pod to get ready to start practicing our Venture Capital pitches. It’s “only” a two-and-a-half minute pitch, but doing it for the first time was a little nerve-wracking at first. However, everybody ended up doing a great job. Once that was over, guess what time it was? Study time again, because we’ve got to be ready for the test tomorrow. Today was definitely a blessed day!

Esteban D. (a.k.a. “Little Red Riding Hood”)


Wednesday October 25, 2017

Today started out at 4 a.m. We have been studying all day, every day. If we do not pass our test today, not only will our GPA go down but our days to come will be filled with grueling, rigorous homework. We have created small study groups in the hopes of increasing our chances of success in this program. At the same time, we are also practicing our Venture Capital pitches. Our brains are definitely being pushed to maximum capacity, but it’s like our peer educator says: “If you can make it through PEP, you can make it through anything. The main thing: don’t panic.”

As soon as we arrived in class today, Scott H. blessed us by driving all the way out to this unit to teach a group of men that a lot of people have given up on. Scott H. believes in the work he’s doing and truly shows dedication, not only to us, but to PEP as well. Today we learned about the importance of a mission statement. Scott gave us a good example of Chick-Fil-A’s mission statement: short, simple and to the point. Basically you want your mission statement for your business to briefly describe the goal of your business. This part of our business plan is very important; it paints a clear picture of the overall goals of one’s business. We took in today’s lesson and will surely apply Scott’s helpful insights to our mission statements.  Once class was over, we were told we have to pitch our business pitch to five PEP brothers a day so that we will be able to present our pitches with confidence in front of the executives. Another great day in PEP!

Joshua D. (a.k.a. “Billy Goat”)


Thursday October 26, 2017

Today was a big day for us in the Prison Entrepreneurship Program. Today we had the reentry team come do interviews for potential transitional house acceptance. This is an enormous opportunity for the majority of us, because some of us don’t have a home to return to due to a number of issues, while others are hoping for the opportunity to start new in a different city to get away from old friends and relationships. We are trying to build a new life without distractions. Some want to go into a transitional house upon release to start life over on their own to avoid being a burden to family. What PEP offers to us is a beautiful blessing beyond measure. It is truly noticeable as we sat waiting patiently to be called on, and the nervous energy in the room was high because the honest truth is that not everyone will be accepted. PEP is holding true to its 10 Driving Values, its core foundation, with one being a wise steward. “Wise Stewardship” is essential to utilizing all funds donated to our brotherhood wisely, but also in preserving the cultures in the transitional houses. Today it’s truly amazing to see the unity among our brotherhood. We strive to live to a higher standard, maintain proper respect for one another and strive to be of service to the community. The Servant-Leaders are the examples we follow because they have gone before us and have proven their characters as worthy. Even with the credentials given to them they strive to be servants who serve, help and build the brotherhood. Also for those of us in Phase Two taking part in the entrepreneurship course through Baylor University, the curriculum is intense and takes great commitment, dedication, determination and sacrifice. That’s what you see on all “PEP pods”: study groups, book clubs and now our two-minute elevator pitch panels, coordinated by our Servant-Leaders, to prepare us to present our pitches to executives at our Venture Capital Panel event on November 11th. It is amazing to see the creativity that all of our brothers bring to their pitches – these are more than pitches to us; they are visions and life plans. Every day we witness improvement in out pitch panels due to everyone giving honest, sincere and encouraging feedback.

Jose F. (a.k.a. “Baby Fonda”)



“If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.”

~ Anonymous

When I first heard this quote, I was young and fresh into my long journey of my incarceration. It made a lot of sense to me. Looking back at my life, I realized that I always found a shortcut to any hardships that came my way, or I was quick to give up and let go. That day, it was like a fire was ignited within my heart and soul. I began to believe in myself. Even with the smallest things or responsibilities, if it is something that is entrusted to me, I will stand up for it and give it my all, no matter what kind of heartaches or hardships I encounter. I will not fall. This quote has helped me to have a positive mindset and stand for what is right. I stand and believe that many of us have been given a second chance at life to be better fathers, sons or husbands, but until we are able to stand up for this second chance and let go of all our past regrets and heartaches, we will continue to fall over and over. This quote has helped shape me into a new person that not even my family knows.

I believe that this journey has stood for something, and I’m now starting to realize we will endure many struggles in life, but what matters most is that you believe and stand up for yourself, continuously striving toward being that person who isn’t going to fall for anything.

Robert F. (a.k.a. “Misses Swan”)