Week 11


Week in Review


Monday June 5, 2017

I got some good feedback to think about today. One of our PEP brothers was talking about “knowing people” and that made me think of a good point: do we really know someone even though we talk? That led me to think of more questions. Do I know a person for who he really is, where he comes from, what hurt him in the past, or what his goals are? Do you think about the things you’re going to do when you get out, or even make up to people you have hurt in the past? Do you plan on apologizing for your actions and asking for a second chance? So when we have the opportunity and we ask ourselves if we “know people,” I think about these things.

We also had two people talk about fishing, and it really made us think because I for one have never been fishing, but the stories they told were so descriptive that we could imagine seeing them fishing. I have thought about going fishing but have never done it, so I want to do this with my own boys. I want my own kids to be able to tell a story like that, where we did this together even if it was both a learning experience for us together. I guess that today has made us think about some of these goals we need to set. Writing this journal has given me the time to really sit back and think about my day and how just a class can impact people’s lives.

Juan M. (a.k.a. Pawn Shop Thug)


Tuesday June 6, 2017

This morning the new Summer of ’17 class was called for to the PEP classroom. Each participant was greeted at the door by the doorman. We then retrieved our name badges and proceeded to our assigned seats. After we were all in the PEP room we came to order standing with bowed heads as one of my brothers prayed us in. We then had the Word of the day read by one of my other classmates. The word shared with us was that the earth still declares God’s glory to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

We were issued our next and last business plan assignment, which was our marketing strategy assignment. We were asked to come up with the overall plan for bringing our product to the market in this assignment. We were given a presentation by two Servant-Leaders on this assignment, which is due on June 20th.

We were then presented with a new book to read: Integrity Selling for the 20th Century. After getting these books handed out to us, we were then asked to put everything under our seats. This was the moment that we were knew was coming: it was quiz time. We were given a formal table setting illustration, and we had to label each item properly.  This was a test of our negotiating the tabletop skills from the book “Be on Your Best Business Behavior” which we have been reading for the past few weeks.

Upon completing this quiz, we had another presentation given to us by two more Servant-Leaders. This presentation was on Chapter 11 of Living in the Village and the workbook assignment we had from last week. After this presentation we were again asked to put everything under our seats, and we were quizzed on this presentation.

One of our 10 Driving Values is fun. What could be more fun than singing happy birthday to two of our PEP brothers? The fun didn’t stop there, though. We also had two brothers who have been granted parole, so we continued the fun with a pray-out for these brothers. Each brother who had been granted parole got to pick three PEP brothers to come speak on behalf of his fellow brother who is going home.  After our brothers were prayed-out, we got back down to business by watching a documentary on American history’s division of America, where the south and the north were at odds.

Afterwards, we all stood with bowed heads as our PEP brother prayed us out for the day.  Today was a blessed day for our PEP family. All praise and glory is to God our Father!


Wednesday June 7, 2017

Today was a good day. A few of us gathered together in the morning to study for our upcoming Chapter 7 test from our Entrepreneurship book. We studied the chapter notes we had taken, along with the handout we were given by Bert S. After a while we decided to make flash cards and quiz each other. I’d say we are all ready to pass the test and represent for our class Pristine ’17 well.

At about 10:00 a.m. we were surprised to find out we were going to be called out to class. We had all thought that today we were not going to have class due to the computer lab being rescheduled until Friday, but that is PEP for you. “Stay ready to keep from getting ready” is one of the favorite quotes from our peer educators. Upon arriving we all greeted each other as we normally do before class starts. PEP really is a brotherhood, so when you’re able to chat with a brother we all really take advantage of it and appreciate it. A few minutes after we all prayed-in and were told we had a guest speaker. What a surprise!

Mr. Brad U. was brought to our class to speak to us about his journey in life and how he is overcoming obstacles. First, before Brad actually spoke, we watched a video about how he was a great student and athlete in his younger years, how he attended Princeton competing in track while gaining a Neuroscience degree, and was on track to attend the Olympics. Brad’s Olympic dreams were cut short before he could ever make it due to a life-threatening car wreck which left him in a coma for quite a while. Upon waking up, he became a neuroscience patient himself due to brain damage. But his story was not one of sadness, negativity or guilt. He has found what had been missing from his life all those previous years: Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Brad’s story and the time we spent in class today was very inspirational. We all were very touched by his story and realized that we have a lot to be thankful for, especially if we have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Randy N. (a.k.a. Paragraph)


Thursday June 8, 2017

Today brought smiles and a sense of accomplishment to Pristine ‘17. We talked to PEP Family Liaisons about contacting our family and friends about the program and graduation that is closing in on us. I think as a whole it makes us realize how far we have come and how soon our day of walking the stage is arriving. Many of my peers seemed to have close relationships with family and friends, but I also spoke with some of my classmates saying they had no family and friends to invite, which is sad. We as PEP family feel for them and try to lift them up and step in for family. We are thankful for the Family Liaisons – Laura, Theresa and Sandra – for their efforts of getting in contact of with our loved ones to have them here for graduation.

Also, today was test day, and as any other test day it brings anticipation and nervousness to the class. I think we all did well on the Chapter 7 test, having two weeks to study. For some of my brothers the extra week made a difference in the grade received. We all thought that we were in the clear for the day, when all of a sudden a pop quiz on Chapter 8 caught everyone off-guard, as the grades reflected.

We would like to thank Jim W. for taking the time out of his day to teach us Chapter 8. He did very well for it being the first class he lectured. We learned some great info on the Chapter 8 by Jim and Bert S., who shared some great information on how well Apple is doing in the stock market and an article on the decline in Macy’s stores.

Thank you for all you do Bert S. and the volunteers for all you do to help the PEP family. We greatly appreciate it.



I really enjoy Toastmasters because it makes you reflect on your past while also forcing you to face your fears of public speaking. If taken seriously, one can quite literally feel himself grow in confidence and ability with each passing speech. I look forward to growing with our class and continuing to become more proficient at my public speaking abilities. On Tuesday, I was able to take part in a pray-out (an inspirational video clip that can be accessed once a man is released and makes it home) for one of my very best friends. I am happy to see him on his way to the next chapter of his life, but he will be missed. And then there’s Wednesday, when we heard the tragic yet highly inspirational story of the former Olympian. His visit truly put life’s problems in perspective, teaching us to find the silver lining in even the worst of situations.

Things are now coming into focus as the finish line, our graduation, comes into sight. We look forward to the challenges ahead and the opportunity to apply our newfound skills to our lives and businesses. We thank God for today and look to tomorrow and the days to come.

James N. (a.k.a. G.I. Jane)