Week 9


Week in Review


Monday May 22, 2017

Today was a good day in PEP. We got to partake in a very important part of the program: Toastmasters. At Toastmasters we learn to present a speech correctly and talk in a public setting. Both are problems for us, but we are working hard to accept these things. A lot of us have never spoken to a group of people properly the way that we have to in Toastmasters. It is a very big help in getting us comfortable around people. Expressing ourselves in the speeches is also helping us getting certain stuff off our chest, like abuse and neglect.

Another thing that was an important part of the day was being able to go to computer class, which is where we learn things like how to build a PowerPoint presentation or create an Excel spreadsheet. Microsoft Office is an important part of the business world, so we all work hard to learn the things they teach in computer class. Learning Microsoft Word can get you by, but they take the time to further your knowledge and teach you the other programs also. That way, some of us can get an office job and not get down in our feelings because we do not know how to work the programs correctly. My brothers and I truly appreciate the effort and time spent that the graduates give to help us out to make sure that we grow like they did.

Garrett K. (a.k.a. Tootsie Roll)


Tuesday May 23, 2017

Many of us going through the business part of the program got up early to review for a possible test on several different subjects.

At 8 a.m. we were called out to the PEP room to begin our Tuesday class with some interesting items on the agenda. We began class sessions by praying-in and reading a daily verse. We then took a quiz over the current chapter in our Entrepreneurship textbook.  Then we were given a presentation on how to submit our “Vision and Objectives” statement for our business plan. After that, we were given a different presentation on a personal finance book Living in the Village, followed by a quiz over that material.

We began to play an etiquette game with two different groups of three participants in front of the class playing against each other. We have been reading a book on professionalism and meal etiquette called Be on Your Best Business Behavior, so the topics of the Jeopardy-style game were based on this book. The rules and process of the game were not clear or rehearsed, so the game was hard to follow at first, but we received some valuable information. We debated over a few answers over who was right and what the losers should face for an incorrect answer or lower score for the round. We will do better next time, because it was meant to practice for our Etiquette Night event in June. It was still fun!

We prayed-out of class and came back to our dorm before lunch. Most of the afternoon was spent studying for our next test and preparing for the next lecture on Thursday.

Jason J. (a.k.a. Baywatch)


Wednesday May 24, 2017

Today, after discussing plans to study for Thursday’s test, we went to computer lab and education. We came back from our classes and met in the dayroom to discuss issues we deal with and discussed what we thought the test would be like and how we can be prepared. We broke up into groups to study and quiz each other from the practice test, which has vocabulary terms we need to know. By mid-afternoon we were talking about life, our business plans, homework that is due, and how the accountability is stepping up. We agree it needs to step up.

I got a group of PEP brothers together to study that evening because a lot of us failed the quiz test; I did not study hard, so the result shows. So we started looking at flash cards and reviewing the book to understand the meaning of a balance sheet and how it covers assets and liabilities – it could be part of the test Thursday. We are serious about passing this test by putting in the hard work so we get the results we want.

Today was a day where we showed we are PEP: living “between the wings” to live out the 10 Driving Values.

Jeremy J. (a.k.a. Chocolate Bun)


Thursday May 25, 2017

I stated the day off by going over my flash cards with a few of my peers in the dorm. Class was called a little early, but I felt comfortable in my studying this week and I am sure some of my brothers felt the same way about their efforts too. We got to class and immediately were notified of the test we were already anticipating. We were mentally focused, and once the test was passed out we got down to business. The wording on the test threw me off for a split second, but I told myself to relax. We finished the test and I was satisfied that I did well. I am sure many others in the class felt the same way. Bert S. proceeded to review Chapter 7. It was very in-depth as always, but we learned plenty of ways to fund our businesses. Once we were finished with the review over Chapter 7 we received our tests back. I was made aware that I made a 100. I gave my test to the facilitator while some of my brothers were awaiting “issues and tissues” to challenge some of their answers to see if they could receive credit. Bert S. also went over a few extra credit articles that were turned in by a few of my brothers that pertained information over Chapter 6. Carlos E. had an impressive article on crowdfunding. Then a gentleman came in and spoke about The Power of Positive Thinking, a book by Noman Vincent Peale, after which we were awarded with our own copy. We then prayed out and came back to the housing area. Today was a good day in the life of the class of Pristine ‘17.

Shawn J. (a.k.a. Kickstart)



We had a lot go on this week in PEP.  I listened to eight good speeches and gave evaluation on a few speakers. One of my brothers Randy N. spoke about what motivates him to change and Blake W. gave an excellent informative speech about how to get a job in the oil field industry. But whether giving a speech, taking tests and pop quizzes, or learning new programs in the computer lab, we continue to learn and grow.

Today is Friday and there is no class today for me, but that does not mean I am not working hard. I still have to study and assignments are due, but I am going to relieve a little tension on the weights, so today is insanity exercise day. We are PEP!

Christopher K (a.k.a. Olive Oil)