Week 18
Week in Review
Monday January 30, 2017
Today we started out with our Toastmasters class. We all arrived and prayed-in together as we are accustomed to doing. As the guys began presenting their speeches, I sat back and evaluated each individual one by one. I cannot help but notice how far each one has come from when we first started. It is amazing to see the transformation in some of my brothers and the progress that they have made over these last few months. It has been a journey for all of us. I can honestly say for the most part that everyone has made noticeably positive and productive changes. One of our PEP brothers spoke on leadership within and I couldn’t agree more with him because I have learned that leadership is important in life. This 1st phase of PEP helped remind us who we are and what God has designed us to be. We all have a purpose to fulfill in life and I am very grateful to have had this opportunity to be a part of this program. PEP has taught me so many great things about business and public speaking. Toastmasters has helped me overcome the fear of speaking in front of people and has established confidence in me.
In closing today’s journal, I just want to congratulate all of my PEP brothers for overcoming the trials and tribulations we have faced throughout this journey. I want to encourage all of you to do whatever it takes to move forward in life, and please remember to take it one step at a time. ”Progress not Perfection!” – famous words from Brian T.
Joshua C. (a.k.a. Sweet Oh-So-Serious)
Tuesday January 31, 2017
The journey has been long and we have worked very hard to accomplish our goals. My PEP brothers and I are excited to finally be graduating soon. We all know that it is just the first step toward a positive path. We work night and day on having our pitches memorized for the Pitch Day Event that is just days away. We are all nervous and confident at the same time. This is what it all comes down to.
As we go to class we jump right into our Crime and Punishment book test. It has turned out to be a really great book. A lot of my brothers are nervous to see their families which many have not seen in many years. We wonder if they will see our changes and accept us for who we are now and know that we are truly remorseful for our dark past. We promise to create a brighter future. I know that to me, my family is everything. My children deserve the best, and that is going to require me getting myself right.
As I stood in front of my peers and practiced my business pitch, I could feel that all eyes were on me. My heart began to race and my mouth went dry. I took a deep breath and attempted to focus. As I let the air out, my words began to roll off my tongue and my body reacted to what I had practiced. The practice had paid off, and I was able to deliver my pitch with confidence. It really all does come together if you truly want it. I refuse to lose, not just for me but for my family as well. I want to thank everyone for believing in us.
Jose C. (a.k.a. Sweet Scrappy Doo)
Wednesday February 1, 2017
Today marks the beginning of our 30-day countdown until graduation. I know my PEP brothers and I are looking forward to that special day of accomplishment and celebration with our loved ones. I am looking forward to putting into practice all that I have learned, because I have learned so much about who I am and what I am truly capable of. I am beyond grateful for having this experience and opportunity.
Wednesdays are typically “off” days for me. Having no classes, I took the opportunity to further practice reciting my pitch for our Pitch Day Event on Friday. I am feeling confident about my pitch for my business “The Lightning Bug” because I am sure I have practiced it well over 100 times. It is the first thing I say to myself when I wake up in the morning and the last thing on my mind before I lay down to bed. I am looking forward to the feedback that we will receive from all the executives who participate. The entire experience of having the opportunity to brainstorm ideas with individuals with different backgrounds, education and experience has been really great to be a part of. Today I am hopeful about life, the future and “The Lightning Bug”! I can honestly say that I owe this to my experience here in PEP.
Blake C. (a.k.a. Sweet Richard Simmons)
Thursday February 2, 2017
Today I started my day by going outside to the recreation yard to lift some weights. I have found that expelling a good amount of my energy helps with all the anxiety I feel about Pitch Day. My brothers and I all went to class and were tested on the 10 Driving Values. Some of us had to stand up in front of the class and present our pitches. I was fortunate enough not to be one of the class members to be selected. We are all very happy that it is coming down to the wire and that graduation is not far away. We have all been working very hard to prepare for Pitch Day and graduation as well. As per the required curriculum for PEP, we have to watch a certain number of hours of Art History and American History. We were very lucky today that we got to watch American History. We were told we were going to be called out at 8 a.m. and that we should be ready to “bring it.” We left class and started getting everything in order for tomorrow. I came back and washed my clothes and made my index card. I also had to write this journal entry. We had pitch panels on the dorm and everybody knocked it out of the park. Some of us went to night recreation to blow off some energy so we could get a good night’s rest and be ready for tomorrow.
Christopher C. (a.k.a. Sweet Lil’ Ralphy)
My day stated at 4:30 a.m. After hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock about four times I finally got up, brushed my teeth and prepared my first cup coffee. I joined some of my brothers in the dayroom and waited to be called out for breakfast. You see, today was a very exciting day for all of us. We had to make sure and get a good breakfast to ensure a good performance today. Today was our last opportunity to pitch our business plans to a panel of executive volunteers before our official Business Plan Competition, not to mention Graduation on March 3. We will take all the knowledge, wisdom and advice and incorporate it into our final pitches, which are seven to 12 minutes long. We have been pitching to each other, whether in the classroom, in the dorms and one-on-one. We have been practicing so much that sometimes I wake up at night to find myself reciting my pitch in my sleep. We have completely memorized our entire seven to 12 minute pitches, word-for-word. We’ve added in a little personality and charisma, creating a competitive masterpiece. We presented ourselves to the executives today in a professional manner. Today we were pitching our hearts out, showing them that we are maturing and becoming well-tuned entrepreneurs. We are now prepared for the Business Plan Competition event. Although only one of us can win, I feel we are all winners and we will embrace the changes God has made in our lives. We are PEP! We are Extreme ’17!
Larry C. (a.k.a. Sweet Lady Bug)