Week 2


Week in Review


Monday October 10, 2016

Today was an eventful day. I’ve been looking forward to this day since the beginning of Phase Two: we started Toastmasters this morning. Some of the graduates gave us a presentation of what to expect during our Toastmasters meetings. It was definitely interesting. I think it will be a difficult process for some of us, but will also be very beneficial for all of us. Toastmasters will eventually help us speak clearly and confidently without stuttering, pausing or using words such as “uh,” “um,” “so” and “like” excessively. I believe we will all gain useful skills out of this class.

After our class was over we performed a couple of pray outs for some PEP brothers who are going home. A pray out consists of a few guys making a video for the brother going home, giving him some words of encouragement and motivation as a reminder not to make the mistakes that could bring him back here.

Some of us started out computer class today also. This is another class I have been looking forward to. As much experience I have with computers, I still learned quite a bit about the functions of certain keys in Microsoft Word. I’m excited to learn Excel and PowerPoint. This class will also give a lot of skills needed for the world we live in. I was surprised how many people had never used a computer before. It’s amazing the things we take for granted.

At the end of computer class, I spent the rest of the day studying for the first entrepreneurship test.

Corey B. (a.k.a. Sweet Ace Ventura)


Tuesday October 11, 2016

We went to class at 9:30 this morning. As we walked in, we were greeted with booming music and enthusiastic high fives from Servant Leaders. We also noticed balloons and streamers decorating the room, so we knew we were in for some fun today, but before that, we had to get some business out of the way (pun intended). After our pray-in, we were surprised with a pop quiz over Chapter One of our Entrepreneurship textbook. Overall, the class did well; 75% of us passed. Again, we need to “stay ready to keep from having to get ready.” Then, we went over our Chapter One PowerPoint. Now that we are in Phase Two, Brian T. is our instructor. In Phase One, we all heard rumors of how he has a monotone voice that can act as a sleeping aid­­, and those rumors are true. For a lot of us, it’s like being back in college (with Ben Stein as our professor). I am joking; Brian T. is extremely knowledgeable on the subjects of business and finances. For many, it is their first taste of the business world, and he is very patient with questions. We are excited to finally get into the business curriculum, but now, to use the term Brian T. used this morning, “it’s real.” A lot of us are already feeling the pressure from what seems like a bombardment of assignments. Though, for those of us who can recall our days in college, it’s time to dust off the time management skills and find our rhythm.

After class, it was time for our Winter ‘17 internal kickoff event. We began by dancing, one pod at a time. Some shined; some tried, bless their hearts (myself included). Then, Jesus G. and Angel H. competed against each other in a breakdance-off. They were both great, but Angel took the belt. Another dance-off between Ruben V. and Luis V. ended with Luis winning in the sudden death round. The lip-sync battle was highlighted by very convincing performances of Beyoncé’s “All the Single Ladies” by Jessie D. and Brittany Spears’ “Hit Me Baby One More Time” by Henry T. If you don’t think rock-paper-scissors is an exciting game, then you haven’t experienced it in PEP. As the crowd followed and cheered him on, Art S. went around the room on the longest rock-paper-scissor streak ever—until he met Henry T., who is now the reigning champion. We ended with an incredibly competitive game in which we used our feet to pop balloons that were tied to the ankles of our classmates—Sweet Muffler Smoke was the last man with an un-popped balloon, making him the winner.

Some of our brothers have really come a long way in emerging from their shells, and we are proud of them. The peer educators were also having a lot of fun. One who is quiet, stiff and I’m not “judging” (hint, hint)—was laughing and cheering as loud as any of us. Man, we had so much fun that many of us forgot we’re in prison, if only for a couple of hours. It was very reminiscent of church camp, and with all of the activity, it counted as the day’s recreation for some of us.

Finally, we took our class pictures. As we posed together and I listened to the good natured music and watched brothers place their arms around each other’s shoulders, I realized that true bonds are being formed, even between brothers from different pods. We showed a lot of encouragement and support toward each other today. We should all be thankful to God for such a fun and fulfilling day, and look forward to many more like it.

Eddie C. (a.k.a. Sweet Now and Later)


Wednesday October 12, 2016

Well today is Wednesday, and like our Wednesdays from now on until we graduate we had computer lab today. We do not all go at the same time since we have limited resources. The class is divided into ­­three separate computer classes. There is one in the morning another one at noon and the final one in the afternoon. For those of us who have the afternoon class it gives us the morning to study. Trust me we need to take advantage of the extra study time. We have to cram this week taking two tests instead of one, not to mention the potential pop quiz that we might have.

Phase Two is definitely faster paced than Phase One. The graduates gave us a heads up on how fast paced it was going to be, but there is nothing like experiencing it to grasp the real meaning of it. Fast paced it is, and this is only the beginning.

Our first computer class was impressive. Jerry G. first gave us some instructions beneficial for those of us who are not so computer savvy and also to refresh some memories. I’ll tell you what, it is more extensive than I thought it would be. Not only do we have to complete many Microsoft Word assignment, but we are also expected to watch tutorial videos (again for those of us that are computer illiterate and to refresh some memories). After we finish with those lessons we have to do the same for PowerPoint and Excel. Talk about a way to prepare you for the work place!  I am glad that we are getting training now. It will be that much more of an advantage when we are released.

Victor C. (a.k.a. Sweet Oh No You Didn’t)


Thursday October 13, 2016

Today was “test day” and we were expected to test on our first handouts on basic business. There was also the possibility of a pop quiz over Chapter Two of our Entrepreneurship book. You could see the dedication on everyone by observing the activity in the dayroom – everywhere you looked, people were studying. It is truly amazing to me how much information one can obtain if we just apply ourselves.

Today was the first day that we went to class at the scheduled time since starting Phase Two. They have a saying in PEP, “stay ready to keep from getting ready.” We were called out by Brian T. at noon, and as soon as we arrived in class we prayed in and it was test time. It just got real. I hope we were all prepared.

After the test we had a brief presentation about our coming events. We discussed the do’s and don’ts for events, why testimonies are important, dance crews, etc. We also had a presentation on thank you cards. Thank you cards help to show our appreciation and gratitude to the executives. There is also a lot of homework if you make mistakes on your thank you cards.

Finally Brian T. gave us a presentation on Chapter Two, Individual Leadership and Entrepreneurial Startups. After about an hour you could tell that everyone was getting tired and ready to go. As Brian T. started to wrap things up, wouldn’t you know, count time. After Brian T. finished his lecture everyone grew more anxious to get back to the pods. But little did we know it was time for “issues and tissues.” This was something new that we did not have in Phase One, where you can discuss your test answers that were marked wrong if you have any issues, but if you are wrong you get tissues. Remember: you get what you get and don’t throw a fit.

Troy C. (a.k.a. Sweet Edgar from Men in Black)



When I got up today, I did not think that it was going to be so much fun for me. I thought that this was going to be another normal day with some volunteers coming in, but to my surprise it wasn’t.  It quickly became a day of great fun. When we went to the PEP room and were awaiting our guests, we all were having fun dancing. The setting brought back memories from all those bonfires I used to go to when I was in my teens. We all made a big circle and each went in the middle and danced. It was great. As for me I had much more fun than expected. I was enjoying watching the other guys dance. They were all very good and that made me smile, which was much-needed and filled my heart with joy. After we all had fun with that, our guests came and we began the day of interaction with them. We had the chance to tell them about our business ideas and get some important feedback. They were helpful and had a lot of great advice. The guests were very nice and the experience served as an eye-opener. It is a good feeling not being judged. It made me feel good that they did not give up on us. I received some good information and feedback from them. I look forward to seeing them again. As the day and the event ended I thought to myself, “Next time I should talk to as many volunteers as I can, and I really need to learn how to dance.” After thinking back on the day, I wonder when we are going to do that again. I am ready!

Leo C. (a.k.a. Sweet Fred Sanford)