Week 10


Week in Review


Expressions (from Week 9)

Good afternoon PEP revolutionists! I must say that I woke up this morning nervously excited for my brothers and me. We had the extreme pleasure of being educated by the world renowned Ms. Colleen R. Our nervousness came from the fact that we were under the impression that Ms. Colleen was a four-star general in the United States Navy Seals! We were excited because she was going to teach us to eat, dress and carry ourselves as distinguished gentlemen.

It turns out that Ms. Colleen was the nicest lady I have ever met. She taught us things that we will be able to pass along to our friends and loved ones. We learned, laughed and had a great time. Thank you Ms. Colleen, and, as always, thank you PEP for the experience. The program has allowed us to grow and become better men for ourselves and our families.

Michael N. (a.k.a. Sweet Alicia Keys) 

Monday June 13, 2016

I like Mondays because of Toastmasters. It teaches us the proper ways to organize speech, speaking clearly, looking people in the eye and many other things. I, like many of my brothers, have to get used to talking with a microphone in my hand, as it is very awkward.

At 12:30 p.m. I headed over to computer lab. We’re currently working on Excel spreadsheets. I’m still confused at times but thankfully Jerry G. and others are there to help us out. We keep Jerry running all class long with our questions.

I left computer lab and went to a Celebrate Recovery class. I like this part of my Mondays because it takes a load off of me. Celebrate Recovery is an addiction/compulsive thought program PEP started here for us. It is good because not only is it faith-based but it gives you a chance to get stuff off of your chest and get to know your fellow brothers better.

Mondays are a prime example of why PEP is such a great program: first I sat in a class where we learned to become better and more effective speakers; next we continued developing our computer skills so we’re up to date on our computer literacy when we get out; lastly, I went to Celebrate Recovery to continue to work on my inner being, my soul and my struggles. I am grateful.

Brandon M. (a.k.a. Sweet Bugs Bunny)

Tuesday June 14, 2016

We started class today going over Living in the Village with Brian T. Also, today was the start of Phase 1 (character portion of class) and we have some guys in our dorm in Phase 1, so it was interesting to see what they had to say about the PEP. They agreed it went well and they’re looking forward to the rest of the class. Another guy, (I won’t say any names) Robert, said “When they played music for someone to dance down the aisle, they didn’t even clap or seem enthusiastic.” Hmmm, sounds like us when we started; very skeptical.

On my way to class, I kept hearing we’re having a pop quiz; no, we’re not; we are; we aren’t; we are … you never know when we will so it’s always best to be prepared, pay attention and be ready for anything.

I saw the Servant Leaders with the boxes of clipboards getting ready to pass them out. Oh no, pop quiz! Like everyone else, I panicked and started studying everything I think they’d possibly test us on. I grabbed my notes from my folder and started cramming. But wait, Brian T. was in the back of the room ready to do his dance routine (he needs to work on it!) before he started today’s lesson. He got to the front of the room and started the lesson over Chapter 11 of Living in the Village. That was a close call but no quiz today, thank you Jesus!

When we finished Chapter 11, Brian T. told Sayasone P. to pray us out – whoop! Short class today! So I thought Young Sy, being of Asian descent and raised in the great city of Chicago, will use his secret ninja techniques and Chi-town secrets to move quickly to pray us out … but Michael T. beat him to the microphone. Michael T. asked Brian T., “Um, Brian, don’t we have something else for the class?” Brian flashed a smile and said, “Oh yeah, put everything under your chairs.” NOOOOOO! Pop quiz! They sure got us. Thanks Michael T. for that. They quizzed us over Chapter 11. That’s one way to tell who was paying attention in class!

God bless you all.

Roosevelt M. (a.k.a. Sweet Golden Monkey)

Wednesday June 15, 2016

Well, today has been a good day. I woke up truly blessed to another day here on the Estes Unit. Thank God for PEP.

Our day started early. We had an accountability leader meeting first thing this morning. It’s always nice to start the day off with somebody dancing down the aisle. This morning Fred M. and Tywin J. had the honors because they were recently promoted to accountability leaders. Congratulations guys and keep up the good work. When the meeting was over we enjoyed some fresh brewed coffee. This is another blessing I’d say. Phase Two class (business portion of PEP) started shortly after that.

Today we met the Family Liaisons to go over all the information we need to have in order to have our families here for our graduation and other things. As we waited for them to arrive we watched a history video.

When they got here they introduced themselves and give us a heads up on who they are and their duties. They are responsible for contacting our families and keep them informed on our progress and graduation. They are true angels who work behind the scenes and get little recognition for all the heart and soul they put into helping us, our families and PEP. I just want to say THANK YOU ladies for all that you do. We really appreciate it.

After the women had collected all our family information we were dismissed to go back to our dorms. This means the rest of the day will be spent doing assignments and studying for tomorrow.

Guillermo M. (a.k.a. Sweet Banana Lip)

Thursday June 16, 2016

Today was the day for our chapter test in the entrepreneur book. My mind has been running wild trying to grasp all this information being given to me. I have three books that I am reading at once. I’ve never been a person to multitask like this with reading material. I feel as if I’m in college right now and my grades are fair, but I must say, this is a true challenge. But, my motto is, “If tasks you’ve once begun, never leave it until it is done.” I am almost done with Phase Two. I will preserve!

Larry M. (a.k.a. Mrs. Parker)