Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday April 25th was a day of decision. Waking up and deciding to put God first, by reading the word of God before anything else. It is always better for me because it puts everything else in perspective.
Toastmaster’s for me was great. As an evaluator today, I evaluated Robert H. He is quite to character. Just to participate with the rest of the class was fun. I enjoyed watching my fellow classmates grow in their ability to speak well.

Finally, computer class was much better than the week before. I was able to concentrate a lot more. I think it is really awesome that we have this opportunity to better our lives.
Robert C. (a.k.a. Sweet Fruit Roll-Up)

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Today we had a special guest by the name of Rebecca.
At first glance she looked like a normal woman. Looks are deceiving. At 20 years of age this young lady has been through more pain and suffering than half of the people in the room. By no means am I trying to belittle any of my PEP brothers, but I think it’s safe to say our problems have been periodical.
Not so for Rebecca. Her trials and tribulations have been a part of her life from birth on a daily basis. Her joints didn’t develop normally and this caused her to have many accidents as a child and teenager. Once she broke her neck in diving class, after which the doctors said she wouldn’t be able to walk again. But she refused to listen. She has been through multiple surgeries, one of which caused her to lose her memory completely.
But the only thing I saw that wasn’t normal about her was her perseverance, her desire to live and her unwillingness to give up.
She is now a tour guide where she hikes seven miles daily with guests up a mountain and then zip-lining down a 2,800 foot rope. She is also a power lifter and won first place at her last tournament. She is also a student at UT-Dallas and is on her way to owning her own non-profit organization.

So, the moral of the story is if someone like her is able to overcome all of her ailments, obstacles and troubles with her head held high and still be able to give us words of encouragement, then we shouldn’t have any problem knocking out homework for PEP.
Daniel C. (a.k.a. Sweet Police Ma’am)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I woke up this morning thanking God for another blessed day. I then got myself ready to go down to the PEP room where I and my brothers pray in. After that Bryan K. and Jason M. went over re-entry with us. Of course the day could not be complete without watching some American History videos.

As soon as count cleared, we prayed out and headed back to the dorms. You would think that it would be the end of the day, but not for us. We are working on our “Elevator Pitches” which have to be two and a half minutes long – and that doesn’t excuse us from studying for our entrepreneurship test tomorrow, or reading a chapter ahead in order to be ready for a possible pop quiz. So yeah, our days are pretty busy, but it’s worth it in the end! I want to thank PEP for giving me the chance to become a better person all around. Thank you and God bless.
Dennis C. (a.k.a. Chocolate Gummy Bear)

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lately I have been going through a few things, only because I am so used to doing things my own way. My release date is approaching and fast! I would be lying if I said I wasn’t afraid. It’s healthy fear, and failure is not an option for me. Today I understand that I cannot fight all my battles alone. I trust in God that His plan for me is wonderful beyond measure. I’ve also come to trust in PEP only because I see and feel amazing things happening through the people in this program. I’m not speaking of my brothers here with me, but our instructors and executives. I know that beautiful things are being put into place. There is a song that says “he’s making diamonds out of dust.” That is how I feel God is transforming me. It has not been an easy journey, but fortunately I cry every day because I can visualize and feel the emotions of greatness that are in store for me. “Trust in the process” means trusting in God and the PEP adventure still before me.
Kyle C. (a.k.a. Sweet American Idol)


My journey here in PEP has been an up and down experience. When I first arrived here I was all for it, then I had mixed feelings. But one thing I knew from the beginning was that quitting was not an option. So over time I realized that when I’m in the dorm I have these feelings, even on the way down to the PEP room I still have them. But once I open the doors of the PEP room it’s amazing the vibe I get, my mood and feelings change immediately – I am full of hope and joy, and everyone is welcoming. When I see that screen that says Prison Entrepreneurship Program, immediately it is all put back in perspective: it’s the orange and white I wait to see when I wake up in my bunk. The workload is not easy, but I know that everything I am experiencing is going to benefit me. PEP is so different from everything I have been through. I feel the change, I can see the change, and I like the change. I can’t wait to see all that is in store for me. PEP covers all bases when it comes to growing up and becoming the man you are supposed to be. I don’t know where I would be without this experience. I am truly thankful.
Charles D. (a.k.a. Sweet Smokey The Bear)