Week 21

Week 21 Week in Review Monday March 4, 2019 The class of Redeemed ’19 has overcome and conquered many obstacles throughout our long journey. Everything that was placed in our path we accomplished. The men we once used to be are no longer with us. We are redeemed! Our...

March 7th Update

Dear PEP Families, We asked the men to write about which of PEP’s 10 Driving Values is their favorite and why – and now you can read what your loved one wrote here:http://family.pep.org/estes/10-driving-values/ (Click each Driving Value and scroll...

Week 20

Week 20 Week in Review Monday February 25, 2019 Today was another wonderful day in PEP. Accountability leaders and facilitators “turned out” (woke up early in the morning and went to the PEP room.) Redeemed ’19 participants were involved in the peer panels for those...