by pepfamily | Jul 18, 2018 | EsSm18-Archived
Dear PEP Families, We have a new Weekly Journal for you to read here: (Click week # to read a particular post.) To see your loved one’s latest grades/GPA, please click here: (Click the date.) The...
by pepfamily | Jul 18, 2018 | EsSm18-Archived
GPAs as of July 16th, 2018 %nbsp; Participant GPA Test Avg. Adam F 2.80 76.06 Alberto E 3.26 85.19 Andrew S 1.90 58.09 Benjamin D 1.87 57.44 Chris C 1.08 41.59 Corey A 3.97 99.41 Corey C 3.17 83.31 Dejuan W 2.49 69.78 Deryke J 3.04 80.75 Douglas M 2.58 71.63 Dustin B...
by pepfamily | Jul 18, 2018 | EsSm18-Archived
Week 13 Week in Review Monday July 9, 2018 Are you aware that we take a course on giving public speeches? We do, and it is called Toastmasters – it is totally awesome. On Monday we were holding our second to final Toastmasters class in the PEP classroom....
by pepfamily | Jul 11, 2018 | EsSm18-Archived
We have a new Weekly Journal for you to read here: (Click week # to read a particular post.) To see your loved one’s latest grades/GPA, please click here: (Click the date.) T Minus 11 Days!...
by pepfamily | Jul 11, 2018 | EsSm18-Archived
GPAs as of July 9th, 2018 Participant GPA Test Avg. Adam F 2.91 78.14 Alberto E 3.42 88.45 Andrew S 2.01 60.10 Benjamin D 1.99 59.72 Chris C 1.05 40.93 Corey A 3.96 99.24 Corey C 3.17 83.41 Dejuan W 2.46 69.10 Deryke J 3.12 82.48 Douglas M 2.53 70.69 Dustin B...
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