Feb. 27th 2018 Update

Dear PEP Families, Hot off the presses! – read the latest class journal for Week 21 by visiting our Weekly Journals & Monthly Newsletters here: http://family.pep.org/estes/journals/ (Click week # to read a particular post.) Here’s some exciting news: you can read...

Week 21

Week 21   Week in Review   Monday February 19, 2018 We are preparing for graduation and excitement is in the air. Everyone seems to be smiling and more playful than ever now that the stress of studying for another test is a thing of the past. We have been...

Week 20

Week 20   Week in Review   Monday February 12, 2018 Mondays are always the same no matter where we are in prison or not. Sleeping in on the weekends still requires an adjustment on Monday morning. Class was great. We spent most of our morning working on our...