Jan. 25th Update

Dear PEP Families, To read the class’s journal entries for weeks 15 & 16 AND December’s In-House Newsletter, please read Weekly Journals & Monthly Newsletters here: https://family.pep.org/estes/journals (Click week # to read a particular post.) To see updated...

GPAs as of January 22, 2018

GPAs as of January 22, 2018   Name GPA Test Avg. Alan F 3.22 84.39 Alejandro A 3.42 88.30 Andres H 3.84 96.76 Brandon F 3.09 81.79 Byron M 3.96 99.21 Caleb M 3.82 96.42 Careno W 2.06 61.21 Charles J 2.96 79.18 Chase S 2.67 73.30 Christopher B 2.91 78.12 Corey J...

Week 16

Week in Review   Monday January 15, 2018 Somehow we were under the impression that because today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we would not be called out for the Toastmasters class. This was surely a figment of our own imagination because as usual, we were...

Week 15

Week 15   Week in Review   Monday January 8, 2018 Today in class we had Toastmasters, a curriculum that helps with our public speaking skills. We are on our last speech, which is speech number ten. The objectives for this speech are: to inspire the audience...