by pepfamily | Dec 30, 2017 | EsWn18-Archived
Week 6 Week in Review Monday November 6, 2017 Today our day in the PEP room started with a great Toastmasters class, where we got to enjoy a few of our brothers’ speeches. That is always enjoyable because we get to know a little more about our brothers’...
by pepfamily | Dec 30, 2017 | EsWn18-Archived
Week 5 Week in Review Monday October 30, 2017 It was a blessing as always to all of the men in our Winter ‘18 class as we came together today for our Toastmasters class. This is the time for us to let our funny side show, or our serious side; it is also...
by pepfamily | Dec 30, 2017 | EsWn18-Archived
Week 4 Week in Review Monday October 23, 2017 It was a blessing to awaken and experience another day in the presence of God. Some of us started out the day studying, because we are in the Monday morning class called Toastmasters International....
by pepfamily | Dec 28, 2017 | EsWn18-Archived
GPAs as of December 4, 2017 Name GPA Test Avg. Alan F 3.38 87.58 Alejandro A 3.50 89.96 Andres H 3.78 95.58 Andrew P 2.45 68.92 Brandon F 3.13 82.58 Byron M 3.94 98.88 Caleb M 3.87 97.33 Careno W 2.19 63.83 Charles J 2.77 75.33 Chase S 2.93 78.65 Christopher B...
by pepfamily | Dec 28, 2017 | EsWn18-Archived
Week 3 Week in Review Monday October 16, 2017 Today we had our second Toastmasters meeting. Things went pretty smoothly, considering it was only our second meeting. It was very insightful to hear my brothers’ speeches. We really get to know each other a...
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