Sept. 27th Update

Dear PEP Families, Please help me know how I can best serve families by taking the Estes Family Survey here: * The deadline is Sunday, October 8th – surveys received by this deadline will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift...

Week 22

Week 22   Week in Review   Monday September 4, 2017  Today is Labor Day. Due to this we did not have class, however life “between the wings” (living life on the straight and narrow) continues within our own housing areas. Right now, we are two weeks from the...

Week 21

Week 21   Week in Review   Monday August 28, 2017 Here at the Sanders Estes Unit our day typically starts at about 4:00 a.m. with whatever study material or book we are reading at the time. We get about a half hour to an hour in the dayroom to study before...

September 5th Update

Dear PEP Families, We have a special treat for you this week!  We asked the men in class to write a short paragraph about which of PEP’s 10 Driving Values is their favorite and why.  If you’d like to see what your loved one values now as he gets ready to graduate in...