by pepfamily | Jun 30, 2017 | EsSm17-Archived
Week 7 Monday May 8, 2017 Today at PEP we had Toastmasters, a class that makes our public speaking better. Today, I was evaluator #4, and I evaluated Jimmy M’s speech, “My First 10-Speed Bike.” The speech was very interesting. It had a good opening, body and...
by pepfamily | Jun 30, 2017 | EsSm17-Archived
Week 6 Monday May 1, 2017 Most people look forward to Fridays because it means their school or work week is over. As most people dread their Monday mornings, I enjoy mine, because for me it means back to school (funny, right?) – let me explain why. Every Monday...
by pepfamily | Jun 30, 2017 | EsSm17-Archived
PEP April Newsletter ...
by pepfamily | Jun 30, 2017 | EsSm17-Archived
Week 5 Week in Review Monday April 24, 2017 Those of us with Toastmasters in the morning went to our 7:30 a.m. class. While we waited for everybody and to be prayed in, I began to study for my test on Thursday. We had our assigned jobs for today’s class:...
by pepfamily | Jun 29, 2017 | EsSm17-Archived
Week 4 Week in Review Monday April 17, 2017 Today was an inspiring day with my PEP family. As we got up for the day, some had Toastmasters and the others had computer lab. We helped each other out with getting the job finished. Typing is a great...
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