Week 17
Week in Review
Monday January 23, 2017
Today we went to computer lab, but it was after first attending our Toastmasters class. I was assigned to speak third and I presented my speech on animal abuse and what I believe should be done about it. I believe everyone is personally responsible for their pets, be it a dog, cat, pig or horse. If you are not sure if you can responsibly take care of a pet properly then you should reconsider owning one.
Those of us that presented our speeches today did fairly well, but there is always room for improvement. In computer lab, we were all trying to finish up our Excel lessons and Power Point lessons so that we can move on to other projects as a whole. I also had to work with Jerry G. to fix my financials for my business plan. I am still learning new things every day about running a business and the proper way to speak with individuals.
After finishing up our classes we all returned to our dorms to work on memorizing our pitches for our Pitch Day event that will be coming up at the end of next week. At this point in time, I do not have my pitch completely memorized, but I am constantly working on it. It is a challenge, so at times I become frustrated and I have to calm myself down and start again. I know that all of my PEP brothers have this same issue, so we will work together through all of the frustration and other obstacles that we encounter. We all wish you a great day and a happy tomorrow.
Justin B. (a.k.a. Sweet Fruit Roll Up)
Tuesday January 24, 2017
Today I started my day by facilitating Phase One (character portion of class) and watching Robert Lewis’s Authentic Manhood videos before breaking up into groups to discuss our Authentic Manhood booklets. Afterwards the other facilitators brought forward a presentation over “Integrity” which is one of our 10 Driving Values. We also discussed identifying our negative characteristics which we learn from our Leadership Academy booklets. It did not stop there; after that we broke up into small groups to review and discuss what we thought about our True North book. In all, we found good points that will lead us to our own “true north.” All together we had an amazing day in Phase One. We learned a lot about ourselves, as well as building our character through integrity.
In Phase 2 we prepared for Pitch Day which is in less than two weeks. We have been writing, rewriting, rehearsing and reciting our pitches in the class, dorms and even in our sleep. We have learned that hard work pays off. Without the help of the PEP staff, volunteers and each other, our dreams would not be possible. We are all on a mission to see others succeed with a servant-leader mentality. We all started together back in June and have formed a bond with one another in a healthy environment, learning to live out the 10 Driving Values daily. There have been classes before us and there will be classes after us, but there will only be one Extreme ‘17.
Jesse B. (a.k.a. Sweet Lemon Head)
Wednesday January 25, 2017
Today we are continuing to practice our business pitches and everyone is really nervous. Seven to twelve minutes does not sound like a long time until you are standing in front of a crowd and all eyes are on you. For that reason, we have to go to the PEP room and practice presenting our pitches. Public speaking is one of the biggest fears that anyone can have, and it is just one of the many things that PEP has prepared us to overcome. I have seen some of the toughest and strongest looking men begin to fall apart as they try to deliver a speech. That was at the beginning of the PEP program. The most amazing thing is to see how those same men have presented speeches time and time again and eventually have overcome that same fear.
The thing is, we are not just doing this for ourselves. We are doing this for our families and the people who believe in us. We have been given a second chance from PEP to make something of ourselves by instilling values and building our confidence. This is what makes us a brotherhood and family, and nobody wants to let their families down again. This is what second chances are all about.
Jonathon G. (a.k.a. Sweet Rose Bud)
Thursday January 26, 2017
Today was somewhat different for me and my PEP brothers. Today is the first Thursday that we had class and did not have a test from our entrepreneurship book. This left most of us not knowing what to expect. Although we did not have to take an entrepreneurship test, we were still responsible for studying many definitions and chapters from the book Crime and Punishment. We have less than five weeks until our Business Plan Competition and graduation. Our Pitch Day event is eight days away, so everywhere you look someone is reciting his pitch.
After watching art history videos, we had two pray outs for our brothers Jason S. and Edward T. who are going to be released soon. We wish them both the best. Next we heard two business pitches presented by Brandon F. for his House of Hope Transitional Center and Ruben V. for his business Armor Welding. I honestly believe that if we apply the things we have learned here in PEP that we can all be successful in whatever we choose to do. I see the dedication and determination in each of my brothers. PEP is not easy, but we have made it this far. I congratulate each and every one of my brothers for staying with the program, and I look forward to seeing all of us walk across the stage in a few weeks.
Troy C. (a.k.a. Sweet Edgar From Men In Black)
We are almost done and have just a little more time in class before we graduate. It has been a long and challenging road of hard work, but it feels really good to have made it this far. I hope I do well when we have our Pitch Day event. It has become fun to present our pitches for the other PEP brothers who are currently in Phase One. We will complete this class on March 3rd, and I believe that when it is over we will all miss being around each other. We have been working together for nine months, so we have grown accustomed to seeing our fellow entrepreneurs daily. I have enjoyed the course, as it has assisted me to refocus myself and the direction of my life. I thought I was going to have a hard time in PEP, but I have managed to persevere. I cannot wait until my friends come to the graduation. Everyone I have talked to seems to be excited about completing the class. I believe that everyone will do well when they get out of here and go home. I know that everyone’s family will and should be proud of each person, because each man in here has put a lot of work into this. I cannot say enough of how proud I am of all of my brothers.
Leo C. (a.k.a. Sweet Fred Sanford)
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