by pepfamily | Feb 27, 2017 | EsWn17-Archived
Week 20 Week in Review Monday February 13, 2017 Class today was a bit unusual. Normally, everyone would have had Toastmasters, but since everyone has completed all 10 speeches we went in for a bit of a fun day. The class started working on a new Coat of...
by pepfamily | Feb 27, 2017 | EsWn17-Archived
Week 20 Week in Review Monday February 13, 2017 Class today was a bit unusual. Normally, everyone would have had Toastmasters, but since everyone has completed all 10 speeches we went in for a bit of a fun day. The class started working on a new Coat of...
by pepfamily | Feb 17, 2017 | EsWn17-Archived
Week 19 Week in Review Monday February 6, 2017 Today we made our way to the computer lab to finish all of our lessons. Gami came in and announced that we had a few PEP brothers who were granted parole. There were two of them in the computer lab with us,...
by pepfamily | Feb 17, 2017 | EsWn17-Archived
Week 18 Week in Review Monday January 30, 2017 Today we started out with our Toastmasters class. We all arrived and prayed-in together as we are accustomed to doing. As the guys began presenting their speeches, I sat back and evaluated each...
by pepfamily | Feb 5, 2017 | EsWn17-Archived
Week 17 Week in Review Monday January 23, 2017 Today we went to computer lab, but it was after first attending our Toastmasters class. I was assigned to speak third and I presented my speech on animal abuse and what I believe should be done about it. I...
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