Week 22
Week in Review
Monday September 5, 2016
Today we were going to practice on our business pitches; however, today did not go as we thought it would. The seats were arranged as usual, but this time they had us sit in alphabetical order. No one knew why we were seated in this formation, and then they took one person from each side and lined us up. Once everybody was lined up, we started walking around the class and back to our seats, but this time one went to the right and the other went to the left, and we couldn’t sit down until everybody got to their respective seats. Then each row on both sides had to pay attention for the signal telling us to stand, and for the next signal to turn and walk between the graduating class and the visitors as we processed onto the stage to receive our certificates. We had to practice this routine several times until we got it right.
Later we were split into two groups, with some of us starting their coat of arms for their families, and the rest of the group practicing our pitches. I was one of the lucky ones who was chosen to practice my pitch. I had fun today and I thank my Creator Jesus Christ for it.
Juan P. (a.k.a. Sweet Sherry the Ferry)
Tuesday September 6, 2016
**SPOILER ALERT – IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN ATTENDING GRADUATION, PLEASE DO NOT LET THEM READ THIS PARAGRAPH** Today my PEP brothers finished up their t-shirts for their kids’ teddy bears. I don’t have any children, so I am rehearsed my business pitch instead with the other guys who do not have kids of their own.
The Business Plan Competition and Graduation are next week so we are trying to make sure we are ready by repeatedly saying our pitches over and over – even in our sleep we do not stop. I can’t believe we’ve came so far. I am really excited about this last event and am looking forward to seeing my family at graduation. They say the last class shed a lot of tears, as have all the classes before, but I believe we can hold them in. Well, but that’s what previous graduates said too, so who knows?
Amando J. (a.k.a. Sweet Fez)
Wednesday September 7, 2016
To say today was an eventful day would be an understatement. We started the day with our first Servant Leader meeting to see what we can do to help the new guys succeed in PEP. We have completed the Entrepreneurship textbook, so our GPA’s are final. We’ve gone over the Servant Leader meeting procedures, and we are all focused on The Business Plan Competition event and subsequent Graduation Day event. It brings us all great joy to think of all the thank you cards that will come from this two-day marathon event starting on September 15. One might assume this to be our last event as a class, but we know that come October 7, we have our Mock Interview event to look forward to, which is designed to prepare us for the job interviews in the future.
Sean Q. (a.k.a. Sweet Alfalfa)
Thursday September 8, 2016
Today we were treated to a presentation by our favorite executive, Linda T. She gave us a presentation on The Power of Color in Business & Leadership. She demonstrated how to dress for interviews and life in general. Her presentation was filled with awesome insights and information that you wouldn’t find just anywhere. In addition to choosing different colors of shirts, ties, pants, and jackets to achieve positive results and impressions, we learned general rules and tips on ties and choices in men’s attire, from traditional business, business appropriate, business casual and weekend casual, down to the fabric and even the buttons. Until today I knew not the elements of the traditional men’s business shoe. I mean, who knows the difference between corporate and appropriate?
Now we can approach and interact with everybody in the workplace and be confident that we look appropriate and capable. If that sounds eventful, imagine what it was like being there – I mean here, where Linda T. shows up at every PEP event. She is awesome and so is the Prison Entrepreneurship Program. God bless America! And please stand for our anthem!
Phillip R. (a.k.a. Sweet McLovin)
As the Estes class of Summer ‘16 winds down, I reflect on my PEP journey which started in September 2015 at the Cleveland Unit as I began Phase One (character phase of the program) and was graciously accepted into Phase Two by Pat M. and Michael P. I immediately felt a sense of having a chip on my shoulder because, unlike many of my PEP brethren, I did not receive a post card in the mail. I felt that I had to perform at an exceptional level being that I was a “walk on” for the most exciting and winningest franchise, which is PEP. When I got interviewed by Pat and Mike, it felt like the equivalent of sitting down with Phil Jackson of the Bulls, Bill Belicheck of the Patriots, or Jerry Jones of the mid-90’s Dallas Cowboys. All of those organizations were at one point in time at the forefront of their respected sports.
I was about six weeks into Phase Two on the Cleveland Unit when Pat pulled me aside and informed me that TDCJ was reclassifying inmates, and that I would have to leave Cleveland and go back to TDCJ. He presented me with an ultimatum which would allow me to continue in PEP, but I would have to restart Phase Two on the Estes Unit. Naturally, initially I was upset. But upon arrival, the camaraderie and acceptance displayed by Gami J. and Brian T. made me feel welcomed. As graduation nears, it almost feels as if I got here yesterday. I am very grateful of the bonds and relationships that I have built here with my PEP brothers. I am also excited about graduating, because now I can solely focus on serving the future generations of PEP and keep the culture strong and alive.
Mark R. (a.k.a. Sweet Caramel Kettle Corn)
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