Week 20
Week in Review
Monday August 22, 2016
Good morning! Now that we have completed our 10 Toastmasters speeches, we are going through our 7-12 minute business pitches to keep us prepared for the upcoming Business Plan Competition (BPC) we have before graduation on September 16. The rest of the day we continued reading our assigned book Crime and Punishment and studied the vocabulary words for our test this Thursday.
As graduation gets closer, class seems to be less stressful. I remember when it was go, go, go! – now it is the next group of guys in Winter 17’s turn, and we will be there to help out every step of the way.
Anthony K. (a.k.a. Sweet Tony Tiger)
Tuesday August 23, 2016
Tuesday would normally be our book club day, but being so close to graduation of course it means practice, practice and more practice for our pitches. Today was special though. The Phase One class had a special guest giving us some extra time to relax and practice on our own. Even so we did not escape class. After all, we have lessons plans to cover. They’re less fast-paced than before, but they still have to be done.
Today we did something simple yet challenging: we watched lessons on art history from the Greatest Courses series. There is nothing wrong with the videos, but they’re an acquired taste. We understand why we watch them though. They’re something constructive to occupy our minds. After that we practiced our pitches – we are ready for a great BPC!
Ike L. (a.k.a. Sweet Yogi Bear)
Wednesday August 24, 2016
We went to computer lab today to make sure that our advisors got their letters. Some of us have to finish our final review of our business plans, so you can say that John F., Matthew A. and Jerry G. are patiently waiting for us to complete these. Nearing the end of our Phase Two stage, I see the excitement in my fellow brothers’ eyes as we get closer to graduation and spending a couple of hours with our loved ones. This has been a great experience and only the best is yet to come – we are servant-leader bound. We can’t wait for Sept. 16th!
As we draw closer daily to being released, all we can think about is the values our life will consist of: fresh-start, love, integrity and excellence to name a few, as well as the words from a video viewed in phase one repeats inside our mind … I can, I must, I will.
Steven M. (a.k.a. Sweet Lucky Charms)
Thursday August 25, 2016
Some of us got up early and went to the Dayroom, flashcards and notes in hand, studying for today’s tests. After Phase One completed another course of Men’s Fraternity by Robert Lewis, I looked up and watched my cellmate, Calvin R., walk to the front of the class and give his testimony. It was obviously difficult for him to express, but he presevered in excellent fashion. After his testimony, Phase One completed two tests – overall a job well done to the guys in the first phase! Everyone went back to their pods, while those of us in Phase Two were waiting to be called to class. When we got the sign, we came in prepared for our test on parts three and four of Crime and Punishment.
But today there was a birthday in the house for the PEP Kitty Cat, Anthony K. Happy Birthday brother; we hope you had a purrrfect birthday!
Alan M. (a.k.a. Sweet Vanilla Milkshake)
Our PEP Revolution … it seems like it was only yesterday I was getting ready for graduation. Now almost six months later as Elite 16 is preparing for theirs I feel just as excited. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience to go through the PEP class, but now as a servant-leader it’s fun to watch and help this class make it to the finish line. I’ve learned so much more since I graduated. Class seems so much easier when you have no deadlines to meet! I believe that graduation is the one moment in PEP that you can really feel like you have accomplished so much. It leaves a lasting impression on everyone. It changes our view on the world and on ourselves. I have a belief that by having those little victories in our lives, it opens us up to discover the greater victories that allow us to have fulfilling lives. I wish I could go through that moment again, but I had my moment and now it’s Elite 16’s turn to have their moment. You can feel the excitement that’s in the air as we near September 16th. For everyone who will partake in the celebration, graduation changes us in ways that will help us have fuller lives.
Jose A. (a.k.a. PEP Spirit Squad)
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